Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The principles of good nutrition

The principles of good nutrition

There is a need just enough to cover the costs of energy, not forgetting the daily biorhythms - "Owl" will drink a cup of coffee in the morning, and the "Lark" prefer breakfast stouter. Well to start the day with a "health elixir" - 0,5 liters of broth of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, parsley, dill). Do not forget that the food eaten without appetite, and less useful. For appetite - this is a habit and instinct. Since it can not be ignored. However, as with its internal biological clock. For example, if at 8 o'clock in the morning you take alcohol, the liver brought down a crushing blow. But if you sit at the table in 15 hours, you get the most pleasure from food, because in this time of day senses are sharpened to the limit, especially smell and taste. When there? Ideal snack every two hours, and preferably every day at the same time that the body automatically generates the necessary components for digestion to certain hours. Particular attention should be paid to the first breakfast. But why do we just have to eat breakfast the first time in the summer of up to 7, and in winter up to 8 o'clock in the morning? Imagine the dawn. Remember, as an overnight nature wakes up: a colorful cast a diversity birds enlivened flora, your dog or cat, as soon as you wake up, impatiently rushes into the kitchen, looking ahead. Begins a new day, new life. Do not listen to those who say that the body has to "earn" your own breakfast. Believe me, it you do not have to. And once you have it. For what he endures all the abuse on themselves and still manages to run smoothly. Therefore, have breakfast at a specified time to discard toxic bile night to benefit from the negative results of yesterday's food and many other "exploits". On the compatibility of products. Most compatible with each other vegetables, fruits, honey. While the sour and sweet fruits together better not to drink. Vegetable food, seasoned with vegetable oil, only reinforces its therapeutic properties. Nothing can only combine the melon, as a kind of "orderly." It must have a separate dish, so as not to cause a strong putrefactive processes in the intestine. Beans, peas, beans, lentils, combined only with herbs and vegetable oil. EGGS can eat with greens, vegetables. They are better to eat after 14 hours and reduce the amount in the summer diet. It is not necessary to combine them with butter, because they contribute to an excessive portion of the body of cholesterol. MEAT combines well with green and red vegetables. Does not hold water with the meat of the test: dumplings, pies, pasties. Incompatible protein foods of different origin: meat - milk, milk - eggs, meat - cheese, meat - nuts. Protein foods (meat of all kinds, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, nuts) and starch (bread, flour products, cereals, potatoes) to eat at different times of day. Even the birds pecking at grain and catch insects at different times of the day. Fresh milk is not combined with anything and generally poorly absorbed by the adult organism. It is only useful for children and the elderly. Sugar does not fit well with the protein and starchy foods, because they do not require digestion in the stomach, and immediately absorbed in the intestine. And the use of sugar with protein or carbohydrate diet leads to turmoil and delay her in the stomach, and as a consequence - sour belching, heartburn. Under normal circumstances, salt is better not to use because the need for it arises only when the depletion of the adrenal glands. Fans of plant foods need to be aware that vegetables is better to cook in small amount of water. The main thing - do not connect in one of those eating the fruit that grow on trees, those that grow on the ridge. The exception is a lemon, it can be added to any vegetable dish. Each product has its energy supply. And if a bad mood, it is better to take a shower, listen to soft music and was happy to start cooking, so do not take energy from food. Otherwise, instead of living vitamins and other essential substances, our bodies will receive a lifeless mass. And, perhaps, have yet to cook the dishes that are like family members. Because if a mother makes the child have what it lighter and easier to cook, not what he likes, then to 15-16 years he may have chronic gastroduodenitis and cholangitis. Food preferences are formed not capricious nature, and kind of genetic memory. Svetlana Ilina - How should I feed

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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