Friday, 20 May 2011

Characterization and analysis of the situation ...

Description of the situation and an analysis of the organization: products (general information about the organization of manufactured products), market (size and capacity of the market, the main development trends, consumer attitudes to products produced by the organization), the competitive environment (comparison of products manufactured organization with similar products of competitors on prices, quality, consumer attitudes, advertising support, etc.). Section 2. The objectives of marketing: strategic (to strengthen the financial position of the organization, increase its profitability, growth in production and development of new markets), intermediate (improving the quality of goods (services) and service culture, diversification of activities, etc.), support (rational use of available resources, organization and management improvement). Section 3. Events: market conditions of the goods (services) for a planned period ; identification of key areas for further research of the market in order to obtain the data necessary for program marketing for the future development of the nomenclature policy of the organization, formation of pricing policies, planning an advertising campaign and the choice of methods to promote sales; grouping events in time for their implementation. Section 4. Budget Marketing : calculation of the costs associated with implementing a marketing program (in countries with market economies, marketing budget health-medical services and medical supplies are usually equal to one-third of their ultimate value). In the Western European, American and Japanese firms, the aggregate marketing costs account for about half the final price many commodities. Of these, the advertising spent an average of 2-4%. In the U.S., the largest amount spent on advertising of medicines and perfumes and cosmetics - from 10 to 20% of turnover. [2] The central part of marketing research is the segmentation (decomposition) of the market, allowing potential customers to differentiate on a number of objective evidence in order to find the segment, the most promising to advance him the specific types of goods and services. Marketing in Healthcare. The principles of marketing can be carried out not only in trade and services, but also in health care. It is known that human health is the first priority need, followed by professional achievement, business success, recognition, etc. need to be healthy causes a person to be proactive in finding ways of healing and gives it a certain direction. the social and health care reform need to define the optimization supply, demand and consumption of health services, effective use of available resources and identify funding. At the same time, such aspects of the organization of health, as the ratio of population to the consumption of medical care, the dynamics of demand for various types of medical care, assessment of its quality, manufacturability and cost effectiveness never been analyzed and were not a criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the industry.

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