Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Table points Kremlin diet for ready meals

Table points Kremlin diet for ready meals

Find out the number of cu the finished dish a bit more complicated than the single product, as every housewife and cook surely enjoy cooking in my tested recipes. Therefore, the table lists the average number of cu per 100 grams for a variety of dishes. In order to accurately estimate of prepared dishes you are best to buy kitchen scales, by the way, even a very useful thing in the kitchen, knowing the composition of dishes can easily count the number of cu contained therein. Probably should be explained to the table in porridges: crumbly mess - in a glass of barley, millet, buckwheat, rice 1,5-2,5 need a glass of water or milk, sticky mess - buckwheat -3, millet - 3,5, rice - 4 glass; gruel - wheat, barley - 4,5, rice - 5,5, oatmeal, semolina, "Hercules" - 6 glasses of water or milk. Product Name u.e./100g  

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