Saturday, 7 May 2011

The quality of the food we eat

The quality of the food we eat

The downside of technological advances were acid rain, in which the exhaust gases and toxins from the air settle to the ground. Industrial and chemical wastes seeping into groundwater, eventually falling into food. In addition, plant foods grown using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Animals are fed antibiotics and growth hormones. Food factory processed foods, depriving them of natural nutrients. Instead, the products are added synthetic vitamins, artificial preservatives, colors and flavors. Whether we like it or not - we are forced to absorb the chemical brew. Many of these chemical compounds are collected and deposited in the tissues of the body, ultimately affecting the health. APPROACH ON FOOD Such adulteration of foods has serious health consequences. When the body's cells do not receive all the necessary nutrients, they are unable to function normally, especially if they are overloaded with the synthetic compounds that can not be recycled. This internal contamination creates a breeding ground in which the disease can nestle and grow. Quality of food should be the first concern of everyone. The government and the media keep repeating that our products should be the main source of vitamins and minerals and meet all dietary requirements. However, given that treatment, which are the products, quite obviously, that we are unable to obtain the necessary quality and value of food. Below we show what is happening in food processing. MODERN FOOD PRODUCTS - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. SOIL Many soils are depleted in minerals, especially iodine, selenium, iron, zinc and chromium. Every good year even more exhausting their treatment of synthetic fertilizers, which are artificially forced to ground to produce more than she can. The practice of growing the same crops aggravates the disappearance from the soil of essential trace elements. In addition, annual losses of more than 5 billion tons of topsoil of cultivated land. This startling figures as to recover only one inch of soil is required from 500 to 1000 years. And since the soil barely contain minerals, the latter can not be in the products. They will not appear in plant foods, either in animals that feed on these same plants. Vegetables and fruits now contain only a fraction of the amount of nutrients, which they held in the past. For example wheat 50 years ago consisted of 20-30% protein, and now - only 8-12%. An interesting study, called the report FA Baer was held at the University of Wisconsin. To study gathered vegetables and fruits from different farms, one of the region, as well as from other places. The results noted a huge variation nutritional products. For example, one beam of spinach contains a lot of iron, the other could not contain iron at all. You can imagine how often we buy fruits and vegetables in the full confidence that provided the family the best natural source of nutrients, which it can do and not to be. There are better ways to get the necessary nutrition for optimal health. Should, if possible, try to buy organically grown foods (without unnatural chemicals of any kind). The main objective of organic production plant is to create healthy soil. For the farmers feed the soil, creating an environment for growth is much more valuable for plant nutrient. Grown in this way vegetables (snap-beans, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and spinach) to the concentration of minerals in the 90 times or more greater than the same vegetables grown in the usual way. The surest way to make sure that you take the necessary amount of minerals needed - is to take multi-supplements. Pesticides and chemicals Chemicals (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) are used to fertilize soil, control weeds, insects and rodents, for crop protection against mold and fungus. They help increase productivity, enhance the storage life of plants, improve the appearance of fruits, vegetables and grains. Thirty years ago, R. Carson in one of his books warning about the growing reliance on pesticides and their danger. Today, farmers can choose from 5000 species and 700 chemical pesticide ingredients. Compared with the early 40's. When they were first used pesticides and their use in agriculture has increased tenfold. A crop losses due to insects over the past 50 years have doubled. This statistic is in question, the effectiveness''of pesticides. Interestingly, the use of pesticides has led to the development of 650 species of pests that are resistant to some of the poisons. It is known that many pesticides are dangerous to health and are carcinogenic. The Organization for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) admits that of the 320 pesticides allowed for use in agriculture, at least 66 - prospective carcinogens. Many of these pesticides are mixed with 1200 neutral ingredients, the composition of which manufacturers are not required to disclose, citing, or trade secret.'' For 800 of them have not been established levels of toxicity, they are believed to be carcinogenic. During the audit of EPA's pesticide labeling revealed that data on the toxicity of pesticides are often confusing, incomplete or outdated. Part, supporting information,''turned out to be older than the organization itself. Pesticides - this, time bomb.'' For decades, the use of these chemicals have accumulated in the soil. They fall into the plant, as well as water sources and, respectively, in fish. Suffering and livestock: cattle feed plants treated with chemicals and also receives injections of growth hormones and antibiotics. In the end, all,, chemistry''embedded in the tissue of animals. The facts are clear - as long as we do not eat organically produced vegetable