Saturday, 7 May 2011

in accordance with this may be ...

In accordance with that can be formed about the organizational structure and specified the tasks of units and job descriptions of employees. It is quite possible to allow different classification of subjects for standardization. Delineated the boundaries of these classifications is not fundamentally important in building an organizational structure to ensure standardization in health care. The main thing is that, in accordance with certain subjects of standardization is possible to create an adequate institutional structure to the possible directions of such generalized activity. The solution of organizational and technical problems is the creation of real life industry standardization carried out by the development, approval, adoption and enactment of regulations, standards, monitor their execution, the requirements at the territorial level, the level of a specific medical facility and medical practitioner any type of property. In constructing a model system for standardization of health in the region is methodologically justified the selection of three levels of implementation problems: the level of organizational and methodological features, the level of implementation and enforcement of standards; Qualimetry level (measured) and peer review. Recognizing that the ultimate methods of standardization in health care is a system of governance - the parent body of organizational and technical service standards, apparently, could be formed at the health authorities of the Federation. Likely level of such units: the local government department of health management. This logical assumption is only at first sight is true. Research and practice indicate that health authorities in their field of advanced features, low-level activities in the establishment of standardization in health care. Identifying the root causes of this situation - a problem of a separate study. In our opinion, the health authorities are not able to solve the problem of constructing a system of standardization at the level of their organizations for reasons other departments. It is known that the directions of standardization in health care, in recent years in areas actively the activities of licensing and accreditation. Formation and promotion of this activity was due to life by introducing compulsory health insurance system, rather than domestic demand was the territorial health authorities. In most regional models of health care activities of license - Accreditation Commission (LAC), as intra-and gave a definite result (rather Accounting and Statistics), but the end was unable to solve problems on the qualitative improvement of the functioning of medical institutions and medical practices. Recently, the Ministry of Health noted that the LAC system is essentially running on itself.

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