This way of "fighting windmills" is based, at first glance, the correct choice of action, the consistent application of which should drastically help to lose weight. The human body to maintain optimum body temperature of 36.6 C, highlights on the skin perspiration, the evaporation of which gives an overall cooling, as this process is endothermic. Partly with then waste products of metabolism. We now turn to the very text of the proposed plan to lose weight. In the quotes I put idealistic terms. "GOAL" Methodology: - "Cleansing" the body of "toxins." - "Deliverance" from the "extra" pounds. - "Enhanced" blood, "cleansing of vessels and capillaries. MECHANISM OF ACTION: Phase 1 (hot) Lotion "active" opens up the pores on the body and creates a "coolness" that "helps" the patient to move the "high" temperature. Termogel "tight" clog "the pores. Under the influence of "intense" heat "faster" metabolism, "active" is the energy consumed - "split" subcutaneous fat as a consequence of formation of "slags and toxins." Body "wants" to sweat, but Termogel "impediment" to it. As warm, "created" by the internal pressure, dilates the capillaries. After 40-60 minutes Termogel melting pot, and with "toxins" vyhlestyvaet "from the body. Stage 2 (cold) Cooling wrap (wrap with bandages soaked in a "cold" lotion or "light" massage with a massage cooling gel) causes a "feel" cold. There is a "dramatic" reduction in blood vessels and capillaries. Outflow of blood and lymph circulation withdrawal of the remaining "waste products and toxins." "Cleaned" capillaries, "strengthened" vessels, "catching up flabby" tissue. "Raise" skin tone. COURSE: 6-10 sessions (sessions every 2-3 days). Session Time - 1 hour 10 minutes - 1 hour 20 min. Program "Diet" - "treatment of" metabolic (obesity), "New improved" weight loss program, 3 weeks. - 10800 p. (Approx. $ 360) "minimal" weight loss program, 1 week. - 7800 p.. (Approx. $ 260) "standard" weight loss program, 2 weeks. - P. 14040. (Approx. $ 460) "Extended" weight loss program, 4 weeks. - P. 25300. (Approx. $ 850). The above methodology is nothing but an attempt to apply the effect of a Russian bath with diving under the ice, in the entourage of medical institutions. Heating the body using termogelya or even some way fundamentally different from heating it in a Russian steam bath. Moreover, the Russian bath heating temperature higher than a priori. Hence, to go to a Russian bath, to display the "toxins", as well as for weight reduction, it seems to me to be more healthy and cheap. Such "termometodiku" certainly could be considered seriously as a temporary measure to reduce weight and as an alternative to the Russian bath, in only one case - if we led the math that proves a greater effect on its application. I'll tell you another interesting historical fact of the interpenetration of Western and Eastern cultures. Tsar Peter 'opened a window to Europe 300 years ago, somewhere at the same time, "the Germans" met with a Russian steam bath. But, since they considered themselves smarter than us, they decided to modify the Russian pair, who at the time, is a, smoke sauna. (Unfortunately, we have it in its original form fell into disuse, and the commonly used "white" room.) Here's what came of it. Wooden box with a hole for your head and steam, which lay a man there fed steam, body sweating, and seemingly all replacement is found. But no, it was not the same effect as from the Russian pair, on the widespread use of such boxes in Europe have not received. The above method of weight loss essentially nothing from "German" box is no different. Russian steam bath is still better. So decide for yourself you need it "kidalovo" or not. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.
Source: HudeeMtut site
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