oils and dairy products, meat and fish, we are more likely to be receiving significant doses of pesticides on a daily basis. It is alarming that many of these chemicals are biological poisons, designed for destruction, and in the human body, they slowly, progressively destroys the cells and organs. In 1990, Dr MA Evans, Professor University College of Medicine in Chicago, said that he estimated between 70 and 90% of human cancers arise under the influence of environmental factors. This includes chemicals, synthetic food additives, agricultural chemicals and other factors, including sunlight and food components. At the same time, Dr. Evans notes that most of these factors may not be carcinogenic themselves, but, in combination with other factors, may have a carcinogenic effect. In other words, they begin to work together synergistically. A study conducted in 1976, in a way confirms this assumption. A group of scientists experienced in the three chemical groups of rats. Individual chemicals had no effect on laboratory animals. At the next stage of the rats were given a combination of two substances, it was noted the deterioration of the animals. After the simultaneous reception of three chemicals in the two weeks the rats were killed. Unfortunately, few doctors know anything about the health effects of toxic chemicals in drinking water and foodstuffs. In 1988, the expert committee of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that almost all medical personnel are illiterate in the field of low-level toxicology of industrial pollution and pesticides. The published report also conclude that toxic chemicals play an increasing role in the increased morbidity and deaths. According to the National Cancer Institute, in the period 1950 - 1985 years. U.S.: The incidence of bladder cancer increased by 51%, cancer, kidney and renal pelvis - 82% (both diseases are associated with toxins in tap water). Testicular cancer involvement in 81% (and significantly higher among agricultural workers and workers in the factories of pesticides). Lymphoma (non Hodgkin's) participation by 123% (which is associated with direct exposure to pesticides). Cancer in children under 15 years of participation at 32%. In the period 1973 - 1985 years. incidence of breast cancer increased by 14%. (Some studies indicate that in cancerous breast tissue contains elevated amounts of industrial pollutants and pesticides. Breast cancer is also associated with toxins in drinking water.) World Health Organisation in 1985 concluded that at least half of the cancers caused by environmental factors environment. The extent to which the remaining 50% of cancers associated with pesticides and chemicals in food, water and air - is still unknown. MEAT synthetic additives Production of meat products - a lucrative business. To meet the demands and compete, breeders can not afford to let the cattle freely on natural pastures. Farms - factories have become the norm. Most of the animals (pigs, calves, chickens) are raised indoors from birth to slaughter, often in appalling conditions. With meat, poultry, eggs or milk you consume a lot of hidden ingredients, antibiotics, hormones, steroids, pesticides, preservatives and additives. Currently, half of the antibiotics manufactured in the U.S. is consumed by livestock to prevent disease of cattle. About 30 -90% of chickens, 80% of calves and pigs 60% of cattle coming to the meat, get the hormones to accelerate growth and increase lean meat. The majority of the meat contained in the chemicals do not affect neither hot nor cold treatment. Unlike bacteria, decaying in cooking, these chemicals remain in meat products, regardless of packaging, storage and processing. Unfortunately, there is an adequate inspection system for measuring levels of antibiotics and hormones. Of the 80 million animals slaughtered annually, only 1% tested for chemical precipitation. Annually in the U.S. are grown for meat is more than a million calves. These animals are pumped,, chemistry,''all his short life and exist in such appalling conditions that the mortality rate reaches 30%. While the government tries to limit the amount of ground the chemicals used, but due to the inadequate equipment is difficult to stop the widespread abuse. If you eat meat and dairy products, you will consume a considerable number of these concentrated toxins, whether you like it or not. Dr. George D. Weissman in the book,''Choose Life wrote:,, animal products are a great source of independent pesticides in human nutrition.'' He drew attention to the fact that we get from meat to sixteen times more pesticides than could be obtained from the same amount of plant products.'' To protect yourself and your family, try to severely restrict the consumption of meat (especially toxins accumulate internal organs), eat more vegetarian meals, or are looking for meat products, reliably do not contain hormones and chemicals. POLLUTION OF MARINE PRODUCTS Fish - an excellent source of protein, vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, as always, we must be cautious about consumption of fish. Need to choose carefully when buying fish, properly handle and prepare it to destroy bacterial contamination. Fish very susceptible to spoilage and bacterial contamination. Not recommended to eat raw oysters, clams and mussels because they cause the greatest number of diseases associated with seafood. Found that the fish absorb the hundreds of toxic chemicals, including pesticides, mercury, lead, DDT, dioxin, hlodan, etc. It is desirable to know where this fish was caught. Eat different kinds of fish, not to be subjected to the potential danger of a permanent source, buy the smaller (younger) fish - it has less toxins than enough time to accumulate large (adult) individuals, do not eat the coastal and river fish (they can be poisoned by sewage ), choose low-fat deep-sea fish. Remove all fat, because primarily in adipose tissue accumulate pesticides and other toxins. Possible, preferably a specially bred fish, but it should also be about to find out more. Some fisheries may use antibiotics and artificial coloring. LOST IN TRANSIT The vast majority of the population lives in towns and small suburbs, not adapted for the cultivation of fresh fruits and vegetables. ,,''Fresh fruits and vegetables are bought in stores, but what is the price such, freshness''? It usually takes quite a long time from harvest to the emergence of these products on the table. In order to compete in the market and solve transportation problems reach a large populated area, increasing the volume of sales, some policies. Unfortunately, this comes with the products. Most of the plant production is going well before maturation, and even more so before it will be the most nutritionally valuable. After collecting the products sprayed, are transported over long distances and stored for a long time. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients are lost at every stage. Today, the oranges are broken from the tree green and ripened chemically. As a result, they contain almost no natural vitamin C. Some of the orange juices can be made from fruits, collected two - three years ago. PROCESSING PRODUCTS Almost all food companies united by a common desire: to produce revenue products that are great in taste and never spoil. Modern processing of products based on the following theory: 1) reduce the rate of spoilage and extend shelf life, 2) facilitate the dissemination, 3) to produce, the new''products using artificial additives and dyes, and 4) products do, appealing.'' According to these facilities in the products are added flavoring and aromatic flavors, fat, preservatives and other chemical enhancers; eventually obtained a convenient product that became the norm today. 55% of products consumed in the world are treated. The question arises: what are the staple of zero nutritional value, which does not spoil? Hence, there is nothing to eat, even microbes and parasites. Becoming increasingly apparent that treatment is not only devastating impact on the quality of products, but can have serious long-term consequences for our health. Currently, the grain consumed in the form of white bread and pastries (such as cakes or breakfast cereals with sugar substitute), which is not literally no nutritional value of the initial grains. Unfortunately, many consumers are misled dangerously misleading advertising of almost all processed foods, getting on the floor, and enriched.'' And when cleaning flour, for example, lost 24 nutrients. Add a small amount three to four synthetic vitamins and iron, and the product has already declared, enriched.'' The consumer decides what suits him, despite the futility of it as an actual food product. Also, do not be deceived by the labels, without preservatives,'', without sugar,'', without the fat''or, contains no cholesterol.'' In fact, the products can be overloaded with sugar, salt or hydrogenated vegetable oil (saturated fat), just under different names or in another form. Prevalence of ready-made food people usually consume too many calories, salt, artificial additives, saturated fats, sugar, cholesterol and alcohol. Processed foods contain only carbohydrates. Too often, people - especially parents get tired by the end of the day and take a very simple solution: go for the,, fast food.'' Over a fifth of the population eat in the restaurants of finished products every day. 40 - 55% of the calories in these products provide the saturated fats. Indeed, the standard meal contains about 2000 mg daily rate of fat and salt. Unfortunately, the finished products are designed for you to please your taste (along with plenty of fat, salt, sugar and flavorings), and not to provide a nutritionally complete serving of food. Children are especially fond of the finished product. One study found that 30 of the 800 students receive daily 300 mg of caffeine in fizzy drinks and sweets. This is equivalent to five cups of coffee. And this excess caffeine is concentrated in the body of the child, which is higher than in adults, the metabolic rate. Not by chance a third of these children were hyperactive. Ochinennye sugars and simple sugars are hidden, perhaps the most dangerous ingredients in finished products. Each year, the average citizen consumes 68 kg of refined sugar. This represents more than 800 calories, packed in 50 teaspoons of sweets on a daily basis, that is a third of daily value of energy obtained by the body with nutrition. More than two-thirds of all refined sugar used in the world, added to the finished products. These hidden sugar is very difficult to recognize on the label. For example, one tablespoon of ketchup contains a teaspoon of sugar. Hidden sugar also contains bread, dry cereals, meat products, especially hot - hot dogs and canned meats, mayonnaise, soups, sauces, pickles, peanut butter and most canned fruits and vegetables. These products are depriving the body of vital nutrition. Abuse of sugar causes it to use more B - vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc and chromium. Salt depletes potassium. In fact, malnutrition can occur due to improper diet and dependence on large quantities of refined products. If your diet consists mainly of ready-to-eat foods, devoid of nutrients, you may have a health problem. The only reasonable solution - to replace these products are much more nutritious, which include, for example, whole grains, beans and unprocessed foods, especially organically grown vegetables. Artificial additives and preservatives chemical food additives: preservatives, artificial colorings and flavorings, emulsifiers, lubricants, bleach, synthetic