Sunday, 10 July 2011

A and B were sitting on the tube

A and B were sitting on the tube

Today it is considered that without the vitamins can not live in the world, as no women. It seems they are everywhere: in the box with the creams and toothpaste in fortified foods, vials, capsules, chewing gum ... Advertising presents vitamins as almost a panacea for the residents of the city, poisoned by car exhaust fumes, industrial emissions. Of course, support the body needed. But sometimes the use of small multi-colored capsules and pills can no longer affect the thickness of the wallet than on health. Vitamins - is a science. Mass survey, conducted regularly Laboratory of vitamins and minerals of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, show wide diffusion of the various forms of vitamin A deficiency. Widespread deficiencies of magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, calcium and other macro-and micronutrients. At the same time we should not think that the balance of micronutrients is always negative. The Russians are quite common not only the excesses of toxic lead, cadmium and aluminum, and iron, vanadium, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, boron, and even zinc, selenium and iodine - the elements contained in many vitamins and minerals. These vital in minute quantities of trace elements in excess admission in the human body becomes toxic, can trigger serious illness. Prolonged use and the more excess doses of vitamin preparations and can do more harm than good. For example, among smokers, abused for a long time in beta-carotene, is more common lung cancer. An overdose of folic acid can cause skin irritations and bust of vitamin E - high blood pressure. Fashion today antioxidants in large quantities, rather harm to your body and are unlikely to give the expected results. The concept of megadoses (from the Greek mega - «big"), in particular, huge doses of vitamin C, proposed by L. polling failed. With prolonged use of high doses of vitamin C (in the vitamin complexes) can be excited in the central nervous system (anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia), depression of the pancreas, the appearance of sugar in the urine due to excess formation of oxalic acid may adversely affect the kidneys, may increase blood clotting. Giperdozy vitamin C lead to increased losses in the body of vitamins B12 and B6 and B2. Moreover, the body quickly adapts and develops fast elimination of vitamin C. Large doses of vitamin C are harmful to patients with cataracts, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, and pregnancy. Manufacturers in their advertisements often refer to the tips polling, but their task - to sell the drug. In our country, even for therapeutic effects of vitamins, appointed with the apparent clinical hypovitaminosis, it is permissible not whiter than three-fold excess of the daily dose of vitamins. Irrational use of high doses of individual vitamins can alter the balance of vitamins, predisposing to increased or provoking hypovitaminosis: Introduction of large amounts of vitamin A increases the body's need for vitamins C and B1. At the same time pointed out that ascorbic acid increases the concentration of vitamin B1 and reduces the level of vitamin A in the blood. Large doses of vitamin B1 increases the excretion of vitamin B2. Large doses of vitamin A increase the symptoms of hypovitaminosis D. The introduction of large amounts of vitamin A increases the body's need for vitamins C and B1. Ascorbic acid increases the deposit, and hence the concentration of vitamin B1 and reduces the level of vitamin A in the blood. Increasing doses of vitamin C increases urinary excretion of both vitamin C and vitamin B12. In patients with various neuroses vitamins B1 and B6 are in constant interaction, and parenteral administration of these vitamins without taking into account the optimal ratio may entail not always favorable changes in their metabolism. BACKGROUND "OF THE WEEK" The daily requirement of adults for vitamins based on gender, age, and labor costs are as follows: C - 70-100 mg; B1 - 1,5-2,5 mg, B2 - 1,3-2,4 mg B6 - 1,2-2,0 mg PP - 15-20 mg, folic acid - 0,15 - 0,2 mg, B12 - 0,003-0,004 mg h - 1 mg (3333 IU), E - 8-12 mg; D - 400 IU, Biotin - 30-100 mcg.

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