Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Was high and the economic ...

High was, and economic returns. Analysis of medical-economic efficiency of the SPM (DM) and compare its performance with performance of district physicians territorial clinics showed an advantage of GP (CB). Thus, the average urban indicator of financial health care costs per capita of Volgograd is 269.25 USD., While in service as a general practitioner (family doctor) with partial fundholding it was 115.0 rubles. Thus, the economic effect - 154.25 rubles. per inhabitant per year. The high quality of care received by the population of GPs has contributed to financial savings for its sub-account. These amounts are a doctor could use to purchase medical equipment for carrying out other activities to improve the quality of care. The second phase of the GP (CB) was performed for the rendered volumes of medical services included in the list of aid-funded CBOs (in the framework adopted in the Volgograd region scheme of financing medical institutions). Analysis of SPM (DM) in this variant of funding more closely resembles the work of territorial polyclinics, general practitioners and pediatricians. Increased number of calls to the doctor, the number of laboratory and functional studies. All of the above can be objectively described as the desire of a general practitioner (GP) to raise the cost of outpatient treatment. The quantity of active preventive home visits, as they are not covered by the MLA. Thus, the activity of GPs in terms of payment for the amount of medical services rendered to them like the traditional scheme of organization of a regional polyclinic. There is a cost-based system is functioning, does not affect the situation on the morbidity of the population and does not allow for preventive activities of the physician in providing primary health care to the population of the territorial area. Organization of work of general practitioner (GP) on the basis of financing its activities with partial fundholding has a positive impact on the quality of their primary health care. Table. Characteristics of the conditions of work organization and economic performance of a GP (family doctor) Performance

Charity in Russian medicine

Professor LE Gorelova MMA behalf IM Sechenov's system of public charity (wards - that means take care) was formed long ago. In the XI century in Russia appear first Orthodox monasteries and become centers of "charity". Kiev Caves, was later the status of Lavra, monasteries Volhynia, Vladimir, Rostov land for several centuries, receiving the princely and boyar donations, used them for public charity. It is in Russia has always been in the dispensation of refuge for the poor, the sick, widows and orphans - in short, anyone who needs help.

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