Friday, 20 May 2011

At the same time the interests of the company ...

At the same time the interests of the company, customers and society as a whole do not always coincide. To achieve consensus concept of social and ethical marketing involves linking the company's goals with the needs of both individual consumers and society as a whole, not only with short-term but also long-lasting. In accordance with the manufacturer is forced to produce products for the environmentally sound technologies are not only useful but harmless to humans and the environment. Thus, when making marketing decisions should take into account three main factors: consumer interests, the interests of the company, the interests of society. Marketing system includes suppliers, marketing intermediaries and competitors, various public and governmental organizations, financial institutions, media, legislative bodies, take into account political, demographic, economic, scientific, technological and other spheres of public life. At the core of marketing strategy are five types of market activity: market segmentation, selection of target markets, the choice of methods to market, the choice of methods and tools for marketing, the timing of market entry. The concept of market segmentation based on the fact that each market consists of separate parts, including customers with different needs, consumer behavior and stereotype. Each segment is different in different marketing opportunities of certain goods (eg goods market for young people, older people, women, etc.). Before making any decision, Marketing Specialist must have detailed, accurate and timely information received. Marketing information system includes a subsystem of the internal accounting records (data on orders, sales, inventory levels, receivables, etc.), a subsystem of the external marketing data and marketing research (the study of consumer preferences, advertising effectiveness, market conditions, prices, placement principle production and storage facilities, product range, international market, the rights of consumers, the impact on the environment, market size, shares of firms in this market, market structure, sales volume, the views of customers and market demand, etc.). To study the demand in the consumer market should collect the following information: 1) that is purchased on the market, 2) why is purchased, and 3) who buys and 4) how the purchase, 5) when done buying, 6) where the purchase is carried out, 7) are similar goods sold on the market and at what prices, 8) how well-versed in consumer characteristics similar items. An important feature of the consumer market is the knowledge of market demand, ie the amount of certain goods that are sold annually in the region. The difference between the volume of sales and a potential capacity of the market shows the possible effectiveness of marketing in this area. When conducting market research should be allocated to the following sections [1]: Section 1.

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