MINERAL AND DRINKING If you are used to treat winter tea, then Summer just want water. Cold, clean, delicious ... Some citizens when moving to a summer in the village there are problems of "change of water." more recently educated public considered it a rustic superstition, but today we know: the water really is different. And a person who is not lazy to buy or carry afar more "tasty" water, not a weirdo.'s just that it still remained the most important ability to distinguish the taste of the composition and quality of water. In principle, this ability may develop any. You do distinguish the taste of tap water from boiled? So all is not lost. Today, more people are buying drinking: it is spring water that overflows from trusted sources. Others choose mineral water, and if you're one of them, do not forget a few important points. Mineral water is the dining room and medical : first you can drink all, the second doctor prescribes. It is the natural and artificial. Artificial quite suitable for washing and bathing, it is better to drink natural. Finally, mineral water and this is a fake. The greatest of the water, the more willing to falsify it. distinguish a fake the taste is not everyone can, and is small in this joy - the money is already spent. Better to just buy mineral water in safe places and carefully read the label, tracking the degree of protection. Another way - to use local sources: obscure local waters are rarely counterfeited. BEVERAGES, that feed William Pokhlebkin wrote that the word "drink" is not from the verb "drink" and the verb "to feed". Water - not drink. But kvas - a drink: it is not only vitamins, but also calories. Our ancestors drinking kvas constantly, and he replaced them not only water, but partly also the food. It furnace stoked and hot cooked at best once a day. And the rest of the rescued kvass. crumble bread into it - already Tyuryaev. Vegetables flooded - okroshka: He who drink this brew solves several problems at once. Our intelligent organism "sucks" it willingly, because he knows what he wants. But he needed not only fluid but also the "live cultures", and organic acids, and vitamins. By of organic acids kvas may well compete with a good berry pudding - this says is his name, as well as freshly squeezed juices. But the pudding is better: it squeezed juice with all the vitamins combined with a decoction of cakes are also very useful. Starch jelly also softens the acid is the most sharp and the least starchy fruits such as cranberries or currants. and juice, and jelly - not just drinking, but also nutrition, as well as possible suitable for hot summer days. Another option - a cold low-fat yogurt, in the heat it can be but slightly dilute cold water or a drink with ice. All of this - an excellent option for those who prefer food and drink "in one bottle." liquid vitamins for those who want to get their normal fluid and does not sort out calories, perfect teas and herbal infusions. Green tea and St. John's wort extract, for example, are very useful and at the same low-calorie. rosehip infusion contains a lot of vitamins and very few calories if you drink it without sugar and honey: But think about whether it makes sense to keep yourself in such rigor? "It just seems that the main our problem - excess. Much worse is that we not receive the necessary. So if a spoon of honey or a handful of dried fruit to help you drink an extra cup of rose hips, as a result you only win. But if you buy ready-made drinks - all kinds of soda and lemonade - pick those with sugar substitutes: for such is marked as "light." Because natural honey soda are not yet ready, and sugar, most of us, and so gets plenty. So the search for harmony, two liters a day. Only two liters. How to distribute this meager rations among all types of fluids that we need? "Ideally, in our daily diet should contain all the options. And the fruit and berry drinks (juice, jelly or fruit drink). And the drinks are derived from lactic fermentation (brew kefir cucumber or cabbage pickle). and extracts of herbs (including tea). And, finally, the water in its natural form is best - or melted snow and ice. Throw in a bowl of soup - and you realize that two liters - is very small. One should still leave room for lettuce (94% water), cucumber and watermelon (97% water), cherries and strawberries, tomatoes and radishes ... A mug of cold beer? "Do not deny yourself the same in such innocent pleasures only because daily rate for the fluid you've done! "So forget about the norm. It - is not dogma, but rather a reference point for those who drink enough. If there are no contraindications, drink as much as you want.
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