Similarly, in the process of exploring other vitamins, scientists are discovering how much the state of the organism depends on the micro-doses of these substances. In particular, deficiency of vitamin B1 causes malfunction of the heart and nervous system, folic acid - to anemia, and vitamin D deficiency contributes to the development of diseases of the skeletal system. And how great is the role of vitamins C and E! They counteract the infection, heart attack, cancer, stress, helps to strengthen the immune system and maintain sexual function in a word, the value of vitamins, admittedly, is not accidental they are always prescribed to strengthen the body. In the past, pharmacies were sold only two or three complex vitamins, it is now a buyer simply lost to the abundance of vitamin-mineral complexes. How to assess the needs of the organism in vitamin preparations and to understand their composition? How to determine the dose of vitamin? These and other questions will be asked to respond to Vladimir Borisovich Spirichev, head of the laboratory of vitamins and minerals of the Institute of Nutrition. Vladimir Ivanov, earlier in the medical education article was written, that vitamins must be taken in the winter and spring, when the most obvious deficiency disease. And today, what opinion is held by specialists? Outstanding students of the role of vitamins Academician VA Engelhardt, very aptly remarked that the vitamins themselves are often not so much a presence as absence, that is, when enough of them, we do not notice, but when a little - are starting to hurt. Unfortunately, humans and animals synthesize vitamins in very small quantities. That amount, which is extracted from food, far less than we need for the health and performance. That's why deemed necessary to the regular use of vitamin supplements and complexes. Our laboratory is not just doing research, whose purpose was to examine the levels of different vitamins contained in the daily menu of citizens from different social strata in different seasons. And we consistently noted a great lack of substance the body needs not only in the spring, and summer. I stress that this is the case today, when in a globalized market in all cities, including the northern regions, sales are almost all vegetables and fruits, including tropical. But the fact is that even the presence of fresh fruits and vegetables to everyday table does not provide the necessary vitamins we need, because it does take to eat an enormous number of them. For example, 100 g of carrots contains 5 mg of vitamin C, so to get the minimum daily requirement (50 mg), need to eat 1 kg of carrots. In 100 g of lemon, of course, vitamin C, much higher - 40 mg. But not everyone loves the sour citrus. More people smoke than lower levels of vitamin C in their body. And because most people there is a shortage even of this important antioxidant. Similarly, not enough in our menu of other vitamins. Say, to replenish body minimum daily level of vitamin B1 (1.5 mg), you need to eat 0.5 kg of meat, or 1.5 kg of brown bread. A provision of other nutrients required consumption of other foods in large quantities. As a result, portions of food can get a truly gigantic proportions, which, of course, totally unrealistic. One way out - regularly throughout the year, regardless of seasons, take vitamins and minerals. Typical rate is usually calculated on a month, and no harm would be if you take it every 3-4 months. But with existing chronic diseases it is better to consult with your doctor to determine the additional amount of some vitamins, most of all your body needs. Often in advertisements is reported that one or the other drug is made from natural ingredients. Does this mean that he is better than synthetic? How to find out what components are complex multivitamin? That in some plant or product to separate the molecules of some substances on the other, it is necessary to apply a very costly and unproductive technology. At one time, billions of dollars have been spent to ensure that from rice husk to allocate a small amount of pure vitamin B1. After studying its structure, researchers have developed a way of its chemical synthesis, making it available to everyone. Similar techniques are also used for the manufacture of other vitamins. Know that there is no "natural" vitamins - all of which are available today, are made only by directed chemical synthesis, and they may in their molecular structure nor the properties do not differ from their natural counterparts. No matter what advertising, food, supplements or even substitutes for human milk are present, natural and synthetic forms of vitamins. One small detail: almost all the global manufacturers of vitamins, taking raw materials from one or two companies, which produce only synthetic substance required for the manufacture of vitamins There is an opinion that the western countries we sell those drugs, and vitamins including those that are obsolete or do not exercise there is demand, so take our reliable, although they are initially lower quality. Is this true? Foreign market vitamins are thousands of drugs known companies specializing in their release. Manufacturers jealously watching the competitors and, therefore, carefully monitor the quality of their products. This involved large firms with existing research divisions, and entire institutions. Before starting production of a new vitamin complex, even from known components, but in new combinations, they spend many years of clinical trials evaluating the efficacy and safety of these drugs. In several countries, including the U.S., not to mislead consumers on the labels, except for brief information about the composition of the product, it is forbidden to put other specific information - about how to treat any disease is intended to be a means. In addition, all imported drugs, which come to Russia, held control of the Ministry of Health Services. All this allows to prevent our network of pharmacies obsolete and substandard drugs. True, there are foreign firms that are relying on the opinion of