Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Tips Dr. Shelton

Tips Dr. Shelton

Dr. Shelton said that the work - life and stagnation - is death. If we do not use our muscles, we're losing them. To keep muscles strong and young, we must constantly use them. Activity is the law of life, the law of conservation of wellbeing. The use of each organ depends on its strength and development. When we train our body, we make it strong, renewed and viable, and when we lazy and do not use muscles, we arrive at the decay and death. Daily exercise makes livelier circulate our blood, and a lazy blood does not circulate freely, there is no necessary changes needed to maintain health. People who do not perform regular physical exercise, have a weak tone of life. Catching up exercise, we give free access secretion of sweat glands through all 96 million since our body. Skin - the largest excretory organ in our body. If you cover your body with oil paint and thus clog the pores, we can not live even for a short time. Exercises, we enable a healthy output of sweat and cleanse the body of poisons. Thus, we allow the skin to use cleaner natural role. If we do not do it daily exercises, the whole work done by cell foam, placing a heavy burden on the other excretory organs. Vigorous exercise also helps to normalize blood pressure, they help establish a healthy rate. Vigorous exercise is also an anticoagulant, which means that exercise protects the blood stream from the blockage, called thrombosis, which often leads to heart attack. Every creature, whether human or animal muscular activity helps to eliminate waste from the body. If you allow the muscles to be active, to become weak and flabby and fat, it can lead to serious consequences. Muscles lose their elasticity and strength, and the result is an internal blockage. As we accumulate waste that should be highlighted. This leads to self-poisoning. Sweating - a normal phenomenon in the classroom, where there is a sharp increase in metabolism. Sweating more pronounced at the initial stage of exercising, when you resume them after an illness or a long break, increasing the intensity of physical activity, increasing the ambient temperature. Sweating leads to a decrease in body weight. • In the future when regular physical activity reduces perspiration and body weight stabilized. The function of perspiration an important role in thermoregulation of the body. So, thanks to sweating the human body is capable of a long time to maintain constant temperature when performing physical work. The magnitude of sweating depends on the individual, the intensity of exercise performed, the level of preparedness to deal with another factor. Fluid intake stimulates sweating. When engaging in hot weather, perspiration is greatly increased. Since then the human body loses salts and vitamins, so to maintain a normal water-salt balance is necessary to increase fluid intake. It is recommended to drink mineral water or other mineral drinks. You can cook and original cocktails, mineral salts, vitamins and sugar. Particular attention should be paid to sanitary condition of the skin, which is important for normal sweating. Sweating indicates deviations in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. It can be observed in diseases, poisoning, during recovery from illness.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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