sweeteners added to foods for many reasons. They are used to enhance flavor, improve the nutritional value, delay spoilage, extending shelf life, simplify preparation and make the products more affordable. Also used to mask the worst quality of products containing hazardous dyes and chemicals to extract more profit producers. Of course, this is illegal, but it does happen. FDA allowed the use of additives and 3,000 approved in 1300 of various additives for food, not all of which could be tested for short-and long-term side effects. Many hidden from the consumer carcinogenic dyes are added without warning instructions on the label. Young children before the age of five receive about 4 kg of synthetic food additives! These additives are not needed either to increase the usefulness and nutritional products, nor to improve health. SOME SUPPLEMENTS TO AVOID RESIN Acacia: May cause an asthma attack any force. Included in the ice cream, chewing gum, soft and hard candy and soft drinks. Benzoate: May cause gastrointestinal irritation, asthma attacks, rashes, itching and irritation of the eyes. Included in the beer, soft drinks, pizza and some cheese. Benzoic acid provokes a severe reaction in 27 of the 34 children who are hyperactive. BHA and BHT: It is believed that these additives lead to increased cholesterol levels, allergic reactions, kidney and liver damage, infertility, sterility, and weaken the immune system. VNA is less toxic, but both additives are potential carcinogens. Included in the oil, cereals, potato chips and other products. MSG: Flavor. May be indicated on the label as monoglutamat sodium. May cause dizziness, weakness, rash and other allergic reactions. Used in many foods: soups, sauces, most restaurant meals, jellies, soft drinks and ready-to-eat foods. Nitro or Sodium nitrate: This is used as a preservative (which can cause botulism) and as an agent that promotes the preservation of fresh meat color. Included in the salted meat products (bacon, ham) and smoked fish. Nitrates can form carcinogenic compounds in the digestive tract. Artificial colors and flavorings Most artificial colors and flavors derived from synthetic chemicals. It is assumed that many of these products are toxic to the human body, and it is unclear how they might affect future health. They are used because of its low cost compared to the real, natural ingredients. Only in the last 30 years, consumption of synthetic dyes has increased by 10 times. Consumed every year with the products of several thousand tons of the seven types of dyes from coal tar. Four of the seven dye provoke cancer in laboratory animals. Choose possible products without dyes and fragrances. EXPOSURE This process is a food processing by ionizing radiation from radioactive isotopes cobalt-60 and cesium-137. It is believed that the radiation kills harmful bacteria and greatly increases the shelf life of products. Irradiated object is placed on the conveyor belt, spanning it in a concrete cell for a minute or two. Some studies put the FDA in the framework of the method of irradiation, are questionable, as studies in other countries, forced them to abandon the use of irradiation. For example, in Hungary in 1223 safety studies have not confirmed the safety of radiation processed foods. Most of them point to the possibility of mutation, the threat of child-bearing ability, metabolic changes in the organs and cancer, the formation of a set of free radicals. Currently allowed irradiation of meat products, grains, herbs and spices. Of these, only herbs and spices used in processed foods exposed to ionizing radiation. EVERY DAY - THIS ONE DAY OF YOUR LIFE The above information was supposed to show you how today's products are potentially dangerous. You may even decide that we are doomed or that is too late to change anything. But we must not forget the tremendous forces of strengthening the body. Try directly from this day to exclude possible from the diet harmful products. Use supplements to ensure you are safe, healthy and nutritious ingredients, talk to your specialist, what products purify the blood, liver and kidney from accumulated toxins in them. Act now, and your life will be longer than for many years. Consumption of higher quality: SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS Buy certified, organically grown foods when possible. , Organically''means that the growing use chemical sprays, insecticides, coloring agents and preservatives. Buy foods that are sold by independent distributors, companies producing natural foods stores or healthy foods. These are products whose high nutritional value, quality and great taste exceed their price. It makes no sense to buy commercial products, even cheap, but devoid of any nutritional value. Read the labels. Avoid foods with additives and ingredients that can not even pronounce. Learn to identify hidden sugar and salt. Use a water purification system. Now available and table and floor models. With the help of water purification systems to get rid of chlorine and chloramines, will be suitable for drinking and cooking. Fruits and vegetables should be washed and peeled, as they are often sprayed with fungicides after harvest, and covered with wax substance to give a beautiful view. In water in which you wash your vegetables, you can add a little soft dish detergent. All root vegetables should be thoroughly cleaned with a brush, especially potatoes and carrots. These products after collecting additional sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals, rotting and sprouting of tubers. Always remove the top layers of Listyev green vegetables, as in the outer layers accumulate more chemicals than inland. Note: Most of these warnings are not necessary if you are buying organic products. Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site

