Sunday, 1 May 2011

Studies conducted by ...

Studies were carried out by statistical analysis of reasons for calling the line "03" for 10 months of 2003. Statistical analysis were subjected to 53,084 calls, including specialized teams served 3,861 calls. We, on the basis of computer analysis of the database for DPT controllers designed matrix of the direction of specialized teams on the profile. Call the main reason of the specialized teams are massive disaster, car accident, falls, suffocation, electric shock, poisoning, myocardial infarction, bleeding, etc. Spetsializirvannye team traveled to 0,8% of cases (of the total calls) about - bleeding, 0.2% - an accident, 33,7% - a heart, 2% - poisoning, 0,2% - electrical accident, 0, 1% - severe injury, 0.26% - asphyxia, 0,22% - paralyzed, 0,1% - insect bites, 2,4% - births, 0.3% - head trauma, 0.2% - falling from a height, 0,1% - firearms or stabbed, 0,3% - the massive disaster, fires. It is known that calling an ambulance is always emotional and may exaggerate the incident event. Therefore, the dispatcher received the first message that should reassure the caller and ascertain details about the case to clarify the profile directed teams. After gathering the necessary information in a matter of urgency of certain specialized team is sent to the scene. In the case of the current lack of this brigade carried out a forced its replacement with another team in accordance with this matrix. This matrix is ??a working tool for the controller, allowing the best decision. Experience Manager with the matrix increases the accuracy of the direction of teams. Matrix for the direction of specialized teams to profile occasion for calling

Physician, heal himself ...

I. Vlasov Explorer FV What motivates physicians by assigning one or another drug? Obviously, efficiency, cost of medicines, personal practice, recommendations of colleagues, professional information. And whether their recommendations and drug preferences to change when their own distress? If yes, how? Some time ago, the author conducted a survey of 300 doctors of different specialties in 6 of the Moscow hospitals. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information about drug preferences in selecting drugs by doctors in cases of their own illness - the parameters of the manufacturer, the originality, the country of production of medicines and certain other characteristics. Separately asked about preferences in the choice of methods of treatment for SARS (the choice of disease due to its particular prevalence and simplicity of conventional treatment). In the survey attended by cardiologists, resuscitation, therapists, doctors and sports gymnastics, nutritionists, trauma, surgeons, obstetricians, dentists, pathophysiology, histology, gastroenterologists, oncologists, immunologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, transfusion, proctology. The number of doctors taking drugs in cases of ill health, was approximately equal to the number of those medical treatments often avoids.

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