Sunday, 17 July 2011



Fasting - the best and fastest way to get rid of fat. I own it is often practiced. But there is a drawback. If you start a hunger strike, without some training can be easy to lose muscle mass, and damage to internal organs. The method of fasting has two drawbacks, the first I have to say. The second - the speed at which the weight comes to its initial value. That confirms my theory about the cellular distribution of muscle and adipose tissue. As soon as the restrictions on food intake dropped all the processes' start to play again. " Adipose tissue is composed of functionally weak cells, has nevertheless share the property faster. Fasting muscle tissue as unchanged. In fact, we tried to influence the cell mass formed by the action of the second factor of cell division, using the first factor. That is, reduce the total number of cells by depriving them of food resources needed for life. Instead affect the second factor - creating conditions for adipose tissue, in which there is a change of cellular composition of a more functional and reduce the expense of the total number of cells. For adipose tissue, this means the cells at a higher rate of insulin, fat accumulation, as well as a higher rate of return of nutrients into the blood. Some people try to argue me. Lead as an example of the Yogis. Here they are as hungry and have excellent, healthy body. Ha, I'll answer. Yoga is not starving to lose weight, but in order to suppress the perception of hunger - to learn to control sensory perception - Pratyahara. This type of training to be on a higher level than Hatha yoga, a lower level, practicing you naturally should bring your body into shape. In principle, the basic yoga offers delicious exercise. I recommend to all classes of Hatha yoga. The exercises are very simple, effective. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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