The downside of technological advances were acid rain, in which the exhaust gases and toxins from the air settle to the ground. Industrial and chemical wastes seeping into groundwater, eventually falling into food. In addition, plant foods grown using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Animals are fed antibiotics and growth hormones. Food factory processed foods, depriving them of natural nutrients. Instead, the products are added synthetic vitamins, artificial preservatives, colors and flavors. Whether we like it or not - we are forced to absorb the chemical brew. Many of these chemical compounds are collected and deposited in the tissues of the body, ultimately affecting the health. APPROACH ON FOOD Such adulteration of foods has serious health consequences. When the body's cells do not receive all the necessary nutrients, they are unable to function normally, especially if they are overloaded with the synthetic compounds that can not be recycled. This internal contamination creates a breeding ground in which the disease can nestle and grow. Quality of food should be the first concern of everyone. The government and the media keep repeating that our products should be the main source of vitamins and minerals and meet all dietary requirements. However, given that treatment, which are the products, quite obviously, that we are unable to obtain the necessary quality and value of food. Below we show what is happening in food processing. MODERN FOOD PRODUCTS - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. SOIL Many soils are depleted in minerals, especially iodine, selenium, iron, zinc and chromium. Every good year even more exhausting their treatment of synthetic fertilizers, which are artificially forced to ground to produce more than she can. The practice of growing the same crops aggravates the disappearance from the soil of essential trace elements. In addition, annual losses of more than 5 billion tons of topsoil of cultivated land. This startling figures as to recover only one inch of soil is required from 500 to 1000 years. And since the soil barely contain minerals, the latter can not be in the products. They will not appear in plant foods, either in animals that feed on these same plants. Vegetables and fruits now contain only a fraction of the amount of nutrients, which they held in the past. For example wheat 50 years ago consisted of 20-30% protein, and now - only 8-12%. An interesting study, called the report FA Baer was held at the University of Wisconsin. To study gathered vegetables and fruits from different farms, one of the region, as well as from other places. The results noted a huge variation nutritional products. For example, one beam of spinach contains a lot of iron, the other could not contain iron at all. You can imagine how often we buy fruits and vegetables in the full confidence that provided the family the best natural source of nutrients, which it can do and not to be. There are better ways to get the necessary nutrition for optimal health. Should, if possible, try to buy organically grown foods (without unnatural chemicals of any kind). The main objective of organic production plant is to create healthy soil. For the farmers feed the soil, creating an environment for growth is much more valuable for plant nutrient. Grown in this way vegetables (snap-beans, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and spinach) to the concentration of minerals in the 90 times or more greater than the same vegetables grown in the usual way. The surest way to make sure that you take the necessary amount of minerals needed - is to take multi-supplements. Pesticides and chemicals Chemicals (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) are used to fertilize soil, control weeds, insects and rodents, for crop protection against mold and fungus. They help increase productivity, enhance the storage life of plants, improve the appearance of fruits, vegetables and grains. Thirty years ago, R. Carson in one of his books warning about the growing reliance on pesticides and their danger. Today, farmers can choose from 5000 species and 700 chemical pesticide ingredients. Compared with the early 40's. When they were first used pesticides and their use in agriculture has increased tenfold. A crop losses due to insects over the past 50 years have doubled. This statistic is in question, the effectiveness''of pesticides. Interestingly, the use of pesticides has led to the development of 650 species of pests that are resistant to some of the poisons. It is known that many pesticides are dangerous to health and are carcinogenic. The Organization for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) admits that of the 320 pesticides allowed for use in agriculture, at least 66 - prospective carcinogens. Many of these pesticides are mixed with 1200 neutral ingredients, the composition of which manufacturers are not required to disclose, citing, or trade secret.'' For 800 of them have not been established levels of toxicity, they are believed to be carcinogenic. During the audit of EPA's pesticide labeling revealed that data on the toxicity of pesticides are often confusing, incomplete or outdated. Part, supporting information,''turned out to be older than the organization itself. Pesticides - this, time bomb.'' For decades, the use of these chemicals have accumulated in the soil. They fall into the plant, as well as water sources and, respectively, in fish. Suffering and livestock: cattle feed plants treated with chemicals and also receives injections of growth hormones and antibiotics. In the end, all,, chemistry''embedded in the tissue of animals. The facts are clear - as long as we do not eat organically produced vegetable oils and dairy products, meat and fish, we are more likely to be