This berry is valuable not only for flavor but for its amazing healing properties. What's in it so special? 1. It contains salicylic acid - the main component of most inflammatory and antipyretic agents. 2. It preserves the youth: vitamins A, E, PP, B2 is responsible for vitality, skin elasticity and smooth complexion. 3. It contains a lot of copper, and copper is included in most anti-depressants. Therefore, there are handfuls of raspberries is useful to those who are on the verge of stress. 4. It improves hematopoiesis, since it contains a lot of iron. 5. It supports the potency, because it contains Vitamin C. 6. It is extremely useful for pregnant women and those who are just going to have a baby, because it contains folic acid. 7. It improves kidney function and relieves swelling, as a decoction of the leaves have a slight diuretic effect. 8. It contains tannin, so it is useful gargle for sore throat. 9. It is in contrast to aspirin does not cause stomach ulcers. 10. She's just delicious! RECIPE N 1 raspberry PUNCH NEED: 1 / 2 cup raspberry juice, 1 / 3 cup powdered sugar. COOKING: 1. Beat cream with powdered sugar. 2. Add raspberry juice, stir. 3. Heats in enamelware, but do not boil. 4. Serve hot. This delicious and unusual drink is good to give the child during the cold at night. Children who usually refuse drugs, drink this punch with pleasure. BTW Malina, unlike most fruit does not lose its beneficial qualities even after heat treatment. Therefore, raspberry jam have long been considered a universal remedy for colds. And to mineral properties in raspberries preserved even more necessary during cooking jam add half a cup of fresh squeezed beet juice. Then the vitamins and minerals contained in raspberries, not destroyed, but will remain intact. RECIPE N 2 MALINA, mashed with sugar NEED: 750 g raspberries, 250 g sugar, 150 ml of water. COOKING: 1. Iterate raspberries, put in an enamel bowl and fill with water. 2. Over very low heat bring to a boil and cook for 3 - 4 minutes. 3. Remove from the heat and while it is hot, wipe it through a sieve. 4. In mashed potatoes add sugar and bring to a boil, but do not boil. 5. Converted into hot jars and sterilize: Bottles of 0,5 l -15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes. RECIPE N 3 raspberry COMPOTE NEED: 700 g raspberries, 300 g of water and 300 grams of sugar. COOKING: 1. Boil water with sugar and strain. 2. Fill it with syrup, dry washed berries. Leave for 3 hours in refrigerator. 3. Carefully merge liberated juice. 4. Berries are converted into cans. 5. Juice bring to a boil and pour them berries. 6. Sterilize: Bottles of 0,5 l - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes. MISTRESS OF NOTE Raspberry - a tasty morsel for insects, and especially for the so-called bug-skunk. One such bug can ruin pounds of berries. In order to detect it in time, should gather raspberries hold it in salted water for about 1 hour. TIPS COSMETICIAN Teenagers often suffer from acne. Get rid of the scourge of this age will help fresh raspberry leaves. Need to pound a wooden or porcelain mortar few crimson leaves. The resulting pulp impose on the problem areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and dry skin pat. Bactericidal properties of raspberry kill pathogens, and under dry skin. OG Kasatkin
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