Friday, 20 May 2011

Skin is bumpy like an orange peel

Skin is bumpy like an orange peel

Note on the metabolism of its enabling the infusion of such fees: Take 3 parts of ordinary fruits of fennel, chamomile flowers and medicinal lime small-leaved, 4 of black elderberry flowers, peppermint leaves (if one or two components are missing, you can without them). Mix 3 parts olhovidnoy buckthorn bark, 1 part dandelion roots of the ordinary, garden seeds of parsley and fennel usual, and peppermint leaves. One of these infusions (by choice), cooked in the traditional way, Take 2 cups of the morning on an empty stomach 8-10 weeks. By the way: it effectively brings fluid from the body of birch sap. Reduces appetite! Invaluable assistance you will extract corn silk with columns: 30-40 drops 2-3 times daily before meals. You can receive and extract from them, cooked the traditional way - before you eat a tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 2 weeks. Then take a break for a month and repeat the course. Another option - extract herb horsetail. It is recommended to take the same way as in the previous recipe. RELAX! Since cellulite is difficult to cope when the muscles are tense. Ideal races slablyayuschee tool - the bath. Sedative action have aromatic baths, for example, with the addition of infusions taken in equal proportions of grass, peppermint, sage and medicinal, eucalyptus leaves globular; bath infusion of a mixture made of equal proportions of grass Hypericum perforatum, peppermint, sage drug. Improve skin elasticity bath infusion of prickly thistle. To prepare the infusion pour into a large pot 300 g mixture of herbs, cover with cold water, bring to low heat to a boil and allow to stand for an hour. Then strain the infusion through 2 layers of cheesecloth, remnants of press and pour into the tub. Soap, in adopting this procedure to use should not be. MORE HELP SKIN At least once a week there is a body peeling, especially to actively treat the thighs, buttocks and stomach. Make a scrub, you can use homemade scrub: Mix equal proportions of grated carrot on a fine grater and semolina, rub this mixture, leave on skin for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. MORE FRESH VEGETABLES! A crucial role in anti-cellulite diet play vegetables, especially the bright colors - tomatoes, spinach, red peppers: Vegetables and salads of them contribute to the restoration of the affected cellulite tissue. Include in your diet asparagus, beans, bamboo shoots and sweet peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Headed, cauliflower, carrots, celery, endive, zucchini, fennel, artichoke, round, green onions and onions, leeks, snow peas, mushrooms, red and green pepper, pumpkin, watercress water: Note: artichoke accelerates the removal of toxins from the liver, promotes the release of bowel and removal of fat from fat cells, seaweed contains iodine, which is a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland which controls metabolic rate and hence - burning calories, nettle, a part of herbal teas, stimulates the kidneys, helping to remove excess fluid from the body, garlic has a powerful protivoholesterinovym action. It protects against damage to small blood vessels, improves blood circulation in all body tissues, including fat, fennel helps to conclude the final products of metabolism, its extract has a strong diuretic effect and normalizes the endocrine glands; green tea helps to break down the subcutaneous fat pad. Diet Try to eat slowly 4-5 times a day at the same time. When violation of the organism strives to make margin for a long break - there you have excess fat that is deposited where it is not necessary. After 17 hours of attending the strong breakdown of fats. Refuse from this hour of sugar, pasta and other foods containing carbohydrates. Please note: in the dried fruit a large concentration of sugar, so better to eat fresh fruits and berries. Especially apples, apricots, blueberries, figs, blackberries, black currants, gooseberries, grapefruit, melons, peaches, papayas, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines. Right, have something to pamper yourself! Do not overdo the salt. Delaying the fluid in the body, it works on cellulite. " Drink a day 2-3 liters of water (preferably mineral without gas). ALMOST TABOO! Small doses of alcohol promote the treatment of cellulite. Alcohol, dilating blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and red wine also contains tannins that protect the pulmonary circulation from free radicals. But alcohol in large doses and calories, and promotes the deposition of fat in problem areas of the body. Want to avoid the trap - limit to one glass of wine (preferably red grape) per day. The action of caffeine is also ambiguous. It increases the rate of burning calories, but high doses constricts small blood vessels and stimulates the appearance of cellulite. You do not want that? Then take it a rule not to exceed the norm: either three cups (teaspoon per cup), instant coffee, or two-filtered, or espresso or cappuccino per day. Tea contains beneficial effect on the body tannins, and there is no need to limit yourself in it, unless you do not have a tendency to constipation - one of the provoking factor cellulite.

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