receiving significant doses of pesticides on a daily basis. It is alarming that many of these chemicals are biological poisons, designed for destruction, and in the human body, they slowly, progressively destroys the cells and organs. In 1990, Dr MA Evans, Professor University College of Medicine in Chicago, said that he estimated between 70 and 90% of human cancers arise under the influence of environmental factors. This includes chemicals, synthetic food additives, agricultural chemicals and other factors, including sunlight and food components. At the same time, Dr. Evans notes that most of these factors may not be carcinogenic themselves, but, in combination with other factors, may have a carcinogenic effect. In other words, they begin to work together synergistically. A study conducted in 1976, in a way confirms this assumption. A group of scientists experienced in the three chemical groups of rats. Individual chemicals had no effect on laboratory animals. At the next stage of the rats were given a combination of two substances, it was noted the deterioration of the animals. After the simultaneous reception of three chemicals in the two weeks the rats were killed. Unfortunately, few doctors know anything about the health effects of toxic chemicals in drinking water and foodstuffs. In 1988, the expert committee of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that almost all medical personnel are illiterate in the field of low-level toxicology of industrial pollution and pesticides. The published report also conclude that toxic chemicals play an increasing role in the increased morbidity and deaths. According to the National Cancer Institute, in the period 1950 - 1985 years. U.S.: The incidence of bladder cancer increased by 51%, cancer, kidney and renal pelvis - 82% (both diseases are associated with toxins in tap water). Testicular cancer involvement in 81% (and significantly higher among agricultural workers and workers in the factories of pesticides). Lymphoma (non Hodgkin's) participation by 123% (which is associated with direct exposure to pesticides). Cancer in children under 15 years of participation at 32%. In the period 1973 - 1985 years. incidence of breast cancer increased by 14%. (Some studies indicate that in cancerous breast tissue contains elevated amounts of industrial pollutants and pesticides. Breast cancer is also associated with toxins in drinking water.) World Health Organisation in 1985 concluded that at least half of the cancers caused by environmental factors environment. The extent to which the remaining 50% of cancers associated with pesticides and chemicals in food, water and air - is still unknown. MEAT synthetic additives Production of meat products - a lucrative business. To meet the demands and compete, breeders can not afford to let the cattle freely on natural pastures. Farms - factories have become the norm. Most of the animals (pigs, calves, chickens) are raised indoors from birth to slaughter, often in appalling conditions. With meat, poultry, eggs or milk you consume a lot of hidden ingredients, antibiotics, hormones, steroids, pesticides, preservatives and additives. Currently, half of the antibiotics manufactured in the U.S. is consumed by livestock to prevent disease of cattle. About 30 -90% of chickens, 80% of calves and pigs 60% of cattle coming to the meat, get the hormones to accelerate growth and increase lean meat. The majority of the meat contained in the chemicals do not affect neither hot nor cold treatment. Unlike bacteria, decaying in cooking, these chemicals remain in meat products, regardless of packaging, storage and processing. Unfortunately, there is an adequate inspection system for measuring levels of antibiotics and hormones. Of the 80 million animals slaughtered annually, only 1% tested for chemical precipitation. Annually in the U.S. are grown for meat is more than a million calves. These animals are pumped,, chemistry,''all his short life and exist in such appalling conditions that the mortality rate reaches 30%. While the government tries to limit the amount of ground the chemicals used, but due to the inadequate equipment is difficult to stop the widespread abuse. If you eat meat and dairy products, you will consume a considerable number of these concentrated toxins, whether you like it or not. Dr. George D. Weissman in the book,''Choose Life wrote:,, animal products are a great source of independent pesticides in human nutrition.'' He drew attention to the fact that we get from meat to sixteen times more pesticides than could be obtained from the same amount of plant products.'' To protect yourself and your family, try to severely restrict the consumption of meat (especially toxins accumulate internal organs), eat more vegetarian meals, or are looking for meat products, reliably do not contain hormones and chemicals. POLLUTION OF MARINE PRODUCTS Fish - an excellent source of protein, vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, as always, we must be cautious about consumption of fish. Need to choose carefully when buying fish, properly handle and prepare it to destroy bacterial contamination. Fish very susceptible to spoilage and bacterial contamination. Not recommended to eat raw oysters, clams and mussels because they cause the greatest number of diseases associated with seafood. Found that the fish absorb the hundreds of toxic chemicals, including pesticides, mercury, lead, DDT, dioxin, hlodan, etc. It is desirable to know where this fish was caught. Eat different kinds of fish, not to be subjected to the potential danger of a permanent source, buy the smaller (younger) fish - it has less toxins than enough time to accumulate large (adult) individuals, do not eat the coastal and river fish (they can be poisoned by sewage ), choose low-fat deep-sea fish. Remove