Do not agree with this vast majority of health workers (91%) among patients, opinion was divided almost equally: 48% agreed with the statement, 44% - disagreed, and the rest (8%) difficult to answer. In the next group of questions the researchers tried to identify the relationship to judgments about the direction of patients and medical professionals. On the declarative statement that a doctor in their relationship with the patient should always be put first unselfish concern for the needs of the patient's affirmative answer 92% of physicians and 80% of patients. Among the patients was 20%, who had difficulty with the proposition, but what's interesting - 8% of health workers were not agreed to the proposition. Consistent with this issue was proposed by the proposition that modern doctors are always and everywhere follow the Hippocratic oath. 45% of patients agree, while 40% - disagree. Among health care workers 57% of the confirmed opinion, 31% disagreed. About equally in both groups (15% of patients and 12% of physicians) difficult to answer. The new economic mechanism in the health system 80 years, the system of compulsory medical insurance 90 years, a broad discussion in the scientific literature, the introduction of co-payments by patients when they receive medical care - all that focuses on the incentives of medical practice. The introduction of such forms of economic relations between the subjects of health, in our opinion, to a certain extent, contribute to folding of a health care worker beliefs and motivations for the calculation of adequate material rewards of their labor. It is clear that the process of formation of such beliefs is extremely durable. Today, with the statement that the patient or his relatives should participate in the rewards of a doctor for his work, patients and health workers in solidarity (in 63% of cases) respond negatively. And to the question "Should the doctor in his relationship with the patient always count on a financial reward?" 45% of patients respond in the affirmative, 23% do not agree with them, and a third of respondents (33%) difficult to answer. At the same time in answering medical workers to the same question, only 35% of respondents were in favor of such a calculation, and more than half (52%) disagreed with this statement. 49% of the number of patients, and about 2-thirds (61%) of physicians believe that patients should not directly affect the wages of health workers and that wages physician must be installed and adjusted only by public authorities (65% -66%) . Draws attention to a high percentage of undecided in opinion on these statements: 30% and 19% among patients and 21% and 16% of the responses of health workers. Stratification of society by the degree of wealth, material status of the patient, segmenting the market of medical services - all this involves studies on the transformation of the relationship of health workers to different groups.
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