Wednesday, 4 May 2011

In particular, the current system ...

In particular, the current system ...

In particular, the present system of compulsory health insurance as part of the state social welfare system, was regulated by the Law of the RSFSR "On medical insurance of citizens of the RSFSR, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation June 28, 1991. In this version of the Law system of medical insurance in Russia to think outside the public entities. But two years later to the law, progressive in terms of market relations, were amended to establish a Fund CBOs, and qualitatively change the nature of the alleged relations of subjects of the system. It happened in April 1993 when the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation living out their last days and his deputies were struggling to preserve the islands, though not the Soviet political, but economic impact on the health system. Funding of health as before with the Soviet model were to some extent, centralized at the level of territorial public finance and credit institutions. Today, when the last decade in search of a modern model of medical insurance in Russia, we can conclude that the establishment of funds OMC has led to the creation of an expensive system, and most importantly - on the vine buried the possibility of formation of market relations in the health care system. Politics of the time, like a bad coach, reinsurers do not dare to teach who can not swim in the wild sea elements. What we want to get in the modern relationship between doctor and patient that acquires features characteristic of the relationship between the producer (supplier) and their customer service? What we got today, after a decade of existence of funds MLA? That's what is remarkable and sadly symbolic: the birthday of modern system of local self-government in Russia for some reason connected with the inception of the fund CBOs, and not with 1991 - the year of adoption of the Law on Health Insurance. This year we celebrate nothing, as amendments to the Act. Today we have a unique celebration of amendments to the Law of the MLA. Ten years in Russia, "corrected and leveled" scheduled at the end of the 80 years of the twentieth century, the path to a civilized market relations in health care. What we hope to obtain, or basic principles of medical services market Somehow today does not really taken to recall the theoretical foundations and principles of Soviet public health, which include: state character and planned, preventive orientation, the unity of medical science and practice, publicly available, free and adequate health care population, public participation in the construction of health care. Today in tune with the time other principles, not conflicting with the above, but rather to complement them in the objective realities of contemporary society in the emerging market economy. Among other such principles could be as follows: 1) patient satisfaction (subjective and objective) for the provision of required medical care to him, and 2) advance offers on the market of medical services compared with the level of potential demand base of patients, and 3) timely and qualitative satisfaction demand for medical needs of the patient (the consumer of medical services) for the location of this patient anywhere in the country and in any conditions, 4) full or partial costs of the cost of medical services from the sources that do not create problems for a specific consumer of these services in terms of payment received medical care, 5) the optimal ratio of resources (material, human and financial) in the system of production and consumption of medical services.

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