Further development is known, must either go to the top of the curve (on schedule), or on the bottom, that depends entirely on the decisions taken and the competence of those who make these decisions. Thus, there are three ways in the two approaches: an unstable continuation of what we have, with some amendments do not alter radically the existing order (straight dotted line on the graph), the development of a "plus" on the rising branch in the well, well chosen new concept change the form itself or as part of the same, if possible, the development of a "minus" is actually a regression in the case of a false conception or not the relevant time, place and level of technology used information. The first way - the current state of therapeutic services with the "mechanical" reduction of the load at the doctor, due to fundamental limitations of professional information, preserving and increasing the amount of bureaucracy (piling up excessively overwrought reporting and records), use of physician time to perform work or unskilled work with dubious results. Little effective work without moral incentives and satisfaction leads to chronic stress, frustration and loss of motivation. For example, outreach work to identify diseases among the population without further provide recreational activities and causes alienation among health professionals and the public. And they both come to the conclusion that the failed job just for the sake of statistics - a pointless waste of time. In the medical profession, as experience shows, professional moments, compassion and duty are often at significantly higher than adequate remuneration. Loss of professional interest has a much greater effect on brain drain and fill. It is a psychological factor, contrary to all calculations the organizers of Health, showed himself as the laws of self-organizing systems. It seems that the moral aspects of the planning in this case were not taken into account. If we want to maintain an effective therapeutic service is an urgent need to revise the conceptual aspects of the medical practitioner, focusing on the return of his doctor's clinical features with the realities of new knowledge. The Ministry of Health, realizing the danger point near the bifurcation decides the revolutionary transformation of the service. Without further ado, and not in a position (unfortunately!) To offer a progressive concept of operation of the service, and the industry as a whole, a decision widely advertised option, "a well-proven history" - Zemsky, a modern sound - a family doctor, the more what is fashionable to make reforms on the western variant, where the institute is preserved. It does not take into account that the WHO, taking into account the many deficiencies in medical care organization on the principles of a family physician, recognized more progressive, efficient and economical institute GP GP Soviet public health and recommended it as a basic model, not only developing but also developed countries.
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