Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Organizational and methodological work ...

Organizational and methodological work ...

Organizational-methodical work of CDS has resulted in the number of repeated calls to the patients decreased (amounting to 0.9% of total calls). For comparison, in 1999-2000. the number of repeat calls increased by an average of 1.8 times compared with 2003, 2001 - 2.2 times in 2002 - 1.5 times (Figure 1). Chart 1: Equally important in the activity of the SMP is the number of hospitalized patients in the hospital. Prior to the discovery in 1999 SFRNTSEMP gospitaliztsiey patients otsuschestvlyali in Samarkand: City Hospital № 1, Regional Hospital, the Republican hospital, clinic Sammy № 2 and Gormedobedinenie № 4. After the opening SFRNTSEMP most urgent patients began to bring in TSEMP, where they were concentrated necessary expertise for emergency specialist care. If the hospitalization of patients in TSEMP 1999-2000. amounted to an average of 14% of the total number of calls, then posleduyushie years, their number was growing (in 2001-18, 2% in 2002 - 20% of the total calls). With the establishment of DPT increased hospitalization of patients in the hospital, which was very high compared with previous years and amounted to 29,7% (digaramma 2). Figure 2: When teams SMP by hospitalization of patients in hospital is of great importance SFRNTSEMP stay linear and specialized teams of SMP in the waiting room TSEMP as how much longer will stay in the NSR waiting room, so much more to be late for other calls and fewer will be served following the call . In 2001, the ambulance doctors were in a waiting room for hospitalization to an average of 30 minutes, and in 2002, about 20 minutes. This is due to the fact that they had to wait for inspection of the patient fit specialist (physician, neurosurgeon, a pediatrician, a traumatologist, etc.) for a definitive diagnosis, and in some cases, the patient transported back home. Thanks to the CBC organization in 2003 while staying brigades SMEs in a hospital emergency room has been reduced to 5 minutes. Thus, the organization of CBC increased the quality of the MSP on all of the above basic parameters, ie, decreased the number of repeat calls, stay NSR teams in the reception room TSEMP increased hospitalization and emergency patients.

Ways to improve the efficiency of emergency medical services

Bakiyev SS Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific center for emergency medical care (Director Sadykov RA), Samarkand Ambulance (SMP) is one of the hardest parts of health. Over the past decade, organizational forms, structure and content of the institutions of SMP at different stages of development have changed and improved. Status of service SMEs in the city of Samarkand today placed the administration of service SMEs faced with the need to carry out its technical re-equipment, train staff and continuously improve their skills, change management, leadership.

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