some researchers recently have embarked on the production of vitamin complexes with a high content of certain vitamins. It is our deep conviction that higher doses of vitamins, including vitamin C, are justified only when the physical and emotional stress, and for normal conditions is sufficient to consume 50-70 mg of vitamin C a day. The same goes for drinking and other vitamins. Therefore, I want to advise readers: before you pick yourself some vitamin complex imported, check first with the Russian Ministry of Health standards recommended intake of vitamins and always compare them with the information on labels. Pay attention, not too high if these norms are in preparations that you decide to buy, not placed there be advertising, which guarantees the effect in different diseases? It is safer to buy only products known firms (they are well aware of all pharmacists), who will never go to the advertising representations, but are limited to the exact and correct information on the composition of their products. As for vitamins, domestic production, it is deeply misguided person who believes that they are much worse than the import of quality. Our products are fully compliant with the Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia and the World Health Organization requirements for medicines of this kind. None of our vitamin complexes do not contain components in high dosage. In addition, they are much cheaper than imported ones. For example, Russia's new vitamin complex Complivit containing the desired living in our country of vitamins and trace elements is 7-10 times cheaper than its foreign counterparts. Have not lost their value and known undevit and dekamevit. And at what age can give children vitamin complexes and when to do it? The need for vitamins may have children from the infant, if they are weak or sick nursing mother. In order to reach the necessary vitamins a child, they must be contained in breast milk, so they have to take my mother. In the future it is always advisable to give children vitamins when they are ill, experiencing academic stress or poor nutrition. Supplementation of vitamin complexes requires boys and girls, teenagers during puberty, boys before joining the army. The most optimal time to take vitamins - winter-spring period, from December to May. Vladimir Borisovich, please explain how you can trust the information is placed in the press to the effect that vitamins A, E and beta-carotene from chronic administration can contribute to the development of cancer and heart disease, especially in smokers? It happens that the media sensationalism endure in the general printing of intermediate results of scientific studies that are intended exclusively for professionals, and this leads to the fact that many people interested in topical health issues, learn the distorted information. And so it happened with vitamins E, A and beta-carotene. Their effects tested on hundreds of thousands of people in various clinical trials in both Europe and America. In particular, high-profile studies were conducted in the U.S. with the participation of 100,000 doctors and 80,000 nurses who took vitamins. In each of the tests has consistently pointed out: with a deficit of these substances in humans increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. But it was important to identify the lower and upper threshold of the norm of these vitamins in the body. To this end, international studies were conducted in which the participants voluntarily took extra doses of beta-carotene and vitamin E. For beta-carotene from the American participants in the experiment showed no negative effect. In Finland, also continued to study, offering to take higher doses of beta-carotene among men 50-60 years old. And then found out that the introduction of ultra-high doses of this substance at 18% increased risk of cancer. Scientists have given it such an explanation. Cancer develops a very long time, decades, and all this time the body is struggling with pathologically developing cells. Beta-carotene (as vitamin E and other antioxidants) help him in this. But if you start taking the carotenoids, when oncological processes in the body is already under way, they provide antioxidant protection is not only healthy, but degenerated cells. Therefore it was concluded that a malicious smokers and others exposed to carcinogens, should not take beta-carotene at a level of recognized standards (in an amount of 15-20 mg), it is better to reduce the dose to 6-7 mg. With regard to vitamin E, then test the application of its very high doses (800-1000 mg / day), which exceed physiological need a factor of 100, revealed: it prevents blood clotting and thus significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, despite this, 40% of U.S. cardiologists believe that this research is not enough to be able to use their conclusions as general recommendations. At the same time, American doctors are not in any way is not an analogy between elevated and physiological doses of vitamin. Normally, taking vitamins A, E, and all others deemed necessary. In closing our conversation, we asked Vladimir Borisovich lead RDA of essential vitamins receiving the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Russia, which we publish. Vitamins (mg) Men Women Vitamin A (retinol) 1,0 0,8-1,0 Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 1,2-2,1 1,1-1,5 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1, 5-2,4 1,3-1,8 Vitamin B3 (niacin, RR, niacin) 16-28 14-20 Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 5,0-7,0 5,0-7,0 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 2.0 1.8 Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folacin) 0,2 0,2 ??Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 0.003 0.003 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 70-100 70-80 Vitamin D (calciferol) 0,01 0.01 Vitamin H (biotin) 0.15 0.15 Vitamin E (tocopherol) in October 1918 Vitamin P (bioflavonoids, bioflavin) 50 50 Vitamin K (fillohinon) 0,2 0,3
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