In my opinion, all people are fed properly. It seems that's new book, read it. Are there any recommendations reflect the latest achievements of scientific thought, but somehow he still can not change anything. Who was ill, he is sick, who were complete, that they eventually left. At first glance it seems that vegetarianism can make a person healthy and in the books actively promote this system, other authors propose to separate food, and also it feels justified. But, again, in my opinion it all wrong. What to eat? Before I answer with some examples. One of the tenets of modern science argues that from inanimate matter can only be "dead" from the "living" matter can be obtained "live". Now think for yourself: how many lives saved cooked meat? Accordingly, eating umertvlennuyu matter, we supply to our body completely "dead" ballast. We will talk about some of the alleged essential protein that is found in meat, but I deny it again with logical thinking. Any proteins decompose at a temperature of 60-70 degrees and the meat is cooked for 30-40 minutes. What then remains? Seriously disintegrating proteins absolutely indigestible by the body and long settled in the form of slag. Animal fats that we do not need and nothing more. This applies, unfortunately, and poultry, and fish. Vegetarians, reading these lines, can rejoice. That, they say, has finally explained the glutton that meat is bad! Let us now consider another example. Vegetarian cooking, such as vegetable soup with spinach is absolutely sure that it something to eat properly. But unfortunately, as well as meat-eaters, society inspired him another false truth. For example: try only imagine what would happen to living flesh - hand, if it stick to the steamer and boil at least a few minutes? It's easy to imagine that living cells coming into contact with boiling water, perished. How many lives left in the vegetable soup that was cooked, even for ten minutes. And what is it then to keep useful? 0% vitamins, broken fiber and low in fat, which will give us the extra calories, as in the use of boiled meat. The result is: healthy become sick, and patients continue to get sick. Where is the exit? We must learn to eat right. Since then, I begin my studies at the Moscow School of Hypnosis. First and most important condition - the food must be alive. Only then it will nourish every cell in our body. We must start with fresh juices. Anything goes: carrots, all kinds of cabbage (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, Beijing), Bulgarian pepper (red, orange, yellow, green), eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, beets and even herbs: dill, parsley, celery, cilantro . And fruits: apples, oranges, pineapples, pomegranates, pears, lemons, grapefruits and more. The pulp, which is present in the juices, clears the stomach and intestines from toxins, much of the benefits themselves juices and even I will not write so much about this known. Only make a small clarification: if today you drink cabbage juice, and only then it should be drunk. The next day it may be a beet, and then the juice from the peppers, etc. This is necessary so as not to burden the pancreas, which was not used to eat live food. Mix some juice, I do not recommend. They both are so effective that anything improved by mixing different fruits or vegetables, even harmful. In addition, you must know how to squeeze the juice and drink. On this second part. At this close, to be continued. The most interesting thing to come ... (by Goncharov) Phone: (495) 685-19-47, 685-03-59 (round) Location: Metro Dynamo Petrovsko-Razumovsky pr-d, house 16, p. 1, Entrance 8 sites:
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