Well, if you have a set of common ailments of our time or just want to normalize your weight, you have to choose Curative feeding himself. We have tried to find out what people are guided in choosing a diet. In a fitness club, we proposed involved a choice of dozens of popular diets. Girls aged 17 to 22 years with great interest the "Diets for mannequins, women 25 - 35 years, guided by the principle of cheap, choosing kefir and milk diet. Men 25 to 45 is clearly attracted to the exotic, they felt that they needed a diet according to the method Montinyaka, Japanese diet, diet Banning. Are middle-aged and older people think more about health, therefore tended to diets with loud names "cleansing and refreshing." More detailed analysis showed the following: two girls with thyroid dysfunction and percentage of body fat below normal pathologically, chose a diet in which calories were below the physiological minimum, several men with impaired renal function have chosen a diet with lots of protein, which they, and without accidents, the kidneys are simply unable to dispose of. People with problems of digestion was collected over two to three weeks to eat raw or cooked vegetables, not knowing at any meal, they condemn themselves. Many people with overweight and high blood cholesterol chose to diets low in carbohydrates and more fat. How can avoid such mistakes and choose a diet that is at least not harm your health? We will not be like a popular women's magazines and streamlined to give advice like: "a big part in your diet should be grains and fresh vegetables, and turn to the figures, they are known, are stubborn things. And before you start talking, let's decide on what, in fact, we want to get rid of? Just of extra pounds of excess or fat? After the loss of extra pounds can mean the loss of fat and muscle mass loss and water loss, and reduced bone mass due to their thinning (osteoporosis), etc. etc. When a colleague, gleefully showing sunken cheeks and decaying pants, says that through diet, he dropped 5 kg, think! Five pounds of what?? It is no doubt that we want to leave it with excess fat, rather than the precious remnants of muscle mass. Therefore, the choice of diet, good to know how many pounds of fat you carry on yourself, and then carefully make sure that your chosen diet was reduced this figure. There are several ways. Cheap but not very precise: Measure the folds of fat in certain areas and on the tables to determine what percentage of fat in your body. The disadvantage of inaccuracies in measuring these folds, as the caliper that you for these purposes most likely will take advantage, it is not convenient, and zaschipyvat himself simply with your fingers - extremely inaccurate way to measure. Complex, and is not very precise: Weigh yourself, loved the water (on special scales, of course). Fat, unlike other tissues, is lighter than water, so water it weighs nothing, and scales show the weight of your bones and muscles. The accuracy of the method depends on how well you are exhaled from the lungs the air. In addition, the accuracy of the method can affect the availability of gas in the intestines (for dysbacteriosis, after consuming a large amount of crude fiber). Expensive and very precise: We sold a lot of devices that determine the percentage of body fat by measuring the bioelectric resistance of the body. Fat has zero conductivity, and its more than, the more resistance your body. The use of these devices is very convenient, you just have to remember that the testimony will be distorted when measured immediately after a meal, with high humidity palms or other skin areas in contact with the sensors, with non-compliance with instructions by the rules of measurement. Measuring one way or another percentage of fat in their body, compare it with the norm: For women, this percentage should be 18-22%, 12-17% for men (note that is too low percentage of fat (as well as too high) - a thing absolutely not normal, such as undervalued percentage of fat women having trouble conceiving and carrying a child). Knowing your body fat percentage, and remembering the course of primary schooling, it is easy to calculate what your ideal weight and how many pounds of fat you have. So the first thing you should pay attention to analyzing the favorite diet is the number of calories in the product offerings. Everybody understands that there should be few and far enough? 1000? 1500? 800? The smaller the better, or is there some limit? It turns out that this limit is different for everyone, and knowing the percentage of fat in your body, it is easy to define (an algorithm for determining body fat, calculate your ideal weight, calories to maintain basic metabolism and other parameters, as well as links to sites where you can find online counts calories and nutrients, will be published in a special issue, which will be released shortly). Even if we are completely immobile, the vital processes in our body do not stop. Our heart beats. Works respiratory and excretory systems, bones and muscles are constantly demanding of nutrients, we grow hair and nails, updated the skin, for all that need a certain amount of calories. In the physiology they are called "calories required for basal metabolism. Now let's think - what would happen if the body will get them less than this amount. Do you think he will use its own fat stores? Certainly not Such a reduction in caloric situation for him is not trivial, it is almost under martial law, and in war, as the saying goes, all good. Firstly, it tries to reduce the available muscle mass, elementary begins to eat itself. And the meager list of foods for diets with similar caloric content, you can safely add, for example, 3 g of their own attacks. I think, feel Dr. Hannibal Lector is not all pleasant. Oh, and secondly, deprived organism will avenge you, grow brittle hair and nails, changing the tone of the skin, slowing digestion and excretion. And the most unpleasant, even if you think better after a month, hurt the body did not immediately return to its normal state for a long time it will work in reduced mode, increasing the fatty layer in the case of the following kind of stress. The next thing you need to analyze in the selected diet, a number in it of essential nutrients, ie proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Make sure that the amount of protein in the diet is not dropped below 20-30 grams per day as insufficient intake of protein is accompanied by increased protein breakdown own tissue. First