all fat, because primarily in adipose tissue accumulate pesticides and other toxins. Possible, preferably a specially bred fish, but it should also be about to find out more. Some fisheries may use antibiotics and artificial coloring. LOST IN TRANSIT The vast majority of the population lives in towns and small suburbs, not adapted for the cultivation of fresh fruits and vegetables. ,,''Fresh fruits and vegetables are bought in stores, but what is the price such, freshness''? It usually takes quite a long time from harvest to the emergence of these products on the table. In order to compete in the market and solve transportation problems reach a large populated area, increasing the volume of sales, some policies. Unfortunately, this comes with the products. Most of the plant production is going well before maturation, and even more so before it will be the most nutritionally valuable. After collecting the products sprayed, are transported over long distances and stored for a long time. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients are lost at every stage. Today, the oranges are broken from the tree green and ripened chemically. As a result, they contain almost no natural vitamin C. Some of the orange juices can be made from fruits, collected two - three years ago. PROCESSING PRODUCTS Almost all food companies united by a common desire: to produce revenue products that are great in taste and never spoil. Modern processing of products based on the following theory: 1) reduce the rate of spoilage and extend shelf life, 2) facilitate the dissemination, 3) to produce, the new''products using artificial additives and dyes, and 4) products do, appealing.'' According to these facilities in the products are added flavoring and aromatic flavors, fat, preservatives and other chemical enhancers; eventually obtained a convenient product that became the norm today. 55% of products consumed in the world are treated. The question arises: what are the staple of zero nutritional value, which does not spoil? Hence, there is nothing to eat, even microbes and parasites. Becoming increasingly apparent that treatment is not only devastating impact on the quality of products, but can have serious long-term consequences for our health. Currently, the grain consumed in the form of white bread and pastries (such as cakes or breakfast cereals with sugar substitute), which is not literally no nutritional value of the initial grains. Unfortunately, many consumers are misled dangerously misleading advertising of almost all processed foods, getting on the floor, and enriched.'' And when cleaning flour, for example, lost 24 nutrients. Add a small amount three to four synthetic vitamins and iron, and the product has already declared, enriched.'' The consumer decides what suits him, despite the futility of it as an actual food product. Also, do not be deceived by the labels, without preservatives,'', without sugar,'', without the fat''or, contains no cholesterol.'' In fact, the products can be overloaded with sugar, salt or hydrogenated vegetable oil (saturated fat), just under different names or in another form. Prevalence of ready-made food people usually consume too many calories, salt, artificial additives, saturated fats, sugar, cholesterol and alcohol. Processed foods contain only carbohydrates. Too often, people - especially parents get tired by the end of the day and take a very simple solution: go for the,, fast food.'' Over a fifth of the population eat in the restaurants of finished products every day. 40 - 55% of the calories in these products provide the saturated fats. Indeed, the standard meal contains about 2000 mg daily rate of fat and salt. Unfortunately, the finished products are designed for you to please your taste (along with plenty of fat, salt, sugar and flavorings), and not to provide a nutritionally complete serving of food. Children are especially fond of the finished product. One study found that 30 of the 800 students receive daily 300 mg of caffeine in fizzy drinks and sweets. This is equivalent to five cups of coffee. And this excess caffeine is concentrated in the body of the child, which is higher than in adults, the metabolic rate. Not by chance a third of these children were hyperactive. Ochinennye sugars and simple sugars are hidden, perhaps the most dangerous ingredients in finished products. Each year, the average citizen consumes 68 kg of refined sugar. This represents more than 800 calories, packed in 50 teaspoons of sweets on a daily basis, that is a third of daily value of energy obtained by the body with nutrition. More than two-thirds of all refined sugar used in the world, added to the finished products. These hidden sugar is very difficult to recognize on the label. For example, one tablespoon of ketchup contains a teaspoon of sugar. Hidden sugar also contains bread, dry cereals, meat products, especially hot - hot dogs and canned meats, mayonnaise, soups, sauces, pickles, peanut butter and most canned fruits and vegetables. These products are depriving the body of vital nutrition. Abuse of sugar causes it to use more B - vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc and chromium. Salt depletes potassium. In fact, malnutrition can occur due to improper diet and dependence on large quantities of refined products. If your diet consists mainly of ready-to-eat foods, devoid of nutrients, you may have a health problem. The only reasonable solution - to replace these products are much more nutritious, which include, for example, whole grains, beans and unprocessed foods, especially organically grown vegetables. Artificial additives and preservatives chemical food additives: preservatives, artificial colorings and flavorings, emulsifiers, lubricants, bleach, synthetic sweeteners added to foods for many reasons. They are