Like all the same great that our ancestors came up with this warm, tasty and fun celebration among the cold, dark and snowy winter! And not even one, but a whole series of them, this Christmas vacation. Suppose they then attacked in a different sequence: Christmas - Christmas Eve, New Year and Epiphany, but carried the same mood - festive and joyous. Especially it was inherent in the large cities, residents who took over the European manners. But small, hold the provincially-patriarchal, showed their ingenuity and lightness. In the archives of those times there are numerous signs, describing the celebration in the counties and provinces. There are, for example, a description of Christmas "rampant" in Kiev - the mother of Russian cities. There is already a Svyatka in homes decorate Christmas trees, and charitable organizations, and society began to "holiday marathon to raise funds. For the simple inhabitants these days means a debt trouble and hassle associated with numerous shopping for holiday feasts and gifts. Not accidentally Kiev police chief in his traditional disposal have given the pre-trade, as an exception, even on the last Sunday before Christmas. And issued a special order of the "special supervision over the quality and sanitary condition" products available in the bazaars. In addition, authorities have warned the townsfolk of the danger of "holiday theft, prescribing wipers are not only cleaning up the facades, signs and houses, but also" in every possible way to help the police. " For disobeying the order, as well as for thefts and robberies in the subordinate houses "janitors involved in the strictest responsibility. But such cases are, unfortunately, were not uncommon - not all townspeople "Merry Christmas" roused the best feeling: the police stations were filled with drunks. A city public vividly discussed next daring Christmas covetousness, for example, in 1894, when the church Rubezhovskoy colony for juvenile delinquents were stolen two valuable icons in a silver frame. But these cases were exceptional. Actually, these days were all busy household chores. Where to find the goose thicker and cheaper (1,5 rbl.) Duck fatter (75-85 kopecks.) Paired caviar, fresh fish - trout, salmon, sturgeon starlet yes, these ham Belotserkovsky? And for the audience poshikarney cook bought pheasant and grouse, sweet candy, cakes and marmalade, the Crimean and Astrakhan grapes yes pineapples in banks 1 rub. In stores briskly walked endless "giveaways." At Khreshchatyk shops were closed after midnight. Lured by torzhischa, Kievites meekly gave money for the whole carts "Present" - because it was necessary to bestow not only close, but the governess and the cook and waiter with the janitor. Emerged as the then joked satirists, a special kind of commodity - "for gifts." These "strange little things" commonly sold in the perfume and stationery stores, and often no one knew what they were intended. Overjoyed such bagatelle guest then long puzzled over how to apply it. The morning after a feast or party nightlong prayer service, each distinguished master crowd crammed janitors, floor polishers, governess, and all they had to "Hello treats. And when the Lord comes to himself, and it was time to make their own for the visit. It was a firm rule that was raised during Peter's Christmas celebrations, when the Emperor with a huge and noisy drunken arranged by approximate detours noble houses of merchants and nobles. When Peter I took on the role of the deacon during the meetings and vseshuteyshego vsepyaneyshego Cathedral, the Russian tsar loudly declared that he was a slacker who is on such a joyous occasion not drunk drunk! It is clear that after many lunches for most participants pretty loaded feast turned out under the table, and a group of special servants endured guests in the room where they slept. Although it should be noted: By the end of the reign of the breadth of these feasts is clearly weakened, and Peter himself was the attitude to drinking is very cool. Nevertheless, representatives of the world encouraged to continue in the course of this admission not only to eat meals and drink laughing drinks, but also to take part in conversations, take care of the ladies, invite them to dance ... Special diligence in this displayed a young people go abroad and know the level of a civilization. Surprisingly, these traditions are actively fought "an intelligent young people, unanimously rejecting mandatory, as a sign of respect and reverence, visits. Instead, they agreed to pay a special fee to the cashier of a charitable society. But for most citizens to visit relatives and famous friends, ample table at the elegant tree was lovely and burdensome tradition. Just before Christmas, bazaars and just in the yards of homes appear "freshly cut green trees, which were delivered from suburban villages or specially grown in the garden facilities. A procedure for decorating Christmas trees, as satirists wrote, was "sanctified by centuries." "At the very top - a star. On the lower branches hung all sorts of rubbish - there is no one except the kids, nothing is visible. Best, select a number of decorations hung so high that children are lacking. Here are placed bonbonniere and other objects, which give owners the opportunity to show his wit. Higher hang nuts, beads and things that give others a pity the children "- so described the Christmas tree is very popular if the writer Nadezhda Taffy. In addition to sweets - sweet paste, nuts and apples, Christmas trees were loaded with stars, candlesticks, lamps, beads (200 pcs. - 22 kop.) And silver rain (tutu - 7 cop.). Glass toys were expensive and often sold at a price of sets from 3 to 50 rubles. A special supplement was chic tree live plants and flowers. Also an elegant gift lady was considered a bouquet of fresh flowers, the benefit of their cost was quite affordable middle-class townspeople (Rose - 15-20 kopecks., Cloves - 10 kopecks., Violet - 20-40 kopecks).. Of course, your favorite New Year's events were the Christmas bazaars, raffles, followed by masquerades and balls. Most of the popular ploys suited not only for the amusement of the audience, but also to raise funds for charity. The organizers showed unusual ingenuity - pavilions are