Dietary food for overweight and obesity. Currently, one of the social problems in developed countries is the problem of over-nutrition and obesity. Based on average statistical data about half the adult population of industrialized countries is overweight, and prevalence of completeness and obesity tends to increase. Especially troubling rejuvenation of obesity in recent years. The main reasons for this phenomenon, consider a sedentary lifestyle, increased mental stress (stress), intemperance in food intake, especially refined foods rich in carbohydrate and fat. But the main reason for the rapid progression of obesity in modern society (according to the statistics in the 80-90% of cases) is poor nutrition, that is eating at the background of a decrease of motor activity. In this deteriorating state of the various organs and systems, develop atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gall-stone and renal stone disease. Fat metabolism contribute to the emergence of gastritis, gout, endocrine disorders, colds, leads to premature aging. Obesity also contribute to hereditary constitutional features. Body weight is called redundant if it's 5-14% higher than normal. If the body weight of more than 15% higher than the norm, it shows about obesity as a disease. For the full life of the organism should be a strict quantitative relationship between energy consumption and its income. Lack of muscle activity should be compensated for active leisure and regulation of food intake. It should be borne in mind that the diet of modern man is characterized not only increase the energy value, but also change the qualitative composition. Increased consumption of fatty meats, refined energy-dense foods (fats and refined sugar, white bread and pastries from the pastry, pasta, pastry). These products are characterized by good digestibility, contribute zhironakopleniyu, give large amounts of energy. Obesity contributes to rare and abundant meals, excessive spices, stimulates appetite, as well as alcoholic beverages, which weaken the self-monitoring food intake and are themselves a source of energy. For people prone to obesity, or already having expressed its manifestations, should be applied diet therapy, an important principle which is the reduction of dietary energy by 20-50% from carbohydrates and some fat. However, while diet should contain adequate amounts of protein (at least 90-100 grams a day). It is necessary to prevent loss of tissue protein, increased energy expenditure due to assimilation of protein foods, creating a sense of satiety. In the daily diet should be 400-500 g of protein foods like meat, fish, cottage cheese, non-fish marine products, egg whites. Desirable intake of lean meats and fish boiled. Amount of carbohydrate in the diet should be sharply limited primarily due to sugar, confectionery, sweet drinks (up to 100-200 grams a day). Excluded from the diet of jam, jams, candies, cakes, rich and flaky pastries, pasta. Limited to meals, except for buckwheat. Daily consumption of bread should be 100-150, the Preferred rye, wheat protein or protein-otrubyanoy bread. Vegetables recommended without limitation, fresh cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, fruit and berries - sour and sour-sweet apples, citrus fruits, gooseberries, currants, cranberries. Vegetables are best eaten raw because they contain tartronovaya acid, which prevents conversion of carbohydrates into body fat. Amount of fat in the diet was reduced to 1980 are staying longer in the stomach and increases the activity of enzymes that promote energy utilization of fat in the body. The share of vegetable fats (40-50%), used for cooking, including adding them to salads and vinaigrettes. These fats (sunflower, corn, olive, cottonseed oil) contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances that normalize fat metabolism, prevent fatty infiltration of the liver, have a normalizing effect on blood vessel walls, increasing their flexibility and reduce permeability. To enhance the energy utilization of reserves of body fat is necessary to limit the free liquid (water, drinks, tea, etc.) to 1 - 1.2 liters a day. To 5-8 grams per day is limited to the consumption of salt and alcoholic beverages are excluded. Not recommended for use appetitive food and dishes - spices and aromatic vegetables, broth and sauces from meat, fish, mushrooms, and smoked meats, pickles, etc. To achieve satiety preferred low-calorie, but significant in terms of food with the introduction of its reception among the major raw vegetables and fruits. Must observe the regime of 5 to 6 meals a day in small portions with a rational distribution of RDA products. Breakfast and lunch should be more dense than the intermediate light meals (lactic acid products, vegetable salads, fruit), dinner should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Strict control of food intake must be combined with systematic monitoring of body weight, the normal value of which is one of the most important health indicators.
Source: HudeeMtut site
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