Any child knows that sweet - it tastes better than bitter. That to bear to your attention, spitting out the bitter product. In the ancient past of this, too, know well, because sugar was not yet invented, could only eat sweet fruits yes honey. In ancient India, ancient, long time ago (in general, in the middle of the first millennium BC) masters learned to boil the sweet sin of a special type of cane. Then this cane will be called "diabetes." Actually, at first the powder were treated. As long as someone does not come to mind to pour a "miracle powder" to food. And then the sugar began his march on the ground. After a few centuries in China grew the first sugar cane plantation. Then they appeared in Persia. Nearh, commander of Macedon, during the conquest of India had seen and wrote that "the local plants themselves, without the bees make honey." Nearh clearly was delighted by the wonderful plants and a new product. Long "sugar" caravans pulled in a land of Europe, was taken to sell the sugar. Love it all. Even tough the Stoics, the Crusaders could not help because that does not grab from the Holy Land, two or three sacks of sweet. Europeans did not know how to do sugar. So use imported - and it was very expensive. In 1226 the King of England Henry the Third could hardly afford to get to the banquet as much as three pounds of sugar itself! But here there was a revolution in the industry. German chemist, Andreas Marggraf in 1747, learned how to crystallize sugar from regular white beets! And so it something in Europe has grown enough. Because sugar became cheaper and accessible to all. Not the sweet life? It is believed that the legend of the "mortal danger" of sugar - just a legend. She lay down and let the world enterprising PR professionals. During the Cuban missile crisis, Cuba has ceased to supply sugar to the United States. Other vendors to find quickly was not possible. Trouble was brewing. And then it went to a brilliant PR move. In newspapers and magazines began writing about the terrible horrors of the "white death", causing almost all disease. Rightly stated that in the wild, for example, no sugar and does not, and therefore, our body was originally not designed to process. That is, the sugar - it is pure poison. Americans believe, and have stopped buying sugar unabated. Riots did not happen. Hence, it is just a gimmick, and does not harmful sugar - eat as much as you? Then we found that the sweet tooth develops. Then we found that the sweet spoils figure. And sugar was again declared "outlaws healthy life." Today, many nutritionists continue to whip up passions, and claiming that it was guilty of sugar in everything - in children's fears and cancerous diseases. And what does all bad? No, not all. Most of the nightmarish prejudices about sugar - just prejudice, and it is proved. That was the view that children are much like a sweet (and what these children do not like it, I wonder?), Suffer from hyperactivity. It turned out that firstly, do not suffer, and enjoy, and secondly, there is no "hyperactivity" is not the case, it came up with the lazy teachers, and thirdly, sugar here at all to do with it, all a matter of upbringing. An assertion of doctors has remained unchanged. Sugar causes excessive weight. This is when to use it without measure. Because the calories in sugar - the mass, but no minerals, no vitamins, no fiber is not there. Hence, the need to eat something else. Picking up extra calories, and as a consequence - are overweight. Such a different sugar. What is sugar? Well, it's so white sand or bricks. We put it in tea. So. What we put in tea - sucrose. It is located in sugar cane and sugar beet. And this is just one kind. What else? More fructose (fruit, honey), maltose (germinated grains), lactose (milk sugar). Natural sugars, of course, useful. But since there are fewer calories, you can "catch" too much and get the same thing - obesity. Unnecessary programs - this much? Couple of interesting facts: One sugar cube - 725000 sugar crystals. First make lump sugar invented English merchant Henry Tate in 1872. Well, how much sugar per day can be consumed without fear of obesity? On this subject, scientists have debated for a long time. And finally, in 2003, the WHO agreed to: a healthy person should consume sugar in food is not more than 10% of the daily diet. That is: for men 50 grams a day for women - 60. Oh, shall we say, so it's normal. For us, quite frankly, even a lot. 10.12 lumps of sugar in the day we had never put a tea. But let's remember where else on our way we meet the sugar? Soda drink? Drink. And there, so you know, already dissolved 40 grams of sugar. C drank tea in the morning, afternoon took a can of "Coke." That's it! Here we are! Limit is reached, we even exceeded. And then co-worker decided to treat its neighbors in the office chocolates. Refuse? Offended! Came to U.S. scientists calculated that the average American per day with food uses as much 190 grams of sugar! The norm is exceeded more than three times! Russia is not far behind - for us there are 100 grams per day. Sad comrades. What would it replace the best-known sugar substitutes: Saccharin (Svitli "," Sukrazit "," Sweet Sugar ") - 300-500 times sweeter than sugar. Safe daily dose - no more than 2.5 mg per 1 kg body weight. Tsiklomat (Tsukli »,« Sweet time ») - 30 times sweeter than sugar. Safe daily dose - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Aspartame (Slastilin "," Sladiks "," Nutri-suite) - 200 times sweeter than sugar. Safe daily dose - 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Nutritionists are looking at these supplements. These are the pill sweeter than sugar, a hundred times - but did not have its caloric content. Well, a way out? Tea drink, healthy and hudey! Not so sugary. Calories, then lower. But they increase your appetite - God forbid. So, your extra pounds on you not go second. From a large number of sugar substitutes you will certainly upset stomach. In general, it is chemistry - and the chemistry of the organism is never helpful. The chemical sweetener tsiklomat (30 times sweeter than sugar) is banned for use in all decent countries. There are indications that this darling of chemicals ensures renal failure. Others sweeteners also under suspicion - but so far nothing really has not been proved. Therefore devour three throat favorite cakes and wait for you for doing nothing is not - is not necessary. To preserve their health, continue to think - what you eat, why do you eat and how it will end. And do not be greedy.
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