Increasingly, began to arise a situation where a patient with a bundle of numerous studies and consultations could not find a specialist who can join, explain and apply the benefit of all of this information. Secondary changes occurred in the structure of hospital beds, as each newborn person must have had a hospital for "their" profile. Apologists for such reforms "discovered" for myself know how, according to which has been suggested to eliminate all of the major hospitals therapeutic beds. Psychological factor, indicating the instability of the system, began to manifest itself from an unexpected quarter, primarily in the outpatient service. That is where the massive problems is particularly important. Factors that fuel the growth of instability and leading to the emergence of a bifurcation phenomenon was the transition of social relations from a totalitarian regime to democracy, bypassing the authoritarian period. Collapsed a long time existed a system of distribution of young professionals, and therapeutic staff were progressively reduced. The influx of young doctors, there was partial staff shortage. The industry continues to operate due to be finalized until retirement and working pensioners. The system came close to the bifurcation (see Fig. 2), when you need an extraordinary solution to the development went along the upper branch, ie progressively. Policymakers understand the problems encountered, but decide largely opportunistic, and not calculated according to the laws of nonlinear dynamics. The situation poses very specific challenges: to overcome the psychological factor and create conditions for voluntary influx of young professionals who will be a force capable of resolving difficulties, finding the basis of real material interests, to revive a specialist who would be able to unite the scattered information and could implement it for the benefit of the patient ; solve organizational questions of massive medical interventions among the population, which until recently so successfully solved the precinct therapeutic service. Unexpected and extraordinary solutions, however, is not always indicative of their accuracy and appropriateness for all the original proposals. Stereotypes include the development of two basic approaches for solving such problems: Improving the existing system if it is conceptually corresponds to the period of development and had not exhausted options for effective functioning at entry to her organizational, methodological, technical and economic adjustments; complete replacement system for radical, revolutionary changed the concept of development in connection with the occurrence of significant discoveries and achievements, technologies, allowing a totally different way at a lower cost and with greater efficiency to obtain the results of different quality than that allowed its previous level. The first approach development continues normally in an evolutionary way. In the second path are all conditions for the occurrence of instability, with the bifurcation process.
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