With the development of microelectronics, people have the opportunity to make a device whose purpose - stimulation of muscle activity. The need for such devices have appeared with the development of general medicine. Practice has shown that patients were in supine position, much less tolerate the operation, as well as recovery time is slower and heavier. It was not difficult to conclude about the relationship of motion, physical activity and normal body function. This conclusion was made on an intuitive level, without developing any theory. Developing a theory of the categorical imperative "Movement - is health" would be planted to the formulation of the second factor of cell division, and models of cellular structure. Unfortunately it did not. But it was designed apparatus capable of stimulating electrical signals given certain muscle groups. Thus, before the immobile patients opens the possibility to maintain their muscles in good tone. And as we all know, respectively, to keep metabolism optimal borders. " Thus, such a device was created and began to be applied. Naturally the patient lying on a background gave him the use of a certain effect. After a certain period of time in some kind of bright minds, the thought occurred on the application of such a device as a means to reduce body fat. The fact that such an event occurred, it is not surprising. One technique for maintaining harmony of shapes and offers just physical exercise as a way to solve the problem. Combining the data on the use of the device stimulation of physical activity and the need for weight reduction was not difficult to conclude that such a device would have on the market of financial success. That in principle we are witnessing. Advertising this product, and with it the method is found on all TV channels and newspapers. It only remains to consider the implications of such a device. What we see in advertising, provides an opportunity to draw some conclusions about the principles of the instrument and its impact on the human body. Firstly, the speed of muscle contraction is huge in real life, no athlete can not maintain such a speed. Secondly, is loaded only one group of muscles. Third, none of the advertising character who does not show us if the appliance is operating on any part of the muscles, increasing oxygen consumption. That is, the load on the muscle does not lead to a significant increase in anaerobic component. As a consequence, the work of the heart occurs in virtually sparing mode. For muscle cells, which affects the device, the following occurs: change in the environment: 1. The significant increase in frequency and intensity of incoming electrical signals. 2. The level of the incoming oxygen and other nutrients remain, we can say without any changes. Under the influence of the device in a specific group of muscles under the action of the second factor of cell division will occur following changes in cellular composition. "Normal" will change the muscle cells into cells with reduced sensitivity to the excitation of the nervous system of humans. These muscle cells exist in reality, they have found in the muscles of the eyes affected by glaucoma. And as such cells will have increased capacity for work, but the low number of insulin receptors. Since such stimulation of muscles is nothing, as the realization of the methodology for weightlifters (see the "paradox of Pima Indians). That is, the cellular composition of your muscle mass change and that change will not be in your favor. The ratio of muscle cells and their insulin receptors decrease. In other words, the use of such a device in the short term will give a slight reduction in fat mass due to increased daily consumption of calories. But after 90 days (the period of regeneration of muscle cells) use of stimulants will increase fat mass and increase the duration of the session will only worsen the situation. In other words, you get something from which sought to leave. Is not it funny situation! It remains to make a final conclusion. The device is designed for people who are unable to move for various reasons - injuries, postoperative period, etc., must be used exclusively for such purposes and not for any more. However, there is another group that can be used such a device, but solely because of low physical training of its representatives - the nursing home. Personally, you're not sick, not the old man, on this you do not need to use such a device stimulate muscle activity. You yourself in a position to give yourself a proper load. What it should be, we will talk now. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004. irene_aberle@yahoo.com
Source: HudeeMtut site http://hudeemtut.ru/
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