Sunday, 1 May 2011

Deadpan without vitamin

Deadpan without vitamin

Vitamins every day we get from food - milk, meat, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables. If the diet is quite varied and balanced, then at normal loads of extra vitamins do not need makeup. However, hard work rhythm, heavy loads, age, health, and some special periods in human life may require a large intake of vitamins in the body. Especially in need: people are elderly (due to the slowing of metabolism, reduce appetite), and those who observe any diet, such as vegetarians (they occur, mainly, the risk of vitamin B12); pregnant and lactating women, patients with alcoholism (they have disrupted the assimilation of vitamin B12, folic acid and thiamine). All vitamins are divided into soluble (A, D, E, K) and water soluble (B, C). The following table lists the basic vitamins and similar members of metabolism necessary for the body and the functions they provide, the products in which they are contained. Referring to the data tables in the preparation of your diet, you can avoid the trouble caused by vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin A function in the body Foods containing vitamins A (retinol) Recovery of cell membranes, the formation of the elements of the eye svetovosprinimayuschih Dairy products, egg yolks, fatty fish, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, B1 (thiamin), the expansion of carbohydrates, participation in the activity of nerve cells of yeast, liver , milk, eggs, cereals, B2 (riboflavin), oxidative processes, including respiration yeast, eggs, liver, cereals, milk, B5 (pantothenic acid) resistance to stress, the work of the joints, hair growth, liver, intestines work, trout, herring, cheese, egg yolks eggs, milk, wheat bran, walnuts, sunflower seeds B6 (pyridoxine), protein metabolism eggs, fish, bran B9 (folic acid) synthesis of red blood cells, purine and pyrimidine leafy vegetables, fruits, organ meats, yeast B12 (cobalamin) blood-forming function of liver, meat, fish, eggs, Biotin metabolism of fats and carbohydrates coenzyme, manufactured by the body Carnitine transport of fatty acids, food, traditional to Western countries, is synthesized in the liver PP nicotinic acid (niacin), a component of enzyme systems of meat, fish, bran C (ascorbic acid) to activate immunity, building material for body cells citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables D (D2, D3) calcium metabolism and bone formation fish oils, animal fats, dairy products produced by the body when skin contact with the sunrays E (tocopherol) antioxidant processes necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system of nuts, seeds, vegetables, K (K1, K2) involved in blood clotting green vegetables, liver, produced by intestinal flora, essential fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic), prostaglandins, leukotrienes, membrane structures, vegetable oils ( corn, sunflower, safflower), however, not all have the opportunity to eat enough balanced to fully support themselves with vitamins. Growing popularity of "fast food" - we consume hamburgers, hot dogs, all kinds of sweets, stuffed stomach, but do not contain enough vitamins. Industrial processing of food products, their long-term storage and preservation also reduce vitamin content, so the vitamin deficiency can occur even with a varied diet. Sensitive response to all keeping vitamin C: the apples in half a year it expanded by 25% in citrus for 10 months - up to 30% and green for the day - all 60%. In the potato to March is only a quarter of vitamin C. Vitamins B6 and B9 also do not like long-term storage. For the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis created a huge range of combined vitamin preparations, compiled with the needs of different groups of people (children, elderly, pregnant women, people exposed to heavy loads, etc.). It is particularly important to take care of intake of vitamins in the spring, when practically all there is spring fatigue, the main cause of which is the lack of saturation of the body with vitamins. Many combinations are also contain micronutrients, which, like vitamins, are important links regulation of metabolism in all living organisms. Consequence of vitamin A deficiency more severe than younger patients. In children, delayed growth, at any age reduces resistance to infection. The most common form of hypovitaminosis - night blindness (inability to see at dusk). In severe cases the failure of conjunctiva. Insufficient intake of vitamin B1 is fraught with fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, sleep disorders, retrosternal pain, anorexia, and disorders of the intestine. In severe cases (this is typical for regions where the diet is the basis of polished rice, in a film which contains B1), develop various forms of the disease beriberi, affecting the lower limbs, brain, cardiovascular system. Avitaminosis B2 often called inadequate intake of animal protein and is accompanied by lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, the red portion of the lips. Deep cracks leave scars after