Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Tea pot-pourri

Tea pot-pourri

Multivitamin teas - teas are derived from plants containing large amounts of various vitamins: From rose hips, buckthorn, mountain ash, blackberry, etc. Their value primarily in their diverse chemical composition, is responsible for their preventive and curative effects on the human body: they regulate the body's metabolism by stimulating the blood, tissue regeneration and having protivoskleroticheskim and other important for the normal functioning of the properties, increases the activity of protective mechanisms. From flowers, fruits and leaves can be cooked by an excellent taste and a much-needed health drink. Rose. Multivitamin tea from rose hips has a diverse effect: tonic, protivoskleroticheskim and hematopoietic, inflammatory and regenerating. This tea stimulates the endocrine glands and normalizes the body's metabolism. Beneficial effect on the central nervous system, as well as heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, thereby increasing the body's defenses. Decoction of the hips is useful for a variety of diseases, when you want to strengthen your immune system, especially in children. But it should be noted that the therapeutic dose should be established in each case, a doctor. How to cook tea from the fruit, leaves? Take 1 teaspoon of crushed fruits or leaves, brew a cup of boiling water and infuse for several hours in a thermos. Or the raw material to fill the night with cold water, bring to a boil in the morning and for 2 hours. Rowan. The fruits of mountain ash - a good remedy for scurvy, and diseases associated vitamin A deficiency (anemia), as well as for liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract, women's and cardiovascular diseases. Known about the therapeutic effect of the fruit of mountain ash with hemorrhoids, as well as their cathartic, diaphoretic, diuretic and wound healing effects. Black currant. Its berries are useful in a fresh way. Black currant juice is also good, compote, juice, jam, pickles. However, we must remember that in the process of preserving many nutrients contained in the currants, are lost, so the best way to handle - Canned crushed berries without boiling. It should be thoroughly mixed them with sugar (on the weight of the fruit take two parts by weight of sugar) and expanding into glass jars and store in a cool place. Highly valued and nutritional properties currant leaves, which are used for the preparation of vitamin teas. They are added to salads and first courses, when used in pickling cucumbers, tomatoes and sauerkraut. Tea from the leaves of black currant - a favorite drink of hunters and fishermen, tourists and holidaymakers in nature. To prepare the drink take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed leaves to 1 liter of water. Most often, currant leaves add equal parts of raspberry and blackberry. If the smell of currant dominates, then the amount of decrease. In therapeutic uses the fruits of currants are used in fresh or juice - with hypo-and avitaminosis, as well as a general tonic means. Knyazheniki fruits contain up to 7% sugars (glucose and fructose), 1-2% citric acid, a little malic acid, tannin, organic dyes, 100-200 mg% Vitamin C Infusions and decoctions of berries, traditional medicine recommends that catarrh of the upper respiratory tract , bronchial asthma, for gargling cough. Extracts of the leaves is used as a gargle for sore throat and hoarseness, and their drink with diarrhea. Leaves applied to wounds to remove fluid and fast healing. Berries knyazheniki quench thirst, and act as a febrifuge, infusions of berries give the patient as a drink. Hawthorn has long been used to improve blood circulation and the heart, maintaining its ability to efficiently use oxygen, strengthening the capillaries and arteries, contributing to the normalization of high blood pressure. Hawthorn also helps to normalize heart rate tachyarrhythmias and has a mild sedative effect. Oregano improves digestion, and has diuretic properties, helps with diarrhea and flatulence, is used to treat colds and lung disorders of the nervous system. As a medicinal plant sea buckthorn has been used since ancient times. In fruits (seeds) of sea buckthorn contains unsaturated fatty acids, organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, P, nicotinic and folic acid, carotene, minerals (potassium, calcium, etc.). Seed extract of sea buckthorn has a nourishing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and biostimulation effect. Recipes multivitamin tea: rose hips (5 parts), leaves of sea buckthorn (Part 2), blackberry leaves (1 part). The drink has a pleasant aroma, color and taste, combine range of medicinal properties and is a universal health-improving way, rose hips (Part 2), leaves knyazheniki (part 1). Dried rose hips crushed, 1-2 teaspoons pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, add the leaves knyazheniki, insisting in a closed porcelain or enamelware 1 1,5 hours. Drink delicious, has a beautiful reddish-brown, regulates metabolism, has a bracing, hematopoietic and protivoskleroticheskoe action, rose hips (1 part), hawthorn (0.2 parts), pressed sea buckthorn fruit (pulp, obtained after removal of the juice - Part 1) - multivitamin means that benefit the organism in cardiovascular diseases, rose hips (3-4 parts), mountain ash (1 part), herb oregano (Part 1) brewed as a tea - the perfect protivoskleroticheskoe means a beneficial effect on metabolism.

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