The digestive system consists of the following parts: mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine. Involved in digestion and salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. ROTH process of digestion begins in the mouth. When chewing food mixed with saliva released by the salivary glands of the mouth. Saliva softens the food and facilitates swallowing, begin to decompose starch to dextrin. If containing much starch products (white bread, rice, potatoes) has not been thoroughly masticated, enzymes do not have time to decompose starch, and the food enters the stomach intact. This not only prevents the stomach, but it often leads to stagnation of food before the start of fermentation and causes flatulence. Vegetables that contain cellulose, also need to chew. Otherwise, there is fermentation, flatulence. ESOPHAGUS Esophagus is a thin 25 - centimeter-muscular tube, pushing the food to the stomach undulating movement (called peristalsis). Peristaltic movement occurs throughout the digestive tract and is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The work of the nervous system is not controlled by a person consciously, but it affects mood, emotional state and stress. Therefore it is important to eat slowly and in a relaxed atmosphere, as the mood affects the enzyme secretion of the intestine. Stress, anger, anxiety, agitation cause palpitations, indigestion, bloating and cramping or pain in the stomach. Stomach is a slightly curved muscular pouch where the food is under the influence of a powerful mixture of hydrochloric acid and enzymes into a mush called chyme. In this type of food enters the small intestine, which is essentially the main digestive organs. The first to leave the stomach, carbohydrates, then proteins, fats linger longest. Small intestine Small intestine reaches a length of 6 m. It will stretch from the outlet from the stomach before the start of the colon. It is here that is extracted and absorbed by the bloodstream bulk of nutrients. Through the thin walls of the stomach can enter the bloodstream only small molecules. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are a huge molecule. They should be split into smaller pieces, easier to assimilate to the body. For example, proteins - the largest and most complex molecules - broken down into amino acids, which is easy to penetrate into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. Coming from the blood into cells, the amino acids used for synthesis of essential proteins. Duodenal ulcer - HOME Small intestine fluid, called bile flows into the duodenum from the gall bladder. It promotes lipolysis. Pancreatic secretion also falls into this intestine, participating in the cleavage of proteins into amino acids, the transformation of fats into fatty acids and glycerol and starch - into maltose. SMALL INTESTINE - PART TWO small intestine absorption of intestinal write, contribute to, and friendly''bacteria (flora) and tiny elongated protrusions (villi true, villas), located next to the intestinal wall: thus increasing the area of ??absorbent surface. As we move food by peristaltic action of the nutrients absorbed by the intestine. It is important that the bacterial flora was maintained in a healthy working order. ,,''Friendly bacteria are essential for health. Unfortunately, any type of bacteria destroyed by antibiotics. Therefore, if you can not do without antibiotics for serious reasons, we can restore intestinal flora yogurt, acidophilus supplements with and brewer's yeast. Large intestine digestive process ends in the colon. The large intestine receives what is left after digestion and prepares to removal from the body. The process involves the absorption of water from the liquid mass, as a result it becomes dense and printed. Contain masses of unabsorbed food: cellulose, inorganic substances, toxic substances, dead bacteria, sediment digestive secretions. Cause unpleasant gases and odors usually undigested, rotting squirrel. Diet rich in fiber and healthy intestinal flora accelerate the process of digestion and prevents bad odors. Some interesting information average time of passage of food from the typical North American diet ranges from 65 to 100 hours. In the large intestine may be contained immediately prior to 8 servings of undigested food and waste. The average transit time of food rich in fiber - 20 to 45 hours. In this case, can hold up to 3 servings of undigested food and waste time. Fiber, fruits and vegetables play a central role in any special diet, designed to prevent cancer Source: Internet publication "MED + info" see "Tips specialists" on the site
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