Thursday, 5 May 2011

Fat: What do they cost?

Fat: What do they cost?

Nature is not outwit fats we need in the same way, as proteins and carbohydrates: they are - the energy source and supports essential substances. And the first among the irreplaceable - fatty acids with several double bonds in the molecule. If the body is deprived of them, it will converts to fat and carbohydrates, proteins, and nothing good will not bring such a change: slow development of the organism as a whole, will be suppressed reproductive function, to begin a health problem. That fat make our skin soft and smooth, shiny hair and healthy. They form a thin film that makes the skin retain moisture and loses its elasticity. In children, fat and does serve as the main construction material for the developing brain. That is why even the most ardent proponents of low-calorie diets are not advised to limit them in baby food (for example, to give babies milk, as an adult). Finally, a number of essential vitamins is dissolved only in fats, and without them is not absorbed by the body. This is one of the reasons that the new achievement of American chemists - the miracle fat olestra, which bears so much hope, I met a rather cold reception. Olestra is not absorbed by the body: it does not add inches to your waist. It was assumed that prepared her chips can consume with impunity for the figure. But nature does not outsmarted again: do not digesting itself, the new fat as quickly from the body much-needed vitamins. Vegetable or animal? In recent years, everyone who cares about his health, went on vegetable oil. Benefits it brought, but less than expected. What's the matter? Animal fats were not harmless. Everyone who does not want to have trouble with blood vessels, it would be better to limit their use. But the limit - do not mean to exclude. Sour cream and cream - excellent sources of vitamins and useful lecithin. In butter and 40% monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the glory of the olive oil. In the end, butter for centuries was on the table at our ancestors, and no one had never occurred to call it harmful. Because eating it every morning, but only in skoromnye days, which was known to less than fasting. We are with you - people pampered servants habits. Morning tea sandwich without us is unthinkable. Here is where the fat is needed, suitable for buttering bread. Sandwich with mother of pearl first margarine was released in 1896 in France and consisted of beef fat, olive oil and skim milk. The name comes from the radiant light, which was the product: in Greek - mother of pearl. And in 1902, learned how to produce solid fats from vegetable oils - such margarines used by our grandmothers all war and postwar years. It was then formed an idea of ??margarine as fat. Current margarines have nothing in common with its predecessors. Today they are on medical recommendations, chief among them - enough content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, no or negligible cholesterol, vitamin A, D, E. The structure consists of hard margarine fat base, added to her liquid vegetable oil, milk and water, as well as vitamins and nutritional supplements are harmless. Habitual creamy taste of margarine give milk or a small addition of butter. However, no matter how much advertising convinces us that margarine to taste indistinguishable from oil, our own experience suggest otherwise. It is foolish to argue with them. Better to ask yourself a question: should we compare these two completely different products? Butter - a luxury. I am pleased to eat it occasionally, but do not overdo it if you expensive health of blood vessels. For the rest the same time fit margarines. They are not just harmless: many of them - these dietary products for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Indirect proof of this - that in recent years in developed countries were to consume more margarine and less butter. Sensation? Not at all. Ordinary progress. From what they consist There are several basic types of fats, more precisely, the fatty acids: saturated fatty acids - in meat and dairy products, omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids - in olive oil, omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids - in corn, cottonseed, sunflower and other vegetable oils omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - in leafy greens, flax seed and oil from it and the fish. Source: Journal of Health ". Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site

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