Saturday, 23 April 2011

At the turn of 2000-2001, in the territorial ...

At the turn of 2000-2001, in the territorial system of local self-government of Vladimir region and management system, there have been some drastic changes. Function of collecting funds for CBOs working population was transferred from the executive management of the fund CBOs to local tax authorities. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Vladimir region has been considered and approved the budget of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs in the itemized section, followed by quarterly monitoring of spending of budget funds in the stock hard line with the approved articles. Until 2000, the budget of the Vladimir regional fund MLA allegedly "one line", and apportionment of funds and their spending left to the executive management of the fund. Chairman of the Board Vladimir Regional NMR Facility has been appointed Director of the Department of Health, while his predecessor in office was the deputy governor of the Vladimir region on social policy. Executive Director of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs in early 2001 appointed a person with medical education. From 1993 to 2000, the Executive Directorate of the Vladimir regional fund headed by a person with an economic background. It is understandable that a direct correlation between reduced changes in the management structure of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs and weakening the financial stability of the monthly flow of funds into the system is not possible. It was assumed that the transfer function of collecting contributions for CBOs working citizens to local tax inspections will ensure occupancy and stable flow of funds in the budget of the MLA. Figure 1 is a diagram of the dynamics of monthly collection of assessments for OMC employees (1998 to 1999.) And receipt of funds by CBOs working citizens of Vladimir region through the collection of the unified social tax, tax on gross income and debt (2000-2003).. The analysis shows that there is some violation of stability in the supply of this source of OMC in 2002-2003 compared with 1998-2001. The transfer function of collecting funds for CBOs working population does not rule out a fund-raising activities OMC payments to CBOs unemployed population. Studies show that the level of transfers by local authorities of insurance premiums to MHI unemployed population was one of the main problems of the MLA. Beginning in 1996, the percentage of the payment of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs current insurance premiums for unemployed OMC in relation to the budget approved for the fund will not exceed 46,6%. In such a situation is extremely high principled position of executive management fund issues such as financial management, and other technology management with a priority of collective motivation.

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