Saturday, 30 April 2011

Spender: What is and as it is. The food pyramid

Spender: What is and as it is. The food pyramid

Eating How much and what a meal eaten Place Cause meal intensity of feelings of hunger 0-3 Breakfast 2 slices of white bread with butter and fatty cheese, coffee with cream + 2 tsp Sugar Kitchen, a TV Habit 1 Between breakfast and lunch, tea + 2 tsp sugar, 2 sandwiches with pate and cream cheese; a bag of chips workplace BOREDOM 0 Lunch salad (with meat), mayonnaise; Fried chicken (leg and thigh with skin), fried potatoes, 1 cup sokastolovaya, at work, hunger 2 between lunch and dinner, tea + special syrkovaya weight with dried apricots, chocolate halva 1 pc. workplace upset TIRED 0 Dinner 2 Boiled Wieners, tomato salad with cucumbers, mayonnaise, tea + 2 tsp sugar, 2 FOLIATIONS cake with jam kitchen, a TV hungry, tired 2 Cream yogurt biscuits Kuraby + 4 pcs. At the TV BOREDOM 0 Now go to your blog. Most of my patients, bringing their diaries, they say the same phrase: "Of course, I wrote, but the doctor, generally I do not eat, just this week was atypical." But understand, my life in general is precisely from such non-standard weeks, months, and so on. Therefore, try to honestly look at someone else's blog (it's nicer) and draw conclusions about your diet. Current views on nutrition have changed dramatically over the past 5-10 years. But the stereotypes of the past is very tenacious. Even my colleagues who are overweight, getting me to accept, say something like: "I do not eat bread. I do not eat pasta. Potatoes do not eat. And still gain weight. " Nutritional science evolves, and what seemed firm, questioned, and then completely refuted. So, of course, have a balanced attitude to the advice, listen to your body. However, what we say now, already stood the test of time. People who practice good nutrition, keep normal weight and do not feel at this discomfort. But it is the quality of life. The diet of modern man, more engaged in mental work should be about ... kilocalories. And here I propose to leave the dots. And what will counted on a complex formula of these mysterious calories? In my opinion, an attempt to adhere to a certain caloric great complicate your life. You just need to remember that calories should not be less than 1000, because the diet with fewer calories is not complied with the physiological balance of the necessary components of food. For us, knowledge workers, the range - from 1200 to 2000 calories, depending on the age, the amount of additional physical activity. There are, of course, the fanatics, it is easy to count in mind the amount of absorbed every bit of calories. But fanaticism is dangerous in any business, including ours. Especially that discrepancies in the tables of calories are important, and why would you weigh each piece in the home dining room? But that should still remember: 1 gram of fat - 9 calories, 1 gram Alcohol - 7 calories, 1 g protein - 4 calories, 1 g carbohydrate - 4 calories. Armed with these uncomplicated figures, it will be better and more fun to understand and learn the basic principles of proper nutrition. The most important thing in a balanced diet - a variety of food. A full daily diet should include seven basic components: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, coarse-fibered food and water. Is of great importance not only qualitative but also quantitative ratio of components. It is easiest to focus on the food pyramid. Look at it: Fat Alcohol Sweets Milk Cheese Chicken Meat Fish Cheese Eggs Seafood Vegetables, fruit, bread, cereals, pasta, start from the top: that the most taboo, the most seductive. And it is quite understandable. Fat food smells good, because it contains aromatic substances, and its easier to chew, therefore, to swallow that a quick snack is also important. But think about the number of calories, which brings our food, this top of the pyramid. According to the norms of the World Health Organization, fat should not exceed 30% of total caloric intake. That's about 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or a piece of butter the size of a matchbox on a daily basis. "Yes, I do not eat so much and" - you shouted. Of course, boxes of butter is unlikely to include in your menu, but certainly consume more fat than you think. Our main enemy is the food - so-called "hidden fat". They lurk literally everywhere. Our task: "Search and Destroy!". Thus, the hidden fats are found in: sausage, sausages (sausages, sausages, stuffing, etc.) whole milk and milk products manufactured at its base (curd paste, glazed cheese curds, cottage cheese is a miracle "); fatty Cheese and processed cheese, mayonnaise, baking (especially puff pastry), chocolate (uvy-uvy!), halva, semi-finished products from meat, especially in the batter, batter, in all that is fried in deep fat (french fries, donuts, cookies -firewood) and a pan; production of fast food (hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc.). As you can see, and in the reducible sample diary, and in your food diary is likely to present many of these carriers' hidden fats. Alcohol, of course, the calories per se, but it still weakens the control over the amount of food eaten. After drinking, we snack, eating and often it is fatty foods. Folk wisdom says: "In order not to get drunk, you need to eat something fatty," and we will gladly snack salsa. Sugar is a carbohydrate bystrousvoyaemym its nutritional value seems to be small, but he quickly disposed of the body. We get a taste pleasure, first quickly increases efficiency, but just as quickly loses it. A tired brain requires more and more sugar feedings. The result: a low energy value multiplied by the number of receptions is increasing enormously. The next floor of the pyramid - the protein food: chicken breasts without skin, white meat turkey, fish (1-2 times per week for prevention of cardiovascular diseases and please the taste buds - or fat sea red fish, fat, these rocks contain necessary for us to polyunsaturated fatty acids, preventing formation of plaque); lean meats, seafood, eggs (not more than two pieces per week), low-fat dairy products. We go down to the bottom of the pyramid. Here are the fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. The fibers act as a very real brush, sweeping out toxins and other harmful substances, including excess cholesterol. A number of legumes contains a significant amount of vegetable protein without any hidden fats - beans, lentils, green peas. There are vegetables that are rich in starch: potatoes and