That is, the market for medical services can be logically divided into segments. Thus, the system of medical marketing (offers medical care) at the highest level of market segmentation of medical services lawfully divided into three main areas with specific forms of supply of medical services and meet the health needs (it is understandable that the boundaries between these segments of the market to some extent, conditional) . Medical supply medical services to preserve life. Let's call this segment of the market's health - "the marketing segment of life." Medical supply medical services to returning health, rehabilitation and preservation of a certain level of disability in its temporary loss. Itemization of medical services in this segment by the following directions: a) health services aimed at preventing and treating acute exacerbations of chronic diseases, and b) medical services aimed at preventing the transfer of temporary disability in the rack (disability), and c) medical services for conservation and maintain some degree of chronic conditions and disability. This market segment of health conventionally call "marketing segment diseases," Health services, preserve and maintain state about a healthy body (immunoprophylaxis, dispensary, etc.). This segment characterize as a "marketing segment of health." Based on a similar methodological approach, it seems rational to relate on the one hand, a certain segment of the market with specific features of medical (medical) work, on the other - to characterize these functions are not only in terms of the humanitarian mission of health (healing), but also betray a certain species and package of health services and economic characteristics corresponding to your specific market segment. Such segmentation of the market's health seems reasonable from the viewpoint of economic efficiency, some unification and, in particular, forward-looking calculating profitability of medical care activities, thus, the provision of health services aimed at preserving the patient's life, the humanitarian mission of health and ethical side of medical practice in modern society is much preferable to economic feasibility. Although any type of activity should be expressed in economic characteristics, if the activity is considered in the framework of a marketing relationship. It is in this market segment much become bare the contradictions of entities defined categories of "health care" and "medical services". Search for permission objective of the internal contradictions between these categories leads the individual authors, it would seem a logical conclusion: the payment is subject to medical service, and no medical assistance. And as part of the medical assistance reimbursable losses under aggregate of certain physician (medical) actions.
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