Wednesday, 4 May 2011



Vegetables contain many different vitamins, minerals, and there is in these organic acids, dietary fiber and other essential substances for our body. For each vegetable is characterized by its vitamin composition. For example, in carrots, tomatoes, parsley contains much carotene. Cabbage is rich in vitamin U. Champion of the content of vitamin C among the vegetables is the red bell pepper, 100 g of which contains 250 mg of this valuable vitamin. However, winter and early spring, the role of the main suppliers of vitamin C serve potatoes, cabbage, fresh and pickled, green onions. In most vitamins are stored in vegetables consumed in fresh form. Cooking, especially the lengthy cooking and braising, reducing vitamin content in vegetables. At the same time, preservation techniques such as rapid freezing, pickling, retain a significant portion of vitamins for a long period, until the next harvest. Low calorie vegetable acquired special significance, turning from a lack of product in it an enviable advantage. A man leading a sedentary lifestyle, full-bodied, very important to be able to get a feeling of satiety (bulk vegetable dishes quickly saturate), while not exceeding the quota of calories daily diet. We compare the calorie content of some products: 100 g cucumbers give the body 14 kcal, cabbage - 27 salad - 14, cauliflower - 30 Eggplant - 24 pubs - 23 tomatoes - 23, Pumpkin - 29. A caloric value of the same amount of butter peasant oil - 661 calories, ghee - 887, cheese - 350-380, pork lard - 841. No comment. It is due to the low calorie vegetables are widely used in clinical nutrition of people with overweight. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, lettuce, cauliflower and belokachannaya contain small amounts of carbohydrates and are useful in diabetes. Vegetables - an important supplier of mineral substances the body needs - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and various trace elements. In the vegetables are organic acids (malic, citric, etc.) and essential oils, which largely determines the taste and flavor. Stimulating the secretion of digestive glands, they affect the digestive processes. Essential oils, working on sense of smell, vyzyvayutvydelenie digestive juices before we begin the meal. Salads promote appropriate training digestive system for eating and digestion. Vegetable side dishes, condiments improve digestibility of meat and fish. Vegetables include literally every diet nutritional therapy. However, more detailed advice on product selection, they cooked it is desirable to obtain from a doctor. Here are a few tips for maximizing the preservation of vegetables, vitamins, and volatile production. Clean and chop vegetables are better than just before cooking. Beets, carrots, potatoes for salads, it is recommended to cook in the raw form. Onion, parsley, dill and other herbs should be put in already cooked dishes just before serving.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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