Cholesterol enters our body through food and, moreover, is formed in the body from other substances. Cholesterol - a necessary part of the body's cells from it are formed bile acids and steroid hormones are allocated to the adrenal glands and sex glands. The blood cholesterol associated with lipoproteins - proteins, which include fats and fat-like substance. Accepted that cholesterol to 200 mg per 100 ml of blood is safe with respect to the development of atherosclerosis, but at higher rates cholesterol is deposited in the vessel walls in the form of atherosclerotic plaques and disrupts the cardiovascular system. Proteins that carry cholesterol in the blood are not the same: the most dangerous cholesterol, concentrated in the fraction of low-density lipoprotein. High-density lipoprotein, in contrast, involve cholesterol in the removal from the body. Than most of the cholesterol in high density lipoprotein, the better the body is protected from atherosclerosis. Lower limit for women doctors consider 45 mg per 100 ml of blood, and for men - 35 mg of cholesterol in these lipoproteins. Experts from the World Health Organization believes that people should not receive the food of more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol a day. In this case, do not discount the fact that in some products, along with cholesterol containing its antagonists - lecithin and its related substances (eggs, cream, etc.). 300 mg of cholesterol contained in: 1 large chicken egg or 50 grams of quail eggs, 0.5 kg of fat cottage cheese or low-fat 0.75 kg and 3 liters of milk, 230 g 30%-or sour cream 375 g 20%, 20 g "Kostroma" cheese, 26 g of "Russian" or 60 grams of "Dutch"; 160-170 g butter, 380 g beef category I, veal or chicken category I, 675 g of boiled sausage, 110 g of beef liver or 230 g pork, 100 g beef kidney, or 150 grams of pork, 15 grams of pig brain with 70 g of tooth flounder 130 g, 150 g Pacific herring, pollock, or 270 g per 100 g of krill (paste "Ocean").
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