used to enhance flavor, improve the nutritional value, delay spoilage, extending shelf life, simplify preparation and make the products more affordable. Also used to mask the worst quality of products containing hazardous dyes and chemicals to extract more profit producers. Of course, this is illegal, but it does happen. FDA allowed the use of additives and 3,000 approved in 1300 of various additives for food, not all of which could be tested for short-and long-term side effects. Many hidden from the consumer carcinogenic dyes are added without warning instructions on the label. Young children before the age of five receive about 4 kg of synthetic food additives! These additives are not needed either to increase the usefulness and nutritional products, nor to improve health. SOME SUPPLEMENTS TO AVOID RESIN Acacia: May cause an asthma attack any force. Included in the ice cream, chewing gum, soft and hard candy and soft drinks. Benzoate: May cause gastrointestinal irritation, asthma attacks, rashes, itching and irritation of the eyes. Included in the beer, soft drinks, pizza and some cheese. Benzoic acid provokes a severe reaction in 27 of the 34 children who are hyperactive. BHA and BHT: It is believed that these additives lead to increased cholesterol levels, allergic reactions, kidney and liver damage, infertility, sterility, and weaken the immune system. VNA is less toxic, but both additives are potential carcinogens. Included in the oil, cereals, potato chips and other products. MSG: Flavor. May be indicated on the label as monoglutamat sodium. May cause dizziness, weakness, rash and other allergic reactions. Used in many foods: soups, sauces, most restaurant meals, jellies, soft drinks and ready-to-eat foods. Nitro or Sodium nitrate: This is used as a preservative (which can cause botulism) and as an agent that promotes the preservation of fresh meat color. Included in the salted meat products (bacon, ham) and smoked fish. Nitrates can form carcinogenic compounds in the digestive tract. Artificial colors and flavorings Most artificial colors and flavors derived from synthetic chemicals. It is assumed that many of these products are toxic to the human body, and it is unclear how they might affect future health. They are used because of its low cost compared to the real, natural ingredients. Only in the last 30 years, consumption of synthetic dyes has increased by 10 times. Consumed every year with the products of several thousand tons of the seven types of dyes from coal tar. Four of the seven dye provoke cancer in laboratory animals. Choose possible products without dyes and fragrances. EXPOSURE This process is a food processing by ionizing radiation from radioactive isotopes cobalt-60 and cesium-137. It is believed that the radiation kills harmful bacteria and greatly increases the shelf life of products. Irradiated object is placed on the conveyor belt, spanning it in a concrete cell for a minute or two. Some studies put the FDA in the framework of the method of irradiation, are questionable, as studies in other countries, forced them to abandon the use of irradiation. For example, in Hungary in 1223 safety studies have not confirmed the safety of radiation processed foods. Most of them point to the possibility of mutation, the threat of child-bearing ability, metabolic changes in the organs and cancer, the formation of a set of free radicals. Currently allowed irradiation of meat products, grains, herbs and spices. Of these, only herbs and spices used in processed foods exposed to ionizing radiation. EVERY DAY - THIS ONE DAY OF YOUR LIFE The above information was supposed to show you how today's products are potentially dangerous. You may even decide that we are doomed or that is too late to change anything. But we must not forget the tremendous forces of strengthening the body. Try directly from this day to exclude possible from the diet harmful products. Use supplements to ensure you are safe, healthy and nutritious ingredients, talk to your specialist, what products purify the blood, liver and kidney from accumulated toxins in them. Act now, and your life will be longer than for many years. Consumption of higher quality: SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS Buy certified, organically grown foods when possible. , Organically''means that the growing use chemical sprays, insecticides, coloring agents and preservatives. Buy foods that are sold by independent distributors, companies producing natural foods stores or healthy foods. These are products whose high nutritional value, quality and great taste exceed their price. It makes no sense to buy commercial products, even cheap, but devoid of any nutritional value. Read the labels. Avoid foods with additives and ingredients that can not even pronounce. Learn to identify hidden sugar and salt. Use a water purification system. Now available and table and floor models. With the help of water purification systems to get rid of chlorine and chloramines, will be suitable for drinking and cooking. Fruits and vegetables should be washed and peeled, as they are often sprayed with fungicides after harvest, and covered with wax substance to give a beautiful view. In water in which you wash your vegetables, you can add a little soft dish detergent. All root vegetables should be thoroughly cleaned with a brush, especially potatoes and carrots. These products after collecting additional sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals, rotting and sprouting of tubers. Always remove the top layers of Listyev green vegetables, as in the outer layers accumulate more chemicals than inland. Note: Most of these warnings are not necessary if you are buying organic products. Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site

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