Saturday, 25 June 2011



At its core, diet, limiting admission of products for the recruitment or calories, there's nothing like starvation, but in a more delicate cycle. We can say that the use of any diet is an attempt to take on the challenge "head on". As well as refusal of food, the use of diet as a method of reducing body fat, mistakenly double. First, an attempt to influence the fat cells first factor of cell division. Secondly, the recognition of a priori a person's ability to regulate food intake, which is simply ridiculous. A mere attempt to calculate the daily calorie food intake is doomed to failure. What can we say about the entire set of necessary nutrients the human body. It is basically impossible. Ongoing efforts to count calories, some 'advanced' citizens always end in failure. Unfortunately, from the result, even the negative does not draw any conclusions. A complete disgrace. What is glaringly low culture of thinking! To date, there are more than 25,000 different types of diets. Benefit from their use is highly questionable for those trying to lose weight, and very materialistic, in terms of money, for those of their offering. It's time to bring these charlatans to clean water. Since diets are written by people, then the example of one of them, I'll show you what they look like. As an example, I took one, published in the weekly "Arguments and Facts" in February 2004. "The French Diet: Day One Breakfast: orange, 2 slices of bread with tea without sugar or sweeteners. Lunch: boiled beets (100 g), olive oil, boiled rice (100 g) with soy sauce or ketchup, tomato juice. Dinner: fish stew (100 g), yogurt or a glass of nonfat yogurt. Day Two: Breakfast: 2 tablespoons of muesli with tomato juice, banana, black coffee. Dinner: vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, lettuce, green onions, parsley), seasoned with vegetable oil and vinegar or lemon juice, stewed with carrots and beets, prunes, fruit juice. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), a slice of cheese (50 grams), yogurt, a glass of warm milk. Day Three Breakfast: hard boiled egg (or a slice of lean ham), fruit yogurt, tea (coffee) without sugar. Lunch: a salad of boiled mushrooms (100 g), olive oil, lemon juice and sprinkle with green onions, boiled potato with cabbage, orange. Dinner: boiled chicken meat (100 g), a slice of cheese (50 grams), a glass of nonfat yogurt. Day Four: Breakfast: 2 tablespoons of cornflakes with milk, fruit yogurt coffee. Lunch: a salad of boiled shrimp (100 g), olive oil, sprinkled with dill, boiled beef (80-100 g), or beef, yogurt without the filler. Dinner: salad of fresh cabbage, dressed with olive oil and sprinkle with parsley, a piece of bread with 2 kiwis, tea with sugar substitute. And so on. End it is just a stroke of genius: "Once you LOBBYING (emphasis added), these seven days, you will not be too difficult to collect the remains of a fist of willpower and stay on the diet for another week, echoing the encore his gastronomic experiment." We now consider this example in more detail. Should not be too difficult to understand that given the composition of products for daily use written by a man, the body that is in the operating mode of the first postulate. I draw this conclusion based on the fact that the lists of products are coffee and tea, stimulants, heart activity. The need for caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, people experience cardiac muscle have been weakened by prolonged time required to develop an appropriate reflection. Trying to compile a list of products for regulation of substances taken by the author of this diet has given himself away. Without knowing it, the author of the diet, made a bust of cholesterol in 1,2 times. A figure for the person doing the large daily volume of work. And for the person on a diet, simply fester, take my word, this figure is even higher, because a hungry, so limited in physical activity. Hence, this figure can be safely brought to 1.5. An attempt to use such a diet will give you a weekly increase in weight to 100 grams. You do not how to cut calories, reduce the number of its motor activity. It's funny how reflections regulate not only the consumption but also try to plan weight loss! The conclusion comes by itself. There is no need for regulation of substances consumed. Your cerebellum makes it much more efficiently! Once we figured out with the diets. We need to "give the gate turn" those of us slips. It must be done on a very simple reason. Applying a diet, you lose time and health. And health is lost from the decrease in concentration of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas under the influence of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Such changes can be prevented rather simple way. Not to mention the lost money and emotions. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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