Friday, 6 May 2011

Although the goals of ...

Although the goals of this section of the project concept is not in the CBO and the Ministry of Health and, moreover, the Government and the State Duma. Time will tell how society today and those who are in power, politically and morally ready for the changes in the structural unit of health in Russia and the essence of the relationship between producer and consumer of medical services.

The methodology for organizational and technical service standards

six destiny IA MD, Professor of BMI, Vladimir State University in recent years in conditions of active translation of the national health system in the field of economic management is difficult to overestimate the urgency of the problem, generally designated as "standardization in health care." On the way to solve this problem outlined several promising methodological aspects, although many of them are not yet well established and require further development. Questions about the same applied today not only on the practical implementation, but even in principle, very poorly represented theoretical platform, substantiating the role and place, tasks and functions of a particular body, by which must be implemented system for standardization in health care. Despite the fact that the joint order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation on January 19, 1998 № 12 / 2 "On the organization of work on standardization in health care," there is an item on the establishment of appropriate structures for standardization in the industry, uniquely suited to the shape and location of such bodies at the regional level has not yet been worked out. In this article I would like to share your thoughts and present some results of research in solving the problem of establishment and provision of organizational and technical direction in the standardization of health care. The report broadly outlines the search path and attempt to construct one possible model system of standardization in the national health care. At present no particular objection to the postulate of common basic principles for creating the organizational and technical service standards in the healthcare system. In the available literature and documents determined that these principles are developed based on, firstly, the standards established by federal laws, some of which are the "Fundamentals of the Russian Federation legislation on health care," "Law on Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation" "Consumer Protection", "On Standardization", "The certification of products and services, etc., and secondly, the rules and requirements set forth in the standards of the State Standardization System of the Russian Federation, the practical experience of national and international standardization, and thirdly in accordance with the Order "On the organization of work on standardization in health care."

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