Saturday, 18 June 2011



Minerals are needed to man as involved in the construction of cells and tissues, the activity of enzyme systems. Distinguish two groups of minerals: macro-and micronutrients. Daily demand macroelements (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron) is measured in milligrams or even grams, and trace elements, which include copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, iodine, fluorine, silicon and others, this need for tens or hundreds of times smaller. Let us dwell on some minerals. Salt (sodium chloride) is essential to maintain a certain salt content of blood and the osmotic pressure, which affects the amount of fluid retained in the blood and tissues. With a lack of sodium chloride is dehydrated tissues. Salt also gives a taste food, it improves your appetite. Daily requirement of sodium chloride in a temperate climate is 10 - in 1915 this need table salt, contained in natural products daily diet (3 - 5 g), bread (3 - 5), the salt used during cooking Food Processing (3 - 5), and a minimal amount of salt that is added to podsalivaniya ready meals at the dining table. Salt consumption increases with significant physical exertion, increased sweating, especially in hot climates. Consequently, the amount of salt in the diet when it is necessary to improve. In humans, a lot of calcium salts. It plays an important role in metabolism, contributes to the maintenance of normal excitability of nerve and muscle tissue. With a lack of calcium is observed fragility of bones, poorly formed callus after fractures. Calcium salts are found in many foods, such as cereals, vegetables. However, the most well-absorbed calcium contained in milk, milk products, eggs. Norm of calcium for an adult is 800 - 1000 mg. per day (100 grams of cheese or 0.5 liters. milk provide the daily requirement for calcium). Phosphorus, like calcium, is part of the bone, and is an integral part of the cell nuclei of the nervous system and other tissues. However, the importance of phosphorus for the body does not end there. He is actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in certain biochemical processes. The organic phosphorus compounds - adenosine triphosphate - linked energy used in muscle contraction. During intense muscular activity increases the need for phosphorus. Phosphorus, which is in animal products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, meat, liver, fish, eggs), digested better than the phosphorous compounds of vegetable products (cereals, beans, peas, bread). Of great importance in mineral metabolism has magnesium, which is contained in bones and other body tissues. Exchange its salts correlated with the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. Magnesium salts activate enzymes involved in chemical reactions of phosphorus compounds. Magnesium suppliers are mostly plant foods - bread made of flour, meal, cereals, legumes, potatoes. Potassium is essential for normal activity of the cardiovascular system, as it enhances urination. Many of potassium salts contained in vegetables, fruits, berries (potato, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, dried apricots, prunes, apricots, raisins, black currant). Another macro - iron. In some editions of the iron belongs to the trace elements. Need for iron, seemingly insignificant and estimated about 15 mg. a day, but iron compounds are a necessary part of many body tissues. For example, red blood cells (erythrocytes) contain significant amounts of iron. It is also part of certain enzymes. Lack of iron in the diet can lead to anemia. Iron is found in meat, bread, many vegetables and fruits. The trace element copper is involved in the construction of a number of enzymes, has an impact on the processes of intestinal absorption of iron and thus the formation of hemoglobin. Copper is so widespread in foods that are usually doctors do not have to meet with inadequate intake of this trace element. The main sources of copper - bread, cereals (especially oats, buckwheat, millet), vegetables, legumes. Copper is found in liver, seafood (squid, shrimp), walnuts. Zinc is concentrated in the body mainly in skeletal system, skin, hair, as well as other trace elements involved in the formation of certain enzymes. Zinc deficiency in humans leads to stunted growth, sexual maturation. Other manifestations of zinc deficiency - loss of sense of taste or their distortion, reduced sense of smell. Zinc is also required for normal hematopoiesis. Major sources of zinc in the diet - meat, poultry, cheeses, cereals (especially oats), vegetables and legumes. Zinc is also found in walnuts, seafood. The next trace element - manganese - essential for normal human growth and functioning of cartilage and bone tissue protein synthesis. He participates in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, promotes formation of insulin - a hormone of the pancreas. Noted that in the blood and tissues of patients with diabetes reduced the amount of manganese. Food sources of manganese are breads, cereals, vegetables, legumes and fruits. In a significant number contained in beets, oatmeal, walnuts, is it in coffee and tea. Note that the manganese content in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products low. The trace element chromium has an effect on carbohydrate metabolism, glucose uptake and its level in the blood. Insulin promotes the enhanced release of chromium from the body. That is why the lack of chromium is often observed in diabetic patients receiving insulin. The highest content of chromium in bovine liver, legumes (soy, beans, peas). Suppliers of chromium are also meat, poultry, vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, green onions. Iodine is necessary for the formation of thyroxine - a hormone the thyroid gland. The influence of iodine on the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. Not surprisingly, therefore, that iodine has long been considered one of the most effective means of contributing to the prevention of atherosclerosis. The largest amount of iodine contained in seaweed, marine fish. Iodine is also found in meat, eggs, milk, various fruits and vegetables - beets, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, apples, grapes, plums.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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