Thursday, 26 May 2011

Dairy products: counting calories

Dairy products: counting calories

In the minds of the average man and producer of milk there was an absolute dogma that the fatter the milk, the better. From the standpoint of economy it is so - than full-fat milk, the more of it you can get butter, sour cream and cream. But in terms of healthy eating the most valuable components of milk are primarily white, more lactose (milk sugar), vitamins, especially fat-soluble and, of course, minerals and trace elements. With regard to milk fat, its composition consists mainly of saturated fatty acids, which are not compulsory and indispensable. The human body is easy to synthesize this class of fatty acids from carbohydrates and other fats. In addition, milk fat and serves as a carrier of cholesterol that age-induced atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. But human nutrition and the role of individual products should be considered taking into account real-time and lifestyle. A meal of our contemporary over the last 30-40 years, ie within a single generation, has changed significantly. First of all, in connection with the mechanization and automation of work and life of human energy consumption declined sharply and are now in developed countries and in Russia for men 2500 kcal per day, and for women 2000 kcal per day. As a consequence, man is forced to consume less food, which leads to an apparent deficiency of essential micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). Yet amid falling food consumption over the past 30-40 years, prevalence of overweight, obesity and, consequently, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes has not decreased. As it was in the 60 years over 50% of people who are overweight and over 30% of the population with obesity - and left. The reason is that for a set of excess weight is enough to eat in a day once a lump of sugar or drink extra 100 ml milk 3% fat. What to do? The first and important step - is to eat less and move more. But the man is so conservative, it was difficult to reverse itself. Nutritional science has found this path. Would you like dessert - consumes sugar substitutes and low-calorie foods containing them. Would you like milk and dairy products, including kefir, yogurt, etc. - Consume low-fat dairy products. Reduced calorie dairy products for at least 25-50% - a significant contribution to the prevention of obesity and other nutritional diseases. And it is only a partial withdrawal of the rich and not valuable in terms of healthy nutrition of milk fat. Everything Else - protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in low-fat dairy products stored. Consequently, the stored food value and benefits of health products. The developed world has long passed the predominant production of low-calorie, low-fat dairy products, and they constitute over 90% of all products. A person should have a choice and if there is the slightest problem with excessive body weight, use low-calorie foods. Over 85% of Russians almost every day, consuming about 600-700 ml of milk and milk products, get about 20-25 g of milk fat, and almost half the recommended daily amount of fats and oils. Modern nutritional science has proven that it is better to consume vegetable oils and fats from seafood. The yield on the best structure of the optimal and healthy eating - removal of most of the milk fat from dairy products. Abroad, these products are functional foods and valued many times more than the content of milk fat more than 3-4%. No accident that the traditions of long-lived, particularly the mountaineers, even low-fat cheeses are made and are basically support the protein and minerals, especially calcium. If a person feels the need to milk fat, good health and slim figure, it can consume butter and fatty cheeses. But the transition to a low-calorie, low fat dairy products - is dictated by time and the condition of maintaining health and in good shape. The proof of this - and many attempts to use instead of milk fat substitutes based on low-calorie carbohydrates or fats with low digestibility.

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