corn, they should be present at our table, not more than three times a week. But the zucchini, eggplant, various kinds of cabbage, lettuce, peppers, turnips, cucumbers and tomatoes - without any restrictions. Fruits are also a necessary component of our daily diet. Just be a little careful in the use of grapes, dried fruits, sweet citrus (tangerines, oranges) and starch-rich bananas. At the very bottom of the food pyramid are the noodles made from durum wheat, without the addition of eggs (or "paste," as Sophia Loren, a big fan of this dish). Here is the bread and bread made of flour, meal, or with added bran, whole grains: buckwheat, paddy rice (brown, wild, etc.), oatmeal, millet ... Using each floor of the food pyramid, we bring in food all the necessary components, referred to in the beginning of the conversation. It remains the seventh element, which is not a word was said. This is - water! To maintain the proper balance of metabolic processes is very important that we drink at least two liters of fluid a day. And for those who are actively involved in sports, the volume can be increased to three liters. Accounted for, and soup, and tea (preferably green or herbal). If you have observed elevated blood pressure or other chronic diseases, should consult with a physician. You need to reduce consumption of salt, but gradually expand drinking diet. Try to keep the liquid released gradually throughout the day. If you decide to use the entire volume of fluid after 18 hours, the swelling under the eyes are guaranteed. We all agreed: to set realistic goals and see to their implementation. Physiological weight loss of about 500 g per week. To do this we must try to introduce the following changes to the food the whole family. 1. Try to avoid such a way as cooking, like frying, replace it with: baking (in foil in a microwave oven, grill, barbecue) cooking, stewing. 2. Reduce the percentage of fat content of dairy products. What if our mind is not yet ready to buy 0.5% of the milk, but will buy milk 2,5-1,5% fat. Kefir 1,8-1%. Sour cream 20-15%. Even ryazhenka appeared 2%. Milk, rather than creamy yogurt. Pay attention to the cottage of the minimum or "zero" fat. We study the range of your favorite shop for low-fat products. It is ironic, but, unlike Western countries, in Russia such products cheaper. Substantial savings will allow more money to spend on fruits and vegetables. 3. When buying something, try to make 100 g of the product accounted for no more than 10 grams of fat. We will always look for a sticker indicating the nutritional value and composition of the product. 4. Mayonnaise. If you do not imagine a day without it, then tasting all the new low-calorie types of this sauce. For creative solutions to problems offer new types of salad dressings: a little (!), Vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices (Italian dressing), low-fat sour cream, milk yogurt without fruit, 1% kefir. If relatives are not yet ready for radical change, then going to meet them, can add zest to a little familiar mayonnaise. Recommended reading books by J. Darrell, he's very funny to describe a process of gradual replacement of one product to another in the diet of their wards. 5. Will avoid products that contain hidden fat (see the article in the list). 6. Let us not neglect the winter frozen vegetable mixes. They are frozen on the day of collection, ie, vitamins, minerals and fiber in them no less than in fresh vegetables of winter, but there are no preservatives. Yes, and cook them simply. 7. Breakfast - be! This morning meal - start the metabolism for the day. 8. About the size of servings. Serve fish, chicken, meat - the size of an audiocassette. Serve a side dish - your clenched fist. 9. When he wants something sweet, low-fat sweets spoil yourself - marshmallows, candy, fruit candy. A bit of dried fruit, a thin layer of jam or marmalade on bread meal will help raise the performance and mood. Summing up today, very busy with different information call, I would urge you to action words Molchalin (remember, a kind of negative character Griboyedov): "The moderation and orderly!". No need to put unrealistic goals, we still do not reach them, and frustration and despair will bring "out" all the good intentions. Homework: 1. Rest of the food diary. Return to him in 3 weeks again and test myself again. 2. Consider questions a doctor, given the characteristics of the food and taste preferences, decide that you can choose in the dining room or cafeteria at lunchtime. Frequenters of fitness clubs, fans play football and volleyball, tennis and diving aristocrats - thank you! How much do you make it easy my work! Gentle attitude towards young mothers, and dog owners. And they are both moving and very active. Prove to them the benefit of motion is not necessary, and this is a significant relief to the doctor. Slow-moving most! For you legkovypolnyaemyh few tips: watch the balance coming from the energy intake (decreases) with the flow of this energy (yes, it is necessary to move). Reasons not to move our darkness. And this time, our domestic reasons and the reasons Americans are identical: no time, tired, need to help children and grandchildren, we must paint the fence, etc. You know, they say the American "obezidiologi" (specialists in treatment of obesity)? Guess? Correct: "Tell that to your grandmother!". In our opinion, something like: "Do not hang noodles on my ears." And I am pleased to join in the opinion of colleagues. Increase the locomotor activity without a significant amount of time it is possible both at home and at work: walk one or two flights of stairs to stand rather than sit during the telephone conversations, not being lazy classified document colleague in person, rather than asking someone to do it on the road; zasidevshis, stand up, stretch, around his chair a few times, using a motor vehicle every day, go as far as possible from the transport stops earlier, the apotheosis: two walks for 15-20 minutes in a brisk pace. Here are the first steps, very simple and affordable even for very busy people. Try 2-3 times a week, so buck up, and soon you will feel - need more physical activity, while others simply join this mini-program of dances to fast music. The next lesson we will invite one of the instructors fitness club of our Cabinet. We examine features of sets of exercises. Discuss what to eat and drink before, during and after your workout. Offer to your attention the options "healthy breakfast". Be Healthy!

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