Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Based on this advertising must ...

Based on this advertising should be as objective as possible, and market research - comprehensive and non-biased. The basis of medical advertising and marketing should be the interests of the patient. Undoubtedly, the state represented by the Health Ministry and its organizations shall monitor the objectivity of advertising. Promotion of medical services and medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, medical technologies and new ideas must be based on free competition in the interests of each individual, population and society as a whole, will contribute to improving health, improving the quality of preventive and curative care, improving the health of the nation . REFERENCES 1. Goluhov GN Reyhart DV, Shilenko Y. Probl. Social Hygiene and the History of Medicine. - 1998. - № 2. - S. 45-49. 2. F. Kotler Marketing Management. - Moscow: Economics, 1980. 3. Luknarova N. Foltan V., Brozman, et al / Pharmacy. - 1990. - № 6. - S. 12-15. 4. Meshkovskii AP Sov. health. - 1990. - № 11. - S. 62-65. 5. SP Nalimov, Yanikezing LR, Moller NE / / Pharmacy. - 1987. - № 2. - S. 5-9. 6. Parnovskii BL, crashes, SG, and Voloshin ME / / Pharmacy. - 1987. - № 1. - S. 11-16. 7. Polyakov, IV, KA Lankin Probl. Social Hygiene and the History of Medicine. - 1997. - № 6. - S. 24-25. 8. Polyakov, IV, SA Uvarov, LS Mikhailova, KA Lankin Ibid. - 1997. - № 1. - S. 49-53. 9. Polyakov, IV, KA Lankin Ibid. - 1999. - № 3. - S. 28-31. 10. Failures SG Sukhanov, LA, Medvedev VG / / Pharmacy. - 1986. - № 3. - S. 12-17. 11. Usenko V. Ustinov VI, Varpahov-parameter MI / Remedium. - 2000. - № 4. - S. 26-29. 12. Sharabchiev YT, Ulashchik VS / / Health. Belarus. - 1995. - № 4. - S. 20-23. 13. Evans JR, Berman, B. Marketing. - Moscow: Economics, 1990. -352 Sec. 14. Chemistry and Industry. - 1992. - N 8. - P. 298-300. 15. Market letter. - 1992. - V. 19, N 44. - P. 21. 16. Market letter. - 1992. - V. 19, N 45. - P. 14. 17. Market letter. - 1992. - V. 19, N 46. - P. 4. The article was published in the journal Medical News

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