Canned even evoke culinary imagination. We all know salads or soups with canned goods, the replacement of which by a natural product the same result is not obtained, such as salad "mimosa", which was boiled salmon obtained presnovatym, but with canned - juicy and delicious. What do we need to know about canned food? Shelf life. Everyone without exception is canned terms and conditions of storage, which is not recommended to break. Canned food, expired, must be destroyed. If you bought in a store canned goods with expired storage, you can request a refund or replacement of the banks. Play it safe to eat expired canned food: not so great loss of stale banks are afraid of possible consequences. Do not eat the contents of blackened, rusted, swollen or bent cans. Types of canned food. Canned fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. By way of preserving distinguish natural products, syrup, pickle, its own juice, jelly, tomato paste, oil. An example of a natural product without the filler is red caviar. Canned fruit in syrup, in a marinade or brine - vegetables, mushrooms, olives, in its own juices - mostly canned meat. In the jelly cooked slices of poultry or meat in tomato sauce - we all know pilchards, and leader of the "oil" conservation - sprats. There are mixed canned food (ready meal in the bank, which is enough to open and heat content), such as canned cabbage rolls, dolma, etc. content. Canned meat and fish cooked with a significant amount of oil and salt. Oil at the same time through intensive heat treatment, so the usefulness of this product can not be considered. But the high-fat diet significantly increases calorie meals, which can not disturb the people looking at their body weight. For example, in 100 grams of canned pork meat contains 50 grams of fat per 100 grams of canned mass, which is about 520 kilocalories per 100 grams, while a 100-gram slice of lean chop only 120 calories and no more than 10 grams of fat. Salt - the most ancient preservative. Fresh food is sometimes seems "fresh" in comparison with conserved because peresalivaniya last. Excess salt in the diet also leads to fluid retention, edema, the development of hypertension, loss of visual acuity and other health complications. In addition, during preservation often use a variety of colors, flavors and fillers. Doctors believed that such additives can easily be deposited in the body is already in the form of slag. There is a widespread view that due to prolonged high temperature treatment of bone fish in canned soften and calcium are becoming bioavailable. However, boiled until soft bones and bioavailability have to each other indirectly. But the harm of excess fat, saturated with product, and salt in any case overlaps benefit from knowing softened bones. Well, this last point, which suggests that the canned goods - food, every day is not suitable ... Famous American promoter of healthy lifestyles, Louise Hay wrote: "Food is something that grows. Cereals, vegetables, fruits growing. "Snickers" or canned food does not grow. " Border, where fit together philosophical and scientific calculations, relative. And yet: beef had lain in the bank for three years. And if it was a fresh piece of what remains of it would be? Naturopaths are not without grounds for believing that the conserved, especially long shelf, eating away "life-giving energy. But what about the canned vegetables? Vegetables in brine such as sweet corn or peas are acceptable even for the everyday table, but no substitute for fresh vegetables and are mainly used as a garnish. Pickled vegetables - an appetizer. Compote - a dessert and dessert only, bringing a rather small benefit the digestive tract due to the presence in canned sliced ??fiber. But the favorite in the Russian form of canned vegetables - eggplant caviar and Pumpkin - have not consist of vegetables, but mainly from vegetable oil, which increases the energy value of food, but makes it unsuitable for a healthy diet table. Long live the banquet! In moderate amounts of canned food can be used for cooking festive food: krill or shrimp, crab - for a gourmet salads, caviar - for sandwiches. However, every housewife knows "his" dishes, which she is particularly good at and which need to be prepared with delicious preserves. Here and limit the presence of canned food on the table holidays - this is reasonable and safe for health in general, and for waist circumference in particular. Probably, from time to time, you can use the canned foods - such as a cottage or a tourist - but do not forget that this is a temporary practice.
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