Monday, 6 June 2011

For what useful juices?

For what useful juices?

Since ancient times, people know that fruit and vegetable juices are extremely beneficial to health and are often irreplaceable source of vitamins and other important substances. Juice is a source of glucose, fructose and minerals. In the clarified juice is pectin, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In a glass of orange juice, for example, contains up to 70 mg of vitamin C - so much to an adult per day. All these substances are rich in full, unfortunately, only one hundred percent natural juices, such as juices in our market is not so much. But make sure you need to know what juice to drink and on what occasion. Apricot juice strengthens the heart muscle. Regular use will help him get rid of heart arrhythmia. Pineapple juice has beneficial effects on renal function and liver, and also contains a substance, "Bromelain, which is an excellent natural fat burner and rejuvenates the body. Therefore, pineapple juice is widely used in dietary. This juice is recommended as a remedy for kidney disease and angina. Orange juice - is a powerful anticarcinogenic, anti-cancer agent. Anticancer properties of orange juice were discovered in the middle of last century. Then the U.S. government, concerned about the growth of cancer, has launched the most ambitious in the history of mankind campaign orange juice. Watermelon Juice - the perfect remedy for edema associated with the problems of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Grape juice can help restore depleted nervous system, is useful in prostration. Beneficial effect on the internal organs such as kidneys and liver - he "cleans" them of toxins. In addition, grape juice "filters" the blood - significantly reduces blood levels of cholesterol. Cherry juice helps with constipation, improves metabolism, strengthens the body, improves appetite, is used as an expectorant. Pomegranate juice - is useful as a restorative remedy for recovery from illness, surgery helps with anemia. Grapefruit juice - a perfect natural remedy for insomnia. Juice of citrus fruit normalizes blood pressure and relieves the blood of excess cholesterol. Pear juice - possesses anti-microbial effect, is useful in kidney stones. Cabbage juice - drink with gastritis with low acidity, stomach and liver and spleen. Cabbage juice strengthens blood vessels and stimulates the regeneration of mucosal cells of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes fat metabolism, scar ulcer

Carrot juice improves vision, strengthens the body and regain strength after illness and higher mental and physical stress, heals stomach ulcers , helps with cancer, tuberculosis and anemia. Also carrot juice - it improves your appetite. Strengthens the teeth, increases resistance to infection, it is very useful for people whose work is related to eye strain. The juice normalizes blood pressure and heart activity, improves the condition of the teeth, gums, hair and nails, used as a diuretic, in combination with carrot juice helps with rheumatism, prevents atherosclerosis, periodontal disease and improves memory. Peach juice strengthens the heart muscle - use it regularly will help get rid of heart arrhythmia. No less useful peach juice in anemia, it has a calming effect on the stomach in exacerbations of gastritis and other diseases. Beet juice - called "juice for women." It is useful for constipation, anemia, heart disease and gastro-intestinal tract, purify the body of toxins, lowers blood pressure. This is a great make-up of the body with vitamins and microelements. To begin the application beet juice have a small amount (1 tbsp. Spoonful) or mixed with other juices such as carrot, gradually reducing the amount of carrot juice. Before use, must withstand the beet juice in the refrigerator for several hours. Juice of red currants is recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, ulcers, gout, skin diseases, urolithiasis, rheumatism, colds. Black currant juice is used in vitamin deficiency, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, acute bronchitis, flu, sore throat. Black currant juice - eliminates viruses, enhances immunity, has a bracing effect, rich in vitamin C.

Tomato juice combines nutritious low-calorie. It is rich in salts and trace elements. It contains vitamins A and C which are antioxidants and delay cell aging, as well as strengthen the immune system. Very useful in diets. Apple juice is used for obesity and diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidney, dysentery, chronic colitis, gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, kidney stones and gall bladder. Very useful for people of intellectual labor. Apple juice removes from the body salts of heavy metals and even radioactive nuclides.

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