Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Complete children

Complete children

What are the methods to solve the problem of excess weight in children and lifelong healthy habits to teach him? Meets the famous American expert on overweight and obesity in children and adolescents, professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Lynn Burch. How do I determine if a child overweight? Qualified answer to this question will give you just a pediatrician. He will be able to identify the reasons children completeness. In healthy children the cause of extra pounds is always an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. But these factors are directly dependent on how the parents behave. Sometimes, parents who themselves do not differ leanness, relate to overweight in their children safely. Like, from genetics there is no escape. Children, relatives who are overweight, more than any other at risk of overweight and obesity. However, heredity does not play a major role. This is just an additional "risk factor". It's not just in the genes. The fact that fat people if they are healthy, usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, overeating. Naturally, the child in such circumstances is also beginning to gain extra pounds. So what should you do if a child has a weight problem? First, tell me what not to do so. First, in any case do not put a child on a restrictive diet unless recommended by your doctor. Second, do not scold the child for what he is full. He must realize that love him no matter how it looks. And, thirdly, do not let your daze discouraged. Complete children are often very well aware that they are different. The only way to help complete your baby - change your lifestyle the whole family. In order that healthy habits become part of the life of your child, they should take all family members. And it will benefit everyone. "Lifestyles" - a rather broad concept. How do the lifestyles of the family affects children's weight? The main problem today is that we are accustomed to eating when not hungry. We can not give up your favorite treats, just support the company or sit down, simply because the time has come. And children, especially small and usually eat only when hungry, and stop as soon as filled. However, after 5 years they have gradually rebuilt the signals of the environment and is less oriented to inner feelings. At this age, babies begin to eat, if you get a favorite treat, or if the parents sit at the table. They are no longer clearly feel hunger or satiety, every year at the risk of gain extra pounds. How exactly do you advise me to start changing habits? I am confident that moving in this direction should slow, but hard enough. Here are a few simple tricks that will help you take your first steps: l Identify the apartment "food zone". The child must know that there can be only in the kitchen or dining room. l Do not use food for punishment or rewards. For example, deprivation dinner of fault may cause the child to fear and hunger will be there as much as possible at every opportunity. And if a child gets sweets or chips as a reward, he may decide that this food is better than another. Instead encourage child chocolate, better praise him, brings to the zoo or play in his favorite game. l Encourage your child to eat slowly. The kid should feel relaxed, comfortable atmosphere that offers a leisurely meal. l Take your child with you to shop, to allow him to participate in cooking. So you can teach him how to choose healthy foods. In addition, children are more likely to eat food they helped prepare. l gradually move to products with lower fat content. But in any case not exclude fats from your diet - they must provide not less than 30% of total daily calories. l Do not sharply limit the sweets. Try to gradually reduce their numbers without creating a child's sense of prohibition or deprivation. l Think healthy snacks. Instead of baskets of bread or a vase of sweets in between meals on the table, hold the bowl with cleaned carrots or apples. l Make the diet of their children of the most diverse. On the table must be present and cereals, and dairy products, fruit and vegetables, and fats, meat, fish, eggs. A varied diet - not an easy task. How to get a little fussy there are unloved, but useful food? Encourage your child to something there - it's a dead end road. If you want to teach a child to a diverse diet, have patience. New products have to offer the child repeatedly. A recent study showed that the savory foods such as vegetables, will be included in the diet of the child only after the 5 th, 10 th or 15 th attempt. For example, you want to get your child to benefit cauliflower. Start small - put on a plate next to familiar eating a tablespoon of cauliflower. The first time a child can not even touch the food unusual for him. But after a while the baby gets used to the vegetable supplement and it will be easy to eat. But still the best way - this is the most cabbage with the child, thereby giving an example. This applies to everything you do. Want your child to eat in front of TV or been more active - behave accordingly. And what to do with love of children to chocolate, potato chips, candy? Deny as junk food? Forget about the fact that there are forbidden foods. Otherwise, work the effect of the forbidden fruit. If you are faced with the problem of addiction kid to chocolate or chips, it is not necessary to exclude these foods from the diet. Start with the fact that buy small packages favorite treats. In general, monitor the size of servings your child. It is no secret that young children often get more food than they actually need. Can the child independently determine the value of the drink? For the portion size should, of course, should the parents. Just remember: too big portions - a kind of signal for the child not to trust their own feelings of hunger. He begins to think that parents - not he - know how much he needed to eat. There is a good rule for children of preschool age. Every product they need in the quantity of one tablespoon per year of life. There is another good way to deal with the portions, but it is not suitable for all children. Try serving food, not in separate bowls, and the overall dish. Give your child the opportunity to put yourself something to eat, using the child with a spoon. Most children intuitively take as much food as they need. Especially the guys, especially preschoolers, love to feel independent. This advice seems very democratic. I thought you consult more closely monitor the child's diet. Control may be different. I think that parents need only send their offspring, giving him the right choice. We are talking about soft controls. Parents have influence on the eating habits of the child only up to 5 years. The sooner you begin to follow the diet of their offspring, the better. At the same time you should not have too much pressure on the child's choice of products. The main task - not to prohibit or to compel their child to do something, and teach children to listen to myself. This skill in the modern world worth its weight in gold. Among the main causes of obesity in children you have called not only malnutrition, but lack of physical activity. In this case, too, must act consistently. Children because by their nature are very active and energetic. But addiction to television shows and computer games leads to the fact that they almost cease to move in during the day. Try to gently "refocus" their child. For example, plan a family evening walk instead of a traditional television viewing. Be an example for their children. If they see that you are active and get pleasure from it, they will move with you. Suit cycling, dancing, walking, swimming, skiing, ice skating. When your baby will get stronger, try to find a suitable sports section. Try to find something that will not only bring benefit to your daze, but also gives him pleasure. Of course, such a change of lifestyle will require you some effort. But they will pay off handsomely, because the love of a healthy lifestyle - a great gift for a lifetime. Anna CHESTNUT

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