Monday, 13 June 2011

Vegetable products

Vegetable products

The potato is rightly called a second bread. It is not only a taste of, but also a high nutritional value, is well absorbed by the body. Fiber potato does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, so sodden potato is allowed during the exacerbation of certain diseases of the stomach, intestines. 100 g new potatoes tubers contained up to 20 mg of vitamin C. However, during storage, ascorbic acid content is reduced and, for example, after six months of the potato has to be halved. Vitamin C is lost in processing. In addition, the re-warming dishes of potatoes leads to greater destruction of vitamin C. The high content of potassium salts in potatoes explains the usefulness of its inclusion in the diet in diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, accompanied by edema. Since calorie potato significant - in 2-3 times higher than the caloric content of many other vegetables, those who are inclined to corpulence, a potato in the diet should be restricted. Tomatoes are known for excellent flavor. They are very useful. In tomato there Carotene - Provitamin A and ascorbic acid, B vitamins from mineral salts - potassium, phosphorus and iron. There are organic acids, fiber. Now nutritionists believe that tomatoes can be recommended to almost everyone. They are especially useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Low calorie tomato can include them in the diet of those who have overweight. Recent data indicate that oxalic acid in tomatoes is not more than, say, potatoes. Less than in other vegetables, is contained in them, and purines, can disrupt metabolism and lead to the development of gout. Therefore, we should not exclude the tomatoes from the diet of people suffering from diseases of the joints and kidneys associated with metabolic disorders. Cucumbers are 95% of the water and attract not only their nutritional value, how much flavor and aroma qualities, activates the activity of digestive glands. This, in turn, improves digestion. In a small number of cucumbers has vitamins (C, B1, B2). Of mineral salts in them the most potassium. Fiber cucumbers stimulates motor function of the intestine, so the cucumbers are useful for chronic constipation. Fresh cucumbers are encouraged to include in the diet of suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, obesity, and certain joint diseases associated with metabolism. Carrots, especially light-colored roots, contains a large number of carotene, from which the human body is formed vitamin A. According to the content of carotene carrot surpasses many other vegetables. Carotene is better absorbed in the presence of fat is therefore appropriate to have carrots with sour cream or as a salad and vinaigrette, seasoned with vegetable oil. Besides carotene found in carrots and other vitamins: C and Group B. carrots are rich in salts of potassium, so fresh carrots and dishes from her, carrot juice is strongly recommended suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Carrots should be included in the diet in diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, and constipation. During exacerbations of certain diseases, such as gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, carrots should be eaten in boiled and shredded form. Cook the carrot juice and carrot salad just before use, so carotene as rapidly loses activity under the influence of oxygen. Beets are high in sugar, fat, organic acids (malic, citric, etc.), minerals (potassium, magnesium) and vitamins. Dietary fiber, sugars and organic acids increase intestinal motility, have a laxative effect. If constipation is recommended to eat on an empty stomach - 50-100 g boiled beets. Young beet tops are used together with, in which many of ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins cabbage - a significant source of vitamin C. In 100 g of the summer and autumn, contains up to 30 mg of this vitamin. In cabbage there and vitamin B (much of the vitamin is stored in the sauerkraut). Of the minerals it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Cabbage low-calorie, so doctors willing to include fresh and stewed cabbage in the diet of patients suffering from obesity. Cabbage is useful for constipation. It contains plenty of fiber, increases the secretion of gastric juice. Does cabbage cures peptic ulcer and gastritis? A clear answer to this question is impossible. Indeed, an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease should refrain not only from the riches of meat and fish broth, but also from saturated vegetable broths. When the so-called stomach irritation and increased secretion of gastric juice such broths and decoctions amplify pain, discomfort in the epigastric part, causing heartburn. However, outside the period of exacerbation can be incorporated into the menu in the boiled cabbage, not very nourishing soup, and even fresh cabbage salad, of course, subject to their good tolerability. Good taste, a set of biologically active substances, including vitamin U, suggest the cabbage is not only useful but also healing. However, the propensity for flatulence eat cabbage in large numbers does not follow: it strengthens the abdominal distension. Pumpkin is in contrast to their closest "relatives" of watermelon and melon enjoys a relatively low popularity. And quite unfairly, as the pumpkin is useful and tasty, can find the most widely used in cooking. Use it as a fresh and in the liver, boiled. From this it is possible to prepare a salad, soup, casseroles, mashed potatoes with the addition of various other fruits and vegetables. Goes well with pumpkin with millet and rice porridge. From her sweet varieties can be boiled to make jam and candied fruit. It is easy to cook at home and the juice from fresh pumpkin. It's enough to grate the flesh, and then squeeze and strain. In the pulp of mature pumpkins contained sugar (up 4.5%), vitamins C, B1, B2, and a lot of carotene. Of mineral salts - salts of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In the pumpkin flesh contains a lot of fiber, so the dishes out of it, especially the mashed potatoes, do not irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and is recommended even for diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer disease). Pumpkin has a good diuretic. Thanks to this fresh pumpkin flesh and dishes from her include dietary rations in renal disease, cardio-vascular system. Courgettes are a variety of pumpkins. In contrast to the pumpkin they contain less sugar (about 3%), but richer in minerals, vitamin C. Marrows include dietary intake of patients suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart disease and blood vessels. Eggplants belong to the tomato vegetables. They contain vitamins (PP, C, carotene), minerals (potassium, phosphorus). Like zucchini, eggplant have a low calorie, it is recommended that obese people. Eggplant include diet in cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease. Green peas are holds a special place among the vegetables, distinguished by their high protein content. For example, in green peas of not less than beef. Pea protein is justly called the pantry. Green peas are delicious and sweet because it contained glucose and fructose. A significant carbohydrate content of pea provides its relatively high calorie content. In the green peas contain a variety of vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP, carotene) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium). These properties of green peas, along with its taste qualities ensured him a lasting place in a balanced diet of people of any age, he applied and clinical nutrition. However, it should be borne in mind that the peas (and other legumes) in some people causes flatulence (bloating).

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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