Saturday, 18 June 2011

Good fat

Good fat

Fish oil can be regarded as one of the oldest food additives. It is used worldwide for the prevention of many serious diseases. Russia became the first country where fish oil is widely used by both children and adults. However, in the 70's and 80's in Soviet use of fish oil in children has been banned because of pollution of the sea and fish. The ban was lifted only in 1997. In the mid-70's, after the prohibition in our country on the use of fish oil for medical purposes, in Western Europe and North America were conducted revolutionary research, significantly expand the indications for prophylactic administration of fish oil. These studies have made clear the mechanism of action of fish oil on metabolic and proliferative processes in the body. The first unexpected discovery was antisclerotic effect of fish oil. It was found that the population of Greenland, where a significant proportion of the diet of Aboriginal fresh fish, atherosclerosis develops less frequently and later, there are fewer heart attacks and strokes. Soon antisclerotic effect of fish oil has been confirmed in numerous experiments on animals. It was found that the cholesterol content (the main culprit of atherosclerosis) in the blood of people taking fish oil, maintained at a low level. Already in the late 70's from fish oil have been allocated polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3-(PUFA w 3), and determine its antisclerotic action. Once in the body, they compete with cholesterol, displacing it from the bloodstream. No less important result of research the healing properties of fish oil has been concluded that it contains fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and w 3 PUFA act in the body as a single complex with all components reinforce each other's action. As a result, fish oil normalizes and stabilizes the metabolism, cell metabolism, strengthening their shell (membrane) and cell division. As a result, prevents the development of states, which are based on a violation of division and differentiation of cells, such as erosion, warts, cysts, and others. This, in turn, leads to prevention of cancer themselves. Experiments on animals are regularly receiving fish oil showed a dramatic inhibition of growth of malignant tumors. Violation of environmental, technological revolution has led to a clash of the human body with a huge number of new chemicals, including toxic products. This contributed to a sharp increase in the frequency of various allergic reactions and severe allergic diseases. In the development of allergic processes play an important role sensitivity of epithelial cells of mucosa and skin to biologically active substances such as histamine. It is necessary to increase the sensitivity of cells to these substances, and has a slight stimulating effect of the chemical can cause severe allergic reactions: itching, hives, swelling of the skin and tissues. Often this occurs when the body no specific antibodies to that substance. Allergic manifestations develop only due to toxicity of substances, even weak, and the sensitivity of body cells to histamine. Available in fish oil vitamin A strengthens cell membranes, their lipid layer, and in the presence of w 3 fatty acids, which normalize the composition of adipose tissues, the stability of epithelial cells of the mucous membranes and skin significantly increases the sensitivity of cells to histamine to normal. A related anti-allergic effect of fish oil. There is reliable evidence that the state of pre-diabetes disappears after several months of taking fish oil. There is no doubt that from early childhood to the end of the growth of the organism cod liver oil as a food additive constant need a body, not just as a building material, normalizing calcium metabolism and prevents rickets. Doctors immunologist constantly have to treat children with frequent episodes of inflammatory diseases. Cure the child from bronchitis is relatively easy, but because the most important thing - to prevent recurrent disease. And here, along with the use of immunomodulators, normalizing the immune system plays an important role long-term use of fish oil, which provides for the treatment effect in sickly children. For the prevention of atherosclerosis and cancer, as well as reduce the risk of allergic reactions is recommended during the winter months to use at least 2-4 ml of fish oil a day. Doctors have a saying: "Fish oil should be consumed in the months of the year in which the title is the letter" p "- September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April. Partially receiving fish oil may be replaced by consumption of salted fish or eggs. Children fish oil are beginning to show at the age of 1-2 years - 20 drops under the age of 4 years - 1 teaspoon, up to 8 years - 1 dessert spoon and up to 14 years - 1 tablespoon per day. Currently sold as a quality fish oil domestic (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk fish processing plant) and imported (Norway, Sweden). Pharmacies can also be found in fish oil capsules (1 ml and 1.5 ml). They are also good quality, easy to swallow, since they are covered with silicone. They are widely used by older people in Europe and America for the prevention of multiple sclerosis and tumors. The use of small capsules containing 0.2 ml of cod liver oil, is ineffective as a day even for prevention must take a large number of capsules and, therefore, of gelatin, from which they are made, that is harmful to health. It should be remembered that fish oil has the effect only for the duration of its reception.

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