Sunday, 17 July 2011

Antidepressant cinnamon

Antidepressant cinnamon

The Russians very fond of traveling to tropical countries such as Egypt and Turkey. Of these, our tourists bring a magnificent tan, hookahs and ... of course, spices. What are they useful? Narrated by a general practitioner working under contract at the Egyptian Hospital El Gouna Marina Lemesheva.

Carry The most popular, of course, curries. This is a complex spice, consisting of several components. Sometimes the number goes up to 20 or even 24. But in any case, three ingredients are the same and binding. This coriander powder, turmeric root and red pepper, cayenne often. If the last component is contained in large quantities, curry turns out very sharp. Some love it, and some such vigorous seasoning absolutely nowhere. In order not to be trapped before purchasing curry powder to taste. With a few grains to determine the severity. Useful properties of the curry quite a lot. However, the greatest interest deserves an anticancer effect of seasoning. It was discovered during research conducted by British scientists. They found that turmeric, a member of curry, reduces the likelihood of tumor development, especially in the gut. Effect is so pronounced, that now operates program to create an anti-cancer drugs based on turmeric. The most popular dish is the curry chicken, because as a seasoning blends perfectly with chicken. But it can add to the beef and pork, and fish. Vegetables also dressed with curry, do honor to any owner.

Moloheya It is extremely common in Egypt, flavoring. Rather, the seasoning to call it difficult, as this herb is a full ingredient in the sauce of the same name. Made it very simple - a dry moloheya poured the broth in a 1:1 ratio, and then a thick green paste is cooked to a viscous consistency. Within a few minutes until cooked in the sauce is added finely ground toasted garlic. This is a classic recipe that life has many variations. For example, the Egyptians often add to your favorite sauce, onion, red pepper and other seasonings sharp. Its democratic moloheya confirms combinability fine with almost any food - buns, meat, rice and vegetables. Dishes become totally awesome, mouthwatering taste. But besides these gastronomic virtues moloheya possesses unique healing properties - primarily anti-inflammatory. This is especially pronounced effect on the gastrointestinal tract. After acute poisoning, when the person has an appetite, moloheya just what you need. Broth delivers all organic matter, and the grass itself - vitamins and minerals.

Cinnamon Cinnamon is familiar to us from childhood. However, few know the unique properties of this spice. And she, incidentally, has antidepressant action. The fact that cinnamon contains a substance similar in composition to the so-called hormone of happiness that control our mood. Therefore, adding the cinnamon meal, we deliver ourselves a little bit of joy. Still, this seasoning has a strong diaphoretic action, so it is very useful for SARS and any colds. Instead of raspberry jam in the tea you can add cinnamon. Since it can also make rinsing with angina, because the bark of cinnamon tree has also an antiseptic effect. Better to buy cinnamon sticks and grind just before use. A seasoning can be used in the preparation of all desserts.

Helba Helba usually sold together with spices, but the spice is not. This kroshkovatoe white-yellow stuff is brewed as a tea in the proportion of 1:20. The drink is obtained quite specific, but can not say that unpleasant - just unusual for Europeans. Helba is very refreshing in hot weather. But this is not the main thing. The main thing that is such a "tea" is almost indispensable for colds, bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia. The fact that helba has a very strong expectorant effect - a much more pronounced than that of many modern medicines.

Peppers Peppers - it is nothing like the dried and shredded sharp-sweet peppers. Depending on their degree of maturation of seasoning can be green or red. Typically, the green a little sharper. Its just enough to emphasize the taste of a dish. But here we must be careful - paprika easily undercooked and then gives the bitterness. Therefore, it should be put just before the alert. It is also important because the paprika contains plenty of vitamin C, which is quickly destroyed by heat treatment. In order not to lose useful stuff, seasoning should not languish long in the pan. And one more detail. Peppers has the ability to enhance blood, so it can be recommended to all those who suffer from anemia of any origin.

Zira Zira - is cumin seeds. This spice is widely used in Arab cuisine, and is best suited to vegetables and meat. But the most famous dish - a pilaf. Oil of cumin - this is a great immune, which greatly increases the body's defenses. For this purpose, oil is taken by a teaspoon twice a day for two hours before eating. Have kuminovogo oil is another purpose - the restoration of fragile and brittle hair. In this case, would be the best mask on the roots. Need to rub a little money in the scalp, then wrap up its first polyethylene, and then - with a towel. Half an hour later oil is washed off with shampoo. The procedure is repeated every week for a month. Buy kuminovoe oil can have all those same sellers spices. They willingly offer their customers a dark glass jars in a chemist's package, which is embedded into the instruction.

Dry basil basil especially quickly loses its flavor, so it requires a strictly sealed storage conditions. This seasoning can be put in almost all the dishes - soups, meat, fish, poultry. It goes well with basil and vegetables, especially beans, peas and beans. Seasoning is not recommended for pregnant women. Yet it must avoid those who take hormonal contraceptives, and those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. These people have a tendency to "thickening" of blood, and basil only contributes to this. But this grass very well help with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, enteritis, colitis - all these diseases are treated with infusion of basil beautifully. They can also lubricate the skin affected by eczema or psoriasis. Jeanne Pertseva

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