Sunday, 3 April 2011

Milk. Part 2

Milk. Part 2

When we are young and healthy, spending a day a lot of energy, he has nothing prevents guided by eating primarily his appetite. If energy costs are low, we overweight, we are prone to atherosclerosis, often resort to validol, nitroglycerin, or the state of cholesterol in the blood leaves much smaller, it becomes a poor appetite compass and increasingly have to listen to the advice of nutritionists. Without a doubt, on the way to a healthier lifestyle, some milestones have marked clearly enough: one of them - less consumption of animal fat. Stable supplier of animal fat in our diet - milk. It would seem, here it is, a solution - less milk. However, milk is a special product. It contains more than one hundred components: fatty acids, amino acids (the basis of valuable animal protein), milk sugar, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. Milk occupies a special place among the products of animal origin: it is easily digested and well absorbed by the body, bringing him to a wide range of nutrients. Milk proteins provide a full set of essential both for the child and the adult amino acids, which are not synthesized in the body and must come from food. Milk proteins are rich in methionine - an amino acid, which is of great importance for the normal functioning of the liver. Methionine plays an important role in normalizing cholesterol metabolism, and it is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Milk is saturated with calcium salts of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium. No one food substance does not convey the human body calcium and phosphorus is better than milk. It is clear that milk and dairy products should take in nutrition is one of the leading places. So what do you do? On the one hand, the question arises about the necessity of reducing fats in our diet, on the other - we can not exclude or significantly reduce such a valuable and ever-use products such as milk and its derivatives. The way out of this situation can be considered as consumption of dairy products with reduced fat. Reducing fat in the product leads to a reduction of its caloric content, amount of carbohydrates varies slightly, and the number of proteins, which constitute the main value in dairy products, even increasing. At the same time, all the remaining components of milk (proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins). The chemical composition of dairy products with different fat content

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