Monday, 27 June 2011

Which is useful for health: wine or beer?

Which is useful for health: wine or beer?

Perhaps, only one representative of alcohol, we can say exactly what he represents for the health damage - it is about technical, denatured alcohol. But to call this a substitute drink would probably be an exaggeration. As shown by serious research, wine, beer and other imperfect alcohol consumed in moderate quantities, have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. The ancients would not dispute this assertion, but here is to obtain evidence and uncover the specific mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, we were able to recently. They found in the wines natural antioxidants - bioflavonoids, which help to preserve the structure and tone of blood vessels, supplying the heart. Of course, one should not think that the exclusive supplier of flavonoids in the body is a good wine. As demonstrated by recent work by researchers, these substances are found in chocolate and many other products. In the case of chocolate discovery, we are obliged to marketing policy, the world famous manufacturer of chocolate bars - the company "Mars". Funded the scientists, the company has made them what she wanted: the thesis, which can serve as an excuse for the millions of sweets around the world. Suppose that on chocolate and get fat, but it is useful for the heart. Specialists have also not gone over the fact that the imperfect spirits cause an increase in the synthesis of high-density lipoprotein, which is also called "good" cholesterol. High levels of these substances in the blood as opposed to "bad" cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis, which can lead to stroke and myocardial infarction. Wine, of course, is good, but what about those who prefer him not less ancient drink: a good dark ale or amber light sparkling wines. A team of researchers from Denmark believes that beer is almost equally useful to the human body. It contains vitamin B6, which reduces the protein levels of homocysteine ??in the blood, this substance increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers measured blood levels of vitamin B6 and homocysteine ??levels in 11 volunteers for 12 weeks. During the first 3 weeks, these men savor sparkling wines in the next 3 weeks enjoying red wine, then place a source of good health took a Danish gin. The last three weeks for the subjects must have been the most difficult. Inviting them to quench their thirst with mineral water only. At a time when volunteers were drinking beer, indicators of homocysteine ??in their blood were the best: drop reached 30 percent, and wine and gin and half did not live up to this record. Researchers concluded that vitamin B6 is a good effect on the cardiovascular system, and the beer they are true Danes, recognized a major source of this vitamin in the body. One can imagine that if this study was conducted in Germany, the results would have been even more convincing. Carrying out the dividing line between the amateur wine and beer leads to one interesting conclusion. Glass of beer has more to cigarette smoking, as well as a rich fat food, such as a favorite of all pistachios and potato chips. Perhaps the "beer" belly does not paint a man. If we talk about wine, then to him more suitable cigars and a date with a beautiful woman. Thus, we do almost equal exchange. I have a high probability of lung cancer in those who prefer a cigarette, the risk of cancer of the lips and throat of those who prefers a cigar or pipe. But once zhirok in this system is equivalent to a little adventure with the risk of "catching" venereal disease. Be that as it may, the decision is yours. Source: Medical Center at kulichikah Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site

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