processed in the form of ships, huge snow caves, kegs of beer ... It sold champagne, flowers, gifts, toys with surprises ... Christmas trees were popular, and masquerades in the Merchants, Commercial and Nobility Assembly. There were going to all sectors of society - from printing compositors to clerks and engineers. All they wanted to chic to outdo each other. So, once in the Noble Assembly of Kiev was drunk, as reported later in the local newspapers, lots of champagne, only officially at 2 bottles for my brother. " A slew of engineers in the audience "wild tropical vegetation to the decadent taste." And yet the province was not in any way to keep up with the capital, where the scale of the celebrations downright amazed. Curiously, in particular, the description of court ball, given on Jan. 2, 1751, placed in the "St. Petersburg Gazette. This evening, "as distinguished guests of both sexes and foreign ministers, and all the noble gentry with the names, from 6 th to 8 th hour were coming to the court on a rich masquerade fancy dress and going in the great hall, where the eighth hour of music began at the two orchestras, and continued until seven o'clock in the morning. Tables were meat, and sweets Especially in peace, and for the other is in the masquerade of persons in the state rooms at three tables placed great number of pyramids with candy, and hot and cold food. In one large hall and parade in the chandelier and candles burning kragshteynah to 5000, and was a masquerade of both sexes up to 1500 persons, who are at the request of each different vodkas and the best grape wines, and coffee, chocolate, tea and lemonade and other drinks relieve . Add some juicy details of those New Year's Eve, in contrast to Europe, where the administration of natural needs at balls and receptions were quite arbitrary, and guests can pee in the fireplace, behind doors and curtains, or even just a balcony, Russia began to actively use special pots. In the second half of the ball waiters literally going to extreme lengths to publicly spreading the pots that guests can take refuge with them installed in the corners of rooms screens. Such a procedure is not considered indecent, and quite fit into the mores of the time. Christmas Gift elegant night vase was a natural. Moreover, such a gift could boast, it exhibited in a prominent place. There just shapes and colors were not among them: in the form of lotus or water lily leaf, blossoming flower or outlandish vessel with numerous decorations ... Nevertheless, throughout Russia places of entertainment staged masquerades with the rain of confetti, beauty contests, special programs and "serpentine flowers and butterflies." Prices for tickets on average were low: 1 rub. for adults and 50 kopecks. for children (including the obligatory gift). The script was the standard of children's parties - the songs in chorus, play balalaika, recitation of poems, celebratory march, dance, games and "vague pictures." Although "adult" masquerades were the object of constant criticism of the inhabitants of the "stereotype scenario." Despite the fact that before the festivities opened numerous "rentals" costumes and wigs, they could write even from abroad in the catalog. Homemade masks, claiming to be a prize for originality, and fabricated "by news of the day." Thus, the gossip column has recorded two masks-winner, called the manufacturer as "I think riding a horse-tram and sanitation" and "Electricity." New Year's portrayed more often than any "pretty fat girl in a white dress." Novelty differed only in the children's evening "Christmas Star". On them was made timid attempts to legalize a popular holiday Christmas time, because then special order the police chief "the boys are strictly forbidden to go from house to house and sing Christmas carols." People easier within three days of Christmas went partying in circuses, zoos and cinematography. Were arranged in squares and roundabouts are different booths "with foci, dynamometer and puppets." In contrast, a family holiday - Christmas, New Year, most Russian inhabitants rushed to the guests, theater, restaurants and balls. It is interesting that this style adopted (of course, pereinachiv in his own way), "leaders of the Soviet people." The wife of Marshal Katukova Ekaterina recalled that in the late 40's wives and children of military leaders generally welcomed the New Year at the dacha Budyonny. But at first the men were driving on New Year's to Stalin (it was a constant tradition). Everything, as usual, sat on their seats, munching gloomily magnificent meals and surreptitiously glanced at his watch. After twelve congratulated each other and passed all a drink. And when the chief let them go, almost ran to personal vehicles, which are already waiting for the frozen drivers. And at high speed went to relatives, wives and children, gathered at Budyonny. There's always wonderful atmosphere prevailed: the laughter, dancing to the gramophone, draws ... Baked cakes, prepare delicious home cooking. Santa Claus arrived with gifts for children. Rejoiced in their hearts' content until the morning. What to do in this time of the leader - is unknown. But this - incidentally. Before the October Revolution as in many cities held tradition of celebrating the New Year prayers in temples. Cathedrals and churches that night were full. However, not all citizens were distinguished piety, and the morning of January 1 large portion of the population would find not only at police stations, but also in hospital beds. So, in other provincial capitals of the statistics recorded the sad fact: the number of people applied for medical assistance at the station an ambulance on Jan. 1, 1910 was two times greater than in an ordinary day. New Year's Eve was a "time of great expectations" for all the officials, since his first day of the awards were announced orders, dismissals and appointments. As sung in the Christmas song, not all of the new year brings the same thing, but "who rank - who pancake". But the celebrations, which lasted until Epiphany, brought comfort and joy, even bypassed officials. People are having fun. We do not break the same and we are fine tradition ... Basil MENYALIN
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