healing. Leather nasolabial folds, nose wings, ears, eyelids, scrotum, labia majora blush, peel, become greasy. On hairy parts of developing seborrhoea. Vitamin B5 - a rare phenomenon (it is contained in a variety of foods), appears malaise, abdominal discomfort, feeling of heaviness and burning feet. B6 - the common name of the group of closely related substances. Most often, they lack common in infants (due to lack of the vitamin in breast milk substitutes) and is manifested convulsions. In adults, vitamin deficiency B6 causes skin lesions, inflammation of the tongue and the red portion of the lips, disorders of the peripheral nervous system, and even anemia. The need for folic acid or vitamin B9, particularly increases during pregnancy and lactation, as the increased need can manifest anemia, inflammation of the tongue, disorders of the stomach and intestines. In severe cases, possible changes in the bone marrow. Common symptoms of a lack of folic acid is similar to the signs of avitaminosis B12, however, to anemia, which sometimes manifests itself externally, can add up to the neurological loss of sensation in limbs. Lack of biotin, which is often caused by excessive consumption of raw eggs or prolonged intravenous nutrition, manifested dermatitis and inflammation of the tongue. The children are lagging behind the physical and mental development, alopecia, conjunctivitis, disorders of immunity. Heavy niatsinovaya failure is a major cause of pellagra, which is manifested stomatitis, inflammation of the tongue, lesions of the skin: blisters, diaper rash, loss of elasticity, thickening of the skin and cracked, dry. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, beginning with a burning sensation in the mouth, pharynx and esophagus, abdominal discomfort (bloating), lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Pellagra accompanied by changes in the central nervous system, organic psychosis with disturbances of memory, disorientation, confusion, fever and even dementia. In cases of severe liver disease or excessive loss of carnitine observed lower blood glucose levels and muscular weakness. Vitamin C - the main component of the full vitamin complex, and it takes him a man in the largest quantities. The word "scurvy", which is known to every lover of adventure literature, corresponds to the most severe form of vitamin C. Lack of his adult appearance does not manifest from 3 months to one year, but after this period symptoms coming "out", once diagnosed as severe: weakness, irritability, weight loss and pain implicit in various parts of the body. There are petechial hemorrhages in the conjunctiva of the eye, around the nails, the gums swell and bleed easily. One of the most characteristic signs of a strong avitaminosis C - hyperkeratosis of hair follicles with redness or bleeding around them. Lack of vitamin D (there he is, and because of the peculiarities of diet, and lack of sunlight) is manifested in children and adults differently. Babies become restless, poor sleep, and they later than the healthy ones, are beginning to sit up and crawl. Appears knobby skull costochondral thickening, delayed fontanel closure. At the age of 1-4 years is an increase in the cartilage of limbs, o-shaped curvature of the legs, the child begins to walk later. Then there may be complaints of pain when walking, o-and x-shaped curvature of the lower extremities. Radiologically D deficiency disease diagnosed before the onset of clinical signs: at 3-4-th month of life, and with a lack of vitamin D in the mother - even newborns. An adult human disease manifests softening of the bones, flattening of the vertebrae and pelvic bones, which is especially clearly seen in the X-ray examination. Avitaminosis E is accompanied by the collapse of the intravascular erythrocyte kreatinuriey; describes the neurological changes in brain and spinal cord, peripheral neuropathy. Chronic deficiency of vitamin E leads to premature aging of the body and especially the skin, reducing sexual activity. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin K - mainly the prerogative of the intestinal flora, because the first 3-5 days of life in infants whose intestinal flora has not yet been formed, often revealed poor blood clotting, perhaps even intracranial hemorrhage. Clotting especially hard runs on the background of liver disease. Lack of essential fatty acids is manifested in children and retarded growth and dermatosis. In adults, deficiency of essential fatty acids causes a disorder of metabolism and energy intake in the body. Spring deficiency disease has become the talk of the yazytsah, but a common cause of lack of one or a whole group of vitamins in the human body become unbalanced diet, fashion power systems, defective composition of the diet. Degrade the status of ecological imbalance, illness, bad habits. We hope this article helps the reader understand what vitamins and essential components of food he needs and how to deal with it.

Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. " Number 2 March-April 2002

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