of all, you risk leaving without serum proteins, which can lead to hypoproteinemia (if someone does not know what it is, let frightened of the word). Gipoprotenemiya provokes the transition of fluid from the blood into the tissue, causing swelling of the hungry. Then he spent proteins of liver, skeletal muscle and skin, and the last to surrender proteins of heart muscle and brain. Lovers of such diets often have liver disease, reduced immunity and performance, not to mention the deterioration of appearance. Humanly understandable desire to reduce the amount of fat in the diet, but still 10-30 grams of fat per day should eat necessarily, because fat is necessary for normal metabolic processes in the body. He is also necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates. MD, a pathologist T. Basser finds that a diet extremely low in fat can cause sudden death, which sometimes occurs among some highly trained athletes. They have a history of the disease were no abnormalities or genetic predisposition to death. Most likely, the death was caused by violation of the metabolic balance of the lack of fatty acids, which in turn violated the general circulatory system. And another important figure, the amount of carbohydrates. It must be above 80 g per day. Lower values ??may cause the phenomenon of hypoglycemia (again, if someone does not understand what you mean, take it as well as hypoproteinemia :-)), manifested syncope, in milder cases - dizziness, weakness, muscular weakness. In addition, the lack of carbohydrates in the diet appears fatigue, depressed mood, until the development of depressive and neurotic states, increased protein breakdown, and, above all, cell proteins that meet, in particular for the formation and maintenance of immunity. And with the work you are simply thrown out - an employee of you will be useless, driver's license you are immediately taken away - the reaction rate and interest will be virtually zero, and the strength to argue with the traffic police you will not. U-r-r-r! At the same time, we think our 'dietary horror "and can finish. Finally, it should be noted that there are special medical diets in which the amount of certain nutrients below the physiological minimum. The course of this power is carried out in specials. clinics under the supervision of doctors and a powerful pharmacological support. We hope that after reading the latest issues of mailing you understand that choosing the right diet requires strong nerves and the remarkable mathematical ability. And you were finally able to calculate the quantity of nutrients required for your tolerable existence. Now we can proceed to the next stage - the choice of diet is not just harmless, but the most useful to your health. I think all agree that to reduce the weight you want to create a calorie deficit. You can create it differently .. Method one (fans eat absolutely alien). It is believed that the safest is to reduce weight by 300-500 g per week. To do this, calories of your diet should be about 500-600 calories less than the desired value (in the long agony you calculated earlier). For example, if your standard value 2000 kcal, the diet you should choose a calorie 1400-1500 kcal. Yes ... a bit .. That this is the main shortcoming of this method - any serious restrictions in general, but particularly in nutrition, the human mind perceives negatively. And eat a carrot for lunch, when colleagues choke on a potato with meat, you may like to put it mildly, not very. That's why there's a way the second (fans sedentary lifestyle also completely devoid of). You can increase the calories by adding some physical activity. Hour of medium intensity aerobics increases consumption by 300-400 kcal. And you have to create all the same deficit of 500 kcal, can already choose a diet with a calorie is not 1500, and 1800 kcal. Agree, better already. But keep in mind (after all, among our subscribers, there are professional athletes) that the number of calories expended in physical education should not exceed 6000 per week, or to maintain such a high level of metabolism require pharmacological support. Here the question arises on the admission of carnitine, creatine and other supplements. Method three (people smart and a little bit of medically educated again totally alien). It is possible to increase the speed of biochemical processes in the body, thus increasing the number of calories expended for basal metabolism. To this end, one can say, look younger, like a fairy tale Ivanushka fool, years such things at 10. And there is nothing funny about it. As found in the online global labor "fundamental processes of aging is a list of activities that allegedly allows you to do it. You can build muscle with special anabolic training and appropriate therapy, however, excess muscle mass (and lack thereof) has a negative impact on overall health. You can apply a variety of dietary supplements, which, judging by their beautiful labels and zazyvnoy advertising, anything can stimulate - from the intestines to the potency. You can increase the basal metabolic rate "with" smoking, alcohol, psychotropic stimulants, various stresses, or by calling in his diarrhea, vomiting (oddly enough, but there are also such recommendations). Fortunately, there is a fourth method (lovers of extremes totally alien). Choose a diet calorie content of 200-300 kcal lower than the calculated values, add two or three fitness workouts a week, which will increase the calories by 100-200 calories a day, with a lack of muscle mass to try it in a sensible increase, that will still 50-100 kcal per day of additional flow, the presence of chronic diseases to consult with a physician, receive treatment, choose the right multivitamin complex for you or dietary supplements - this will allow you to overclock the main exchange for another 50-100 calories. That's so simple, no extreme methods, we have created and we needed a deficit of 500-600 calories, which allows to get rid of 300-500 grams of fat per week. On how to allocate the estimated 1500-1900 kcal by fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and about what to choose a diet - protein, carbohydrate, and more - in subsequent issues of our newsletter on nutrition. And in the next issue we will touch upon problems of distribution of strength training and bodybuilding. Mikhail Stepanov, Marina Pronina Source: medicinform.net Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site www.medinfo.ru
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