Previous legal ownership of subjects of CBOs and their relations have been saved through debt cancellation between these actors. Event is the seventh - in the financial crisis in 1998-1999, no possibility of cash collateral territorial MHI system, an avalanche of debt accumulation, the introduction of sound-offs between the subjects of OMS with insufficient legal counterweight, on the one hand, resulted in multiple cases of abuse, on the other - to some extent compromised the very system of compulsory medical insurance in the public eye. Simply put, the heads of subjects of local self-government in a kind of barter does not withstood the test for economic competence and integrity of industrial relations. Event is the eighth - Val bond between the subjects of OMS, not providing full financial coverage is actually provided by medical institutions of medical services is not allowed (not from a legal point of view, not a moral), to ensure the effective functioning of the departmental control. Mechanism for the examination of quality of care in a system of local self-government was unable to rely on economic instruments to stimulate and essentially only came (and is such a) a peculiar form of registration irregularities. Event is the ninth - the restructuring of the health care system, as a rule, not based on market mechanisms, and strong-willed command - administrative, and sometimes volyuntaristicheskimi methods. Head of medical institution, in essence, deprived of the right to determine what should be the relationship between customer demand in the inpatient and outpatient care. There are no simple and clear mechanisms for deploying new, or re-folding beds. The process of forming the staffing structure of medical institutions, regulation of health professionals remains in the rules of the directives and regulations of the Ministry of Health, and is not formed by natural selection within the competitive market and regulatory mechanisms of this competition. Event tenth - of the program of state guarantees the provision of free medical care to the population on the merits weighed financial opportunities with an appropriate amount of medical services, leaving behind the actual need for medical care. These programs are absolutely justified in terms of classic budgetary financing industry. In a system such as JMS regulation, as the funds and the volume of medical services eliminated the funding for national health care - the system was to fund medical establishment on the principle of state fiscal health. A similar metamorphosis has led to the fact that at the level of health facilities in the fiscal deficit meet the required volume of care occurred dispersal of funds and the rate